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James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - live coverage James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - live coverage
(40 minutes later)
2.18pm: Murdoch says it seemed like "people were speaking out of different sides of their mouth" about the BSkyB takeover bid.
The inquiry hears that Jeremy Hunt was "very frustrated" that he received "strong legal advice" not to meet James Murdoch about the bid. Murdoch says he was "displeased" with this.
Michel advised Murdoch to "have a chat with him [Hunt] on his mobile, which is fine". Murdoch says "not to my mind" was this a surreptitious phone call. Hunt later called Murdoch to apologise for a cancelled meeting, he says.
Jay reads another email from Murdoch to Michel in which Murdoch says "you must be fucking joking. I will text him and find a time" to meet and avoid legal obstacles.
Murdoch tells Jay: "As I said earlier, I was displeased."
2.15pm: George Osborne's chief of staff Rupert Harrison gave details of Cable's role in the BSkyB takeover to News Corp executive Fréd Michel, Murdoch says.
Michel met Harrison, on 9 November, confirming "tensions in the coalition around Vince Cable".
Jay says Murdoch was getting confidential information about what was going on at a high level of government. Was that appropriate?
"Mr Michel's job was to engage with special advisers," says Murdoch. "He reports back what he's told. I was concerned with the substance I was hearing."
Harrison said Cable probably took the BSkyB referral decision "without even reading the legal advice", the inquiry hears.
2.11pm: Murdoch says Vince Cable listened to other people about News Corp's bid for BSkyB but wouldn't sit down for a meeting with him.
He adds:
I think it would have been entirely appropriate to have a meeting with Mr Cable and his advisors to lay out some of the issues as we saw them and our rationale for the transaction and our analysis of the plurality concerns.
Self evident in what emerged in next 12 months that he was taking other people's advice. All we wanted to do was sit down and say here are the issues, please sit us down and let us make our case.
2.08pm: Chris Bryant, the Labour MP, has just tweeted:
I suspect Mr Jeremy Hunt is not long for this world politically, but it's going to get worse for Cameron.
— Chris Bryant (@ChrisBryantMP) April 24, 2012
2.07pm: Jay returns to the correspondence between Fréd Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs, and Murdoch in which Michel said "mission accomplished".
Michel then said "a Lib Dem MP and former Sky employee" would contact Vince Cable and stress the economic arguments in favour of allowing News Corp's takeover of BSkyB.
Murdoch says it is "entirely straightforward and normal" for a business to wish to promote its views, describing it again as "legitimate advocacy".
Murdoch confirms he had a meeting with the first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, shortly after that email was sent. It is not known whether the email exchange and the meeting are linked.
2.02pm: The Leveson inquiry has resumed and James Murdoch continues his evidence.
1.58pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:
Hearing from @Jeremy_Hunt's team. Saying that NC contact was appropriate lobbying; that Hunt was not a cheerleader for News as JRM said.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
Gather that @Jeremy_Hunt people are closely watching evidence. They don't know what is the rest of the Michel emails.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
1.50pm: James Murdoch's diary of meetings with David Cameron, shown to the Leveson inquiry earlier today.
26 June 2006: Brooks Club arranged by Charles Adlington. Discussion: David Cameron spoke about his vision for the country to a group.
4 July 2006: Dinner. Also there George Osborne and wife and other guests. Arranged by Osborne. Discussion: General social
4 April 2007: Dinner with my wife Katheryn, Cameron and wife Samantha. Arranged by: Don't recall. Discussion: General social
22 January 2008: Breakfast at Stafford Hotel. Arranged by: Rupert Murdoch. Discussion: David Cameron's political views.
15 July 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife. Arranged by: Martin Ivens. Discussion: General topics.
29 October 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife and Will and Ffion Hague and possibly others. Arranged by:; David Cameron. Discussion: General topics, politics.
3 May 2009: Lunch with Cameron family and Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.
10 September 2009: Drinks at the George. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Sun's proposed endorsement of the Conservative party
21 September 2009: Dinner with wife and other couples. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.
2 November 2009: Breakfast with Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: Topical subjects, politics
19 December 2009: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and others. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: General social.
21 January 2010: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and George Osborne at my house. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Politics
7 November 2010: Lunch at Chequers with family and guests. Arranged by David Cameron. Discussion: General social.
23 December 2010: Dinners attended by PM and his wife and several other couples. Arranged by Rebekah Brooks. Discussion. Mostly social.
