Bipartisan Spin on Medicare Plan

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As Representative Paul D. Ryan debated Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Thursday night, he sometimes seemed to be defending his own past budget and Medicare proposals as much as his running mate’s plans — sometimes in misleading ways.

When Mr. Ryan was defending his plan to reshape Medicare so future beneficiaries would receive fixed amounts of money to purchase private insurance or buy into the existing government program — a model for Mitt Romney’s proposal — he described his plan as “bipartisan,” and called it “a plan I put together with a prominent Democrat senator from Oregon.” But he failed to note that he later lost that Democrat’s support.

Mr. Ryan was referring to a paper outlining a Medicare plan that he drafted in December with Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon. But Mr. Wyden withdrew his support of the plan after Mr. Ryan reduced the rate at which the federal subsidies would grow — a key point that could decide whether future beneficiaries would face higher out-of-pocket costs as a result of the new program.

Mr. Ryan also said that the Romney-Ryan plan would not affect people “in or near retirement.” While their plan to reshape Medicare would not, their proposal to repeal President Obama’s health care law would, because the law has a provision that helps Medicare recipients pay for prescription drugs, to help cover the gap known as the “doughnut hole.” So far this year, the Department of Health and Human Services said last month, the law saved the average recipient $641 on drug coverage.

Here is a closer look at the Medicare debate, as well as other foreign and domestic policy questions that came up Thursday night.

Medicare Comparisons

No program faces bigger changes under Mr. Ryan’s budget than Medicare, and his plan to overhaul the program forms the basis in many respects for Mr. Romney’s plan.

Mr. Ryan’s plan calls for reshaping the current government-sponsored, defined benefit fee-for-service insurance system. Under his plan, which would begin a decade from now, each beneficiary would receive a fixed amount of money — Democrats call it a “voucher” — to purchase private insurance or buy into the existing government program. Under the most recent Ryan plan the money, known as “premium support,” would rise each year by the growth of the economy, plus 0.5 percentage points, considerably slower than health care’s current rate of inflation.

Mr. Ryan believes competition will drive down the cost of health care, keeping the voucher’s value up to date. The Congressional Budget Office projected that over time, the value of the voucher would erode, shifting the extra costs to seniors.

Critics also warn that under Mr. Ryan’s plan, private insurers would try to sign up the healthiest seniors, leaving the sickest, most-expensive-to-cover seniors to enroll in the government program. That would raise the government’s costs and steeply erode the value of those seniors’ vouchers.

Mr. Biden noted that Mr. Ryan’s original Medicare plan would have cost future beneficiaries $6,400 in higher costs and questioned what his current plan would cost. But it is difficult to assess what Mr. Romney’s plan would cost, because he has not released key details.

Unlike Mr. Ryan, who proposed capping the growth of premium support to the growth of the economy, plus 0.5 percentage points, Mr. Romney has not specified how much money he would give to future beneficiaries to buy coverage, or how fast it would grow — making the effects of his proposal difficult to assess.

The Romney campaign’s policy director, Lanhee Chen, wrote that while higher-income seniors might be asked to pay more under Mr. Romney’s plan, “all seniors will be guaranteed sufficient support because the support is actually set based on what plans will cost.”

But the campaign has not said how its plan would work.



On the Stimulus

Mr. Ryan issued a broadside against Mr. Obama’s stimulus plan, noting that it did not keep unemployment below 8 percent, as Mr. Obama’s economic advisers projected it would before he took office. Mr. Biden defended the bill, saying it had helped the economy recover. Who is right?

Before Mr. Obama took office, his economic team issued a paper calling for the passage of a large economic stimulus plan, and printed a chart that they later came to regret. The chart projected that the unemployment rate would remain below 8 percent with a stimulus plan and hit 9 percent without one. (A footnote warned: “Forecasts of the unemployment rate without the recovery plan vary substantially. Some private forecasters anticipate unemployment rates as high as 11 percent in the absence of action.”)

In fact, the unemployment rate had already hit 8.3 percent in February 2009, Mr. Obama’s first full month in office and the month he signed the stimulus into law. It peaked at 10 percent that October and dropped to 7.8 percent last month.

There is plenty of debate over how effective Mr. Obama’s economic policies have been, especially given the painfully slow recovery. But even critics who believe that the president’s stimulus law was a missed opportunity — from liberals who say it was too small to conservatives who say it was wasteful and poorly targeted — tend to acknowledge what the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has found: that it did save or create jobs, lower the unemployment rate and help the economy grow in the short term.


The Libya Attack

The debate started with moderator Martha Raddatz focusing on the terrorist attack last month in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

“Wasn’t this a massive intelligence failure, Vice President Biden?” Ms. Raddatz asked.

Mr. Biden did not answer the question. Instead, he mourned the loss of the Americans and vowed that the government would “get to the bottom of it.”

Republicans have singled out Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, for criticism, and Mr. Ryan continued that critique. On Sept. 16, Ms. Rice said that the attack on the compound in Benghazi had begun with an angry protest of an anti-Islamic film that was “hijacked” by extremists. It was not until three days later that Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, became the first official to call the assault a terrorist attack.

Ms. Rice said she was using information provided to her by American intelligence agencies, a defense Mr. Biden repeated. “The intelligence community told us that,” Mr. Biden said. “As they learned more facts about exactly what happened, they changed their assessment.” That is, indeed, what the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said on Sept. 28.

But in the hours after the Benghazi attack, American officials have said, spy agencies intercepted electronic communications from fighters from Ansar al-Shariah, a local extremist group, bragging to an operative with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the terror group’s North African franchise. Another intercept captured cellphone conversations of militants on the grounds of the smoldering American Mission in Benghazi that suggested links to, or sympathies for, the regional Qaeda group.

Republicans have pointed to this information as evidence that American officials suspected the involvement of the Qaeda franchise much earlier than the administration publicly acknowledged. ERIC SCHMITT