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Police commissioner election lists lacking 'big local figures' Police commissioner election lists lacking 'big local figures'
(about 1 month later)
David Cameron's hopes of attracting "big local figures" and not just politicians to contest next month's police commissioner elections have been dashed with the disclosure that three-quarters of those standing for the main parties already hold elected office.David Cameron's hopes of attracting "big local figures" and not just politicians to contest next month's police commissioner elections have been dashed with the disclosure that three-quarters of those standing for the main parties already hold elected office.
A Guardian/Police Foundation data analysis of the 199 declared candidates shortly before the close of nominations at noon on Friday also reveals the Liberal Democrats have adopted a half-hearted approach to the coalition policy, with only 23 candidates standing in the 41 police force contests.A Guardian/Police Foundation data analysis of the 199 declared candidates shortly before the close of nominations at noon on Friday also reveals the Liberal Democrats have adopted a half-hearted approach to the coalition policy, with only 23 candidates standing in the 41 police force contests.
The analysis confirms the elections will be an overwhelmingly male affair, with only 34 women standing, just over 17% of the total. Labour is putting forward 15 women candidates, the Conservatives six and Liberal Democrats four.The analysis confirms the elections will be an overwhelmingly male affair, with only 34 women standing, just over 17% of the total. Labour is putting forward 15 women candidates, the Conservatives six and Liberal Democrats four.
Among the candidates are 13 magistrates, who would have to step down from the bench if they were elected.Among the candidates are 13 magistrates, who would have to step down from the bench if they were elected.
The prime minister and the home secretary, Theresa May, expressed the hope that a new breed of independent, high-profile figures could be persuaded to stand for the powerful new posts. Winners will be able to to hire and fire chief constables, set police budgets, hold the police to account and develop a wide role in the criminal justice system.The prime minister and the home secretary, Theresa May, expressed the hope that a new breed of independent, high-profile figures could be persuaded to stand for the powerful new posts. Winners will be able to to hire and fire chief constables, set police budgets, hold the police to account and develop a wide role in the criminal justice system.
But while the tally of nominated candidates includes 63 independents, excluding the minor parties such as Ukip and the English Democrats, more than half are existing police authority members or former police officers, magistrates or military personnel. Few, if any, have more than a local profile.But while the tally of nominated candidates includes 63 independents, excluding the minor parties such as Ukip and the English Democrats, more than half are existing police authority members or former police officers, magistrates or military personnel. Few, if any, have more than a local profile.
When he launched the hunt for candidates, Cameron said it was "a big job for a big local figure. It's a voice for the people, someone to lead the fight against crime, and someone to hold the police to account if they don't deliver … This isn't just for politicians, but for community leaders and pioneers of all sorts. People with real experience who've done real things and run organisations, whether they are charities or companies."When he launched the hunt for candidates, Cameron said it was "a big job for a big local figure. It's a voice for the people, someone to lead the fight against crime, and someone to hold the police to account if they don't deliver … This isn't just for politicians, but for community leaders and pioneers of all sorts. People with real experience who've done real things and run organisations, whether they are charities or companies."
A string of high-profile candidates who were tipped to run have all dropped out. The first was the Gulf war veteran Colonel Tim Collins, whom May showcased as a Tory candidate during her 2011 Conservative party conference speech. He quit after a dispute over whether he could do the job part-time.A string of high-profile candidates who were tipped to run have all dropped out. The first was the Gulf war veteran Colonel Tim Collins, whom May showcased as a Tory candidate during her 2011 Conservative party conference speech. He quit after a dispute over whether he could do the job part-time.
Other names canvassed included the TV crime presenter Nick Ross, Falklands veteran Simon Weston, and former Police Federation chairman Jan Berry. Former ministers who had been tipped for the post included Jacqui Smith, Hazel Blears and Ann Widdecombe, but none has made it to the starting line.Other names canvassed included the TV crime presenter Nick Ross, Falklands veteran Simon Weston, and former Police Federation chairman Jan Berry. Former ministers who had been tipped for the post included Jacqui Smith, Hazel Blears and Ann Widdecombe, but none has made it to the starting line.
Jon Collins, of the Police Foundation, which is tracking candidates, said those standing as independents had only a slim chance of being elected without a party political label. He said most of those standing for the main parties came from a political background.Jon Collins, of the Police Foundation, which is tracking candidates, said those standing as independents had only a slim chance of being elected without a party political label. He said most of those standing for the main parties came from a political background.
"It is not a surprise but it is not the way the reform was initially sold," said Collins. "The idea was that some fresh faces without a background in politics might come forward. This group of candidates might not be what might have been expected when the reform was first proposed but it doesn't mean they will not do a good job.""It is not a surprise but it is not the way the reform was initially sold," said Collins. "The idea was that some fresh faces without a background in politics might come forward. This group of candidates might not be what might have been expected when the reform was first proposed but it doesn't mean they will not do a good job."
The police minister, Damian Green, has defended the quality of candidates, saying that any election that attracts a former deputy prime minister – Lord Prescott – and a former air chief marshall – Sir Clive Loader – must be worthwhile.The police minister, Damian Green, has defended the quality of candidates, saying that any election that attracts a former deputy prime minister – Lord Prescott – and a former air chief marshall – Sir Clive Loader – must be worthwhile.
Prescott is among seven former Labour ministers who are standing. The party has 24 current or former councillors among its 41 candidates, who include 12 who are members of the police authorities the commissioners will replace. Labour has one former police officer standing: Ron Hogg, who was deputy chief constable of Durham.Prescott is among seven former Labour ministers who are standing. The party has 24 current or former councillors among its 41 candidates, who include 12 who are members of the police authorities the commissioners will replace. Labour has one former police officer standing: Ron Hogg, who was deputy chief constable of Durham.
The Conservatives have two former MPs standing, including Michael Mates, who resigned as a Northern Ireland minister over his connection with the jailed tycoon Asil Nadir. There are 24 current or former councillors among their 41 candidates – the same as Labour. They have five former police officers and eight ex-military figures, including Loader, who names Ronald Reagan as his political hero. The Tory candidate in Essex, Nicholas Alston, a defence and security expert, is the son of a former Essex chief constable and was born in a police station.The Conservatives have two former MPs standing, including Michael Mates, who resigned as a Northern Ireland minister over his connection with the jailed tycoon Asil Nadir. There are 24 current or former councillors among their 41 candidates – the same as Labour. They have five former police officers and eight ex-military figures, including Loader, who names Ronald Reagan as his political hero. The Tory candidate in Essex, Nicholas Alston, a defence and security expert, is the son of a former Essex chief constable and was born in a police station.
Nineteen of the 23 Liberal Democrat candidates are current or former councillors. The other four are former police or military officers.Nineteen of the 23 Liberal Democrat candidates are current or former councillors. The other four are former police or military officers.
Of the 63 independents, there are four chairs of police authorities who are campaigning to keep politics out of policing, while 22 are former police officers or from a military background.Of the 63 independents, there are four chairs of police authorities who are campaigning to keep politics out of policing, while 22 are former police officers or from a military background. today is our daily snapshot of the top news stories, sent to your inbox at 8am Our editors' picks for the day's top news and commentary delivered to your inbox each morning.
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