In full: Cameron's shadow cabinet

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Conservative leader David Cameron has made changes to his cabinet in the wake of Prime Minister Gordon Brown's own cabinet reshuffle. Here is the shadow cabinet in full.


Leader of the Opposition: David Cameron

Shadow foreign secretary: William Hague

Shadow chancellor of the exchequer and general election campaign coordinator: George Osborne

Shadow home secretary: David Davis

Shadow secretary of state for defence: Liam Fox

Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords: Lord Strathclyde

Chairman of the Conservative Party: Caroline Spelman

Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury: Philip Hammond

Shadow minister for the Cabinet Office and shadow chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster: Francis Maude

Shadow secretary of state for health: Andrew Lansley

Shadow secretary of state for innovation, universities and skills: David Willetts

Shadow secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs: Peter Ainsworth

Shadow secretary of state for international development: Andrew Mitchell

Shadow secretary of state for business, enterprise and regulatory reform: Alan Duncan

Shadow leader of the House of Commons: Theresa May

Chairman of the policy review and cairman of the Conservative research department: Oliver Letwin

Shadow secretary of state for work and pensions: Chris Grayling

Shadow secretary of state for Wales: Cheryl Gillan

Shadow secretary of state for Scotland: David Mundell

Shadow secretary of state for transport: Theresa Villiers

Shadow security minister and national security adviser to the leader of the Opposition: Dame Pauline Neville-Jones

Shadow secretary of state for communities and local government: Eric Pickles

Shadow secretary of state for children, schools and families: Michael Gove

Shadow minister for community cohesion: Sayeeda Warsi

Shadow secretary of state for justice: Nick Herbert

Shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland: Owen Paterson

Shadow secretary of state for culture, media and sport: Jeremy Hunt

Opposition Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin

Opposition Chief Whip in the House of Lords: Baroness Anelay of St Johns


Shadow housing minister: Grant Shapps

Shadow foreign office minister: David Lidington