In full: Lib Dem front bench

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Here is the full list of Liberal Democrat frontbench positions:

Leader Sir Menzies Campbell QC

Deputy Leader and Treasury spokesmanVincent Cable

Foreign AffairsMichael Moore

Justice and Lord ChancellorDavid Heath

Home Affairs Nick Clegg

Defence Nick Harvey

Health Norman Lamb

Environment Chris Huhne

International Development Lynne Featherstone

Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Lembit Opik

Commons leader and party president Simon Hughes

Work and Pensions Danny Alexander

Transport Susan Kramer

Communities and local government Andrew Stunell

Chief Whip Paul Burstow

Children, Schools and Families David Laws

Cabinet Office; and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Norman Baker

Culture, Media and Sport and Olympics Don Foster

Northern Ireland and Scotland Alistair Carmichael

Leader in the Lords Lord (Tom) McNally

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Julia Goldsworthy

Innovation, Universities and Skills Sarah Teather

Wales Roger Williams

Also attending as members of the front bench team:

Lords Chief WhipLord (David) Shutt of of Greetland

Attorney General Lord (Martin) Thomas of Gresford

Housing Paul Holmes

Solicitor General David Howarth

Chief of Staff and Chair of Campaigns and Communications Edward Davey

Chair of the Manifesto Group Steve Webb

Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Leader Tim Farron

Chair of the Parliamentary Party To be elected by the Parliamentary Party