Snap, cackle and puff Version 0 of 1. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbyeTo mark the last night of smoking in England this weekend, the Magazine will be compiling a gallery of your pictures. So if you're out enjoying a pint and a cigarette this Saturday, whip out your camera phone... Puff, puff... the Magazine's long countdown to the smoking ban in England (see factbox, below) is about to end. At 0600 BST Sunday 1 July the ban on smoking in virtually all enclosed public spaces will come into force. With similar bans already in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the occasion heralds a UK-wide prohibition on smoking in places such as offices, factories, pubs and restaurants. That leaves one final Saturday night for smokers in England to enjoy a last hurrah. To mark the occasion, the Magazine wants you to send in your pictures of the last night of smoking. These are scenes which won't viewed in (law-abiding) pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants ever again, so be ambitious. COUNTDOWN TO LIGHTS OUT On 1 July, smoking in enclosed public places will be banned across the UKNorthern Ireland, Scotland and Wales already have such a ban; England's ban starts 1 JulyThe Magazine has been counting down the weeks with a series of articles about the impact of the ban on life in Britain <a class="" href="/1/hi/magazine/6597061.stm">Countdown to the ban</a> It could be a picture of a smoky bar, a brimming ashtray, or a pint and a cigarette. It could be a snap of a friend lighting up or you stubbing out your last. In fact it can be anything which, for you, is a suitable testament to this historic occasion. You can send your snaps over your mobile phone or by e-mail. To make it easy, copy the most appropriate number or e-mail address for you, into your phone now. • Email:• MMS: 61124• 3G: 07888 100 100 Then, all you have to do on Saturday night is snap your picture, enter the subject "SMOKING", your name, a few details - such as where the picture was taken, who is in it etc - and press send. Check the Magazine on Monday to see if your snap has made our Last Night of Smoking tribute gallery. |