1.25pm: James Murdoch will no doubt welcome the lunchtime break after three hours of close questioning. But Robert Jay, the man leading the inquisition, may be less pleased.1.25pm: James Murdoch will no doubt welcome the lunchtime break after three hours of close questioning. But Robert Jay, the man leading the inquisition, may be less pleased.
Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:
Leveson rises, James Murdoch's questioner Robert Jay QC walks away and mouths to colleague 'this is such fun'Leveson rises, James Murdoch's questioner Robert Jay QC walks away and mouths to colleague 'this is such fun'
— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012
1.16pm: Here is a short lunchtime summary of James Murdoch's evidence so far. Coverage will resume at 2pm:1.16pm: Here is a short lunchtime summary of James Murdoch's evidence so far. Coverage will resume at 2pm:
• James Murdoch denies culture secretary Jeremy Hunt was a "cheerleader" for News Corporation• James Murdoch denies culture secretary Jeremy Hunt was a "cheerleader" for News Corporation
• News Corp lobbyist, Fréd Michel, sought an inside track on government position on BSkyB takeover through special adviser to Hunt• News Corp lobbyist, Fréd Michel, sought an inside track on government position on BSkyB takeover through special adviser to Hunt
• Murdoch discussed BSkyB bid at Christmas dinner with David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks• Murdoch discussed BSkyB bid at Christmas dinner with David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks
• Murdoch claims he had a "tiny conversation" with the prime minister over the Sky takeover at Charlie and Rebekah Brooks' house• Murdoch claims he had a "tiny conversation" with the prime minister over the Sky takeover at Charlie and Rebekah Brooks' house
• Murdoch met Cameron in September 2009 to announce that the Sun would be backing the Tories in the next general election• Murdoch met Cameron in September 2009 to announce that the Sun would be backing the Tories in the next general election
• He was told that the Guardian's 2009 revelations were a "smear" by News International executives• He was told that the Guardian's 2009 revelations were a "smear" by News International executives
• The profitability of the News of the World was not enough to save it said Murdoch• The profitability of the News of the World was not enough to save it said Murdoch
• Mosley story "should not have been run" and he regretted it being printed but didn't know the legal costs involved in the case• Mosley story "should not have been run" and he regretted it being printed but didn't know the legal costs involved in the case
1.10pm: An email sent on 27 September 2010, after Michel spoke to Cable's junior minister, Lord Oakeshott, says Cable was feeling "very strong political pressure" over the way News International had treated the Lib Dems and Labour over the previous 12 months.1.10pm: An email sent on 27 September 2010, after Michel spoke to Cable's junior minister, Lord Oakeshott, says Cable was feeling "very strong political pressure" over the way News International had treated the Lib Dems and Labour over the previous 12 months.
Jay says it "looks as if a strong political flavour" was entering the debate.Jay says it "looks as if a strong political flavour" was entering the debate.
Murdoch says it was "very alarming" and had "nothing to do with the proper legal test" over whether News Corp should be allowed to take over the whole of BSkyB.Murdoch says it was "very alarming" and had "nothing to do with the proper legal test" over whether News Corp should be allowed to take over the whole of BSkyB.
"Call me naive I thought senior ministers were serious people who try to do their jobs," says Murdoch."Call me naive I thought senior ministers were serious people who try to do their jobs," says Murdoch.
Jay says this is "absolutely key".Jay says this is "absolutely key".
"You have one government minister saying I don't like the Murdoch press [Cable] and another government minister [Hunt] who is treated in a rather different way by the Murdoch press, his thinking is going to be converse to Mr Cable's"."You have one government minister saying I don't like the Murdoch press [Cable] and another government minister [Hunt] who is treated in a rather different way by the Murdoch press, his thinking is going to be converse to Mr Cable's".
Murdoch says Hunt "at every turn took the advice of independent regulators Ofcom and the OFT in particular at every single decision point".Murdoch says Hunt "at every turn took the advice of independent regulators Ofcom and the OFT in particular at every single decision point".
1.06pm: Dan Sabbagh, Guardian's head of media, has tweeted:1.06pm: Dan Sabbagh, Guardian's head of media, has tweeted:
Labour insiders arguing that Cameron breached the ministerial code as regards his convo with JRM on Sky bid.Labour insiders arguing that Cameron breached the ministerial code as regards his convo with JRM on Sky bid.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.59pm: Jay suggests that Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".12.59pm: Jay suggests that Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".
