In praise of … the Cockburns

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When distinguished sons and daughters follow distinguished parents it is easy to mutter about charmed circles. Yet there are genuine family talents that span the generations. The Huxleys and Freuds are examples, and the death of Alexander Cockburn is a reminder that the Cockburns are another. These radical aristocrats – or aristocratic radicals – have been pillars of progressive journalism for decades. Claud Cockburn, although not without some blind spots, battered at received wisdom in the 1930s. His sons, Alexander and Andrew, continued the tradition in the United States, Alexander indicating that continuity by calling one of his columns Beat the Devil, from the title of his father's novel. Here, Patrick Cockburn has been for years one of the best Middle East reporters and analysts. Alexander's writing has been praised as the key to "a life of joyful and creative resistance" – a fine phrase that could well be applied to them all.