Plans for no touching lap dancing

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Customers at lap dancing clubs could be outlawed from touching performers and private booths may be banned, under tough new adult entertainment rules.

The Scottish Executive proposals, which have gone out to consultation, were developed following concerns of sexual and commercial exploitation.

The plans, launched by Deputy Finance Minister George Lyon, also include new measures to tackle underage drinking.

The regulations are expected to go to parliament for approval in February.

The consultation covers a number of other key areas arising out of last year's Licensing (Scotland) Act, which comes fully into force in 2009.

Changing rooms

The adult entertainment proposals follow a working group report, published in April, amid concerns about a lack of control in the industry.

Some of the group's recommendations, such as a one metre distance between performers and customers, have not been included in the draft rules.

Other proposals have been taken on board, such as the provision of changing room facilities.

Mr Lyon said: "The consultation on guidance and regulations is another important step in implementing the Licensing Act. It represents substantial progress.

"It is an opportunity for those who work or have a direct interest in the licensing industry to comment on the proposals, to help us develop this secondary legislation."