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Murder hunt after frenzied attack Murder hunt after frenzied attack
(about 1 hour later)
A manhunt is under way after an attacker stabbed a mother of two to death as she walked to work.A manhunt is under way after an attacker stabbed a mother of two to death as she walked to work.
Carmelita Tulloch was killed in Kennington, south London, on Tuesday morning, in what a witness described as a frenzied attack.Carmelita Tulloch was killed in Kennington, south London, on Tuesday morning, in what a witness described as a frenzied attack.
Ms Tulloch was described as a lovely, hard-working, woman Ms Tulloch, 51, was described as a lovely, hard-working woman.
Police do not yet know if she knew her killer, or whether it was a random attack. Her handbag was left at the scene, its contents apparently intact.Police do not yet know if she knew her killer, or whether it was a random attack. Her handbag was left at the scene, its contents apparently intact.
Officers stood guard on Tuesday night outside the flat in Scotson House, where she had lived for 20 years.Officers stood guard on Tuesday night outside the flat in Scotson House, where she had lived for 20 years.
She was on her way to work in nearby Vauxhall Cross just after 0900 BST she was approached in Wickham Street by a man in a distinctive grey woolly hat.She was on her way to work in nearby Vauxhall Cross just after 0900 BST she was approached in Wickham Street by a man in a distinctive grey woolly hat.
Her handbag was found at the scene, but we are yet to recover a murder weapon Det Sup Julian WorkerHer handbag was found at the scene, but we are yet to recover a murder weapon Det Sup Julian Worker
A witness said she struggled and fell onto her back while the man stabbed her in a frenzied manner.A witness said she struggled and fell onto her back while the man stabbed her in a frenzied manner.
He then ran off towards Jonathan Street.He then ran off towards Jonathan Street.
Ms Tulloch, who had two daughters and a grand daughter, was pronounced dead at the scene.Ms Tulloch, who had two daughters and a grand daughter, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Local resident Steve Kelly, 42, said he knew her brother, and he had been left shocked and devastated. He described Ms Tulloch as "a normal, hard-working lady".Local resident Steve Kelly, 42, said he knew her brother, and he had been left shocked and devastated. He described Ms Tulloch as "a normal, hard-working lady".
Neighbour Anne Suddek, 72, added: "She was lovely, she would do anything for you. I'm really going to miss her."Neighbour Anne Suddek, 72, added: "She was lovely, she would do anything for you. I'm really going to miss her."
Police have been scouring the scene for cluesPolice have been scouring the scene for clues
Ms Tulloch is thought to have had two jobs, one as a cleaner, the other as a receptionist.Ms Tulloch is thought to have had two jobs, one as a cleaner, the other as a receptionist.
Her killer wore a 10in tall woollen hat, and was dark-skinned or black, in his early 30s, about 6ft tall and would have been covered in blood.Her killer wore a 10in tall woollen hat, and was dark-skinned or black, in his early 30s, about 6ft tall and would have been covered in blood.
He was well built, and wearing light blue jeans and a beige fleece top.He was well built, and wearing light blue jeans and a beige fleece top.
Det Sup Julian Worker described it as a horrific attack on an innocent woman.Det Sup Julian Worker described it as a horrific attack on an innocent woman.
"I am keeping an open mind re the motive. Her handbag was found at the scene but we are yet to recover a murder weapon," he said."I am keeping an open mind re the motive. Her handbag was found at the scene but we are yet to recover a murder weapon," he said.
Detectives are urging anyone who recognises the killer's description or saw the man to contact them.Detectives are urging anyone who recognises the killer's description or saw the man to contact them.
They are warning people in the area he should not be approached.They are warning people in the area he should not be approached.