Westminster digested: it's reshuffle time!


Version 0 of 1.

<strong>Cameron:</strong> I've been thinking about having a bit of a reshuffle ...

<strong>Osborne:</strong> Not me, I hope, Cams ...

<strong>Cameron:</strong> Good God no, Ozzy. You've been doing an absolutely splendid job. The economy has never been in better shape, what with tax revenues tanking and the deficit increasing ...

<strong>Osborne:</strong> I'm so glad you see it that way. I'm here to serve. So who is for the chop?

<strong>Cameron:</strong> It can't be Govey, Hague, Heremy Junt, Lansley or Theresa.

<strong>Osborne:</strong> Why not?

<strong>Cameron:</strong> Because they've been doing almost as good a job as you. I promised the voters a "Britain fit for austerity" and that's what I've delivered.

<strong>Osborne:</strong> How about some of the Lib Dem idiots then?

<strong>Cameron:</strong> The Cleggster would kick up rough. Do you know that nearly half his party want him to stay on as leader?

<strong>Osborne:</strong> That many?

<strong>Cameron: </strong>Incredible, isn't it? Just goes to show you should never underestimate the stupidity of the Lib Dem grassroots. No, I was thinking of getting rid of that old fool Ken Clarke. His Hush Puppies look awfully common.

<strong>Clarke:</strong> Well, I'm not going.

<strong>Cameron:</strong> You are if I say so.

<strong>Clarke:</strong> No, I'm not. You can't make me.

<strong>Cameron:</strong> Don't make this too difficult for me, Ken. All the papers say I have got to have a reshuffle to make it look as if I have a strong grip on power, but everyone is either too useless to sack or refusing to go. At this rate, the only person I will be able to boot out is Caroline Spelman ...

<strong>Clarke:</strong> Who is she?

<strong>Cameron:</strong> I'm not entirely sure. But are you sure I can't tempt you to step down?

<strong>Clarke:</strong> Absolutely. Now just run along, you silly little boy.

<strong>Cameron:</strong> Right, OK. But just so we know who's in charge here ...

<strong>Clarke:</strong> Couldn't be clearer ...

<strong>Cameron:</strong> So I'm just off to do some really important stuff, like choose what honours our Olympic athletes are going to get ...

<strong>Hague:</strong> Grave news sire! Ecuador has invaded Knightsbridge.

<strong>Cameron: </strong>Chillax. I'm sure it's only there for the start of the Harrods sale.