Rescued British sailor recovering Version 0 of 1. A lone British sailor is recovering after being rescued from his stranded yacht by an Australian warship. A helicopter from the ship winched Stephen Landles, 55, from Wimbledon, to safety after his yacht had become stuck on a reef in rough seas. Frigate HMAS Ballarat sailed from New South Wales to the reef, about 185kms (115 miles) from Lord Howe Island. The IT manager had set sail for Sydney, about 800km (500 miles) south-west of the island, from London in September. 'Heavy seas' Mr Landles had been accompanied on parts of his voyage - which took him through the Panama Canal, to the Galapagos Islands and a number of Pacific Islands - by his daughter, Kirsty, and her boyfriend, Andrew Pengelly. But he was sailing solo when he hit the reef. Before he was rescued, defence department spokesman Brig Andrew Nikolic said: "The yacht is taking on water and is in danger of breaking up in heavy seas and strong winds." Two search and rescue aircraft had been sent to the area and a merchant vessel diverted there, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said. Mr Landles was flown to Lord Howe Island after the rescue, where he is recovering from his ordeal. |