Humane conditions for free-range workers

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Felicity Lawrence's uncovering of the brutal conditions faced by migrant workers (Happy hens, unhappy workers? Gangmasters face abuse claim, 30 October) is a sobering reminder that not everyone enjoys the humane treatment at work that most people take for granted. Thank goodness, then, for the Gangmasters Licensing Authority that put a stop to this abuse.

Most people would conclude that its powers should be increased to stop more companies from trafficking and abusing workers.

Not this government. The Beecroft report deemed moves to tackle trafficking to be "burdensome" red tape and called for "serious consideration" to be given to abolishing the GLA. Ministers backed down under union pressure but, by allowing gangmasters to set up without proper checks, this government has made GLA's work in making free range chickens free from human abuse harder.<br /><strong>Sarah Veale</strong><br /><em>Head of equality and employment rights, </em><em>TUC</em>

• There are many reasons why farmers want to see the abolition of the Agriculture Wages Board (AWB) that Polly Toynbee does not cover (Comment, 26 October). For a start – and perhaps most importantly – 41% of farmworkers earn above the industry minimums set by the AWB, and few skilled workers currently receive the AWB minimum wage.

Is she arguing that Labour's flagship National Minimum Wage Act 1998 is inadequate? With modern employment legislation, not least a national minimum wage and rules covering workers' rights, industrial relations and business management, farm managers have to pay competitive rates to attract and retain skills, just like any other business.

And the accusation that without the AWB farm managers are free to abuse child workers is both offensive and inaccurate. In fact, the case she mentions was investigated but saw no prosecution brought by either the GLA or child protection services.

The AWB has no place in a modern, forward-thinking farming industry. The NFU already provides support to farmers and farm businesses on all aspects of employment relations and will build on this support for the farming community. <br /><strong>Meurig Raymond</strong><br /><em>Deputy president, </em><em>NFU</em><em> </em>