Murdoch says it was "perfectly reasonable" for him to believe that a secretary of state would take into account all legal evidence about the takeover.Murdoch says it was "perfectly reasonable" for him to believe that a secretary of state would take into account all legal evidence about the takeover.
Murdoch denies the suggestion that the BSkyB deal was linked to the Sun's backing of the Tory party.Murdoch denies the suggestion that the BSkyB deal was linked to the Sun's backing of the Tory party.
I'm sorry, Mr Jay, that is absolutely not the case. The question of support for one politician or another is not something I would link to an issue like this … I simply wouldn't do business that way.I'm sorry, Mr Jay, that is absolutely not the case. The question of support for one politician or another is not something I would link to an issue like this … I simply wouldn't do business that way.
Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:
The Murdoch view reflected by James wife in public gallery - as James is asked about expecting favours from Tories she says 'outrageous'.The Murdoch view reflected by James wife in public gallery - as James is asked about expecting favours from Tories she says 'outrageous'.
— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012
12.54pm: Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, has just tweeted:12.54pm: Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, has just tweeted:
So was Hunt running a back channel for News Corp while Cable was deciding on Sky bid. What will @Jeremy_Hunt say today?So was Hunt running a back channel for News Corp while Cable was deciding on Sky bid. What will @Jeremy_Hunt say today?
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.53pm: Fréd Michel sends another email to Murdoch's adviser on 15 September 2010 about a blogpost by the BBC's Robert Peston.12.53pm: Fréd Michel sends another email to Murdoch's adviser on 15 September 2010 about a blogpost by the BBC's Robert Peston.
In the email, Michel said: "Jeremy Hunt is not aware and thinks it's not credible at all. He is checking now."In the email, Michel said: "Jeremy Hunt is not aware and thinks it's not credible at all. He is checking now."
Murdoch says: "At this time I was repeatedly seeking official meeting with Mr Cable and we were not able to have this meeting."Murdoch says: "At this time I was repeatedly seeking official meeting with Mr Cable and we were not able to have this meeting."
Jay: "So the way you did communicate was through your cheerleader Mr Hunt?"Jay: "So the way you did communicate was through your cheerleader Mr Hunt?"
"I think that's unfair," says Murdoch."I think that's unfair," says Murdoch.
Jay says that, through Michel, News Corp and BSkyB was trying to get the inside track on the government's position on the takeover through Hunt's special adviser.Jay says that, through Michel, News Corp and BSkyB was trying to get the inside track on the government's position on the takeover through Hunt's special adviser.
Jay suggests Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".Jay suggests Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".
12.50pm: James Murdoch's email replies to Fréd Michel will be published online later today, Jay says.12.50pm: James Murdoch's email replies to Fréd Michel will be published online later today, Jay says.
Michel was called by Jeremy Hunt after the culture secretary did an interview with the Financial Times on 15 July 2011. Hunt's interview had not been published at that point.Michel was called by Jeremy Hunt after the culture secretary did an interview with the Financial Times on 15 July 2011. Hunt's interview had not been published at that point.
"Looks as if you had a chat to Mr Hunt on 15 June 2010 ... was the BSkyB bid discussed during that chat?" asks Jay."Looks as if you had a chat to Mr Hunt on 15 June 2010 ... was the BSkyB bid discussed during that chat?" asks Jay.
Murdoch replies:Murdoch replies:
I don't remember ... I would be surprised if it weren't. It would have been the same position I took publicly and with anyone who would listen.I don't remember ... I would be surprised if it weren't. It would have been the same position I took publicly and with anyone who would listen.
12.46pm: Jay says: "It's pretty clear you were receiving information on the lines the UK government on the whole would be supportive of News Corp."12.46pm: Jay says: "It's pretty clear you were receiving information on the lines the UK government on the whole would be supportive of News Corp."
Murdoch: "I think Mr Hunt had said personally he didn't see any issues ... there's no special information in there."Murdoch: "I think Mr Hunt had said personally he didn't see any issues ... there's no special information in there."
12.45pm: Jay turns to evidence submitted by Rupert Murdoch under a statutory notice.12.45pm: Jay turns to evidence submitted by Rupert Murdoch under a statutory notice.
In a witness statement, Fréd Michel says between December 2010 and July 2011 conversations that "appear to have taken place with the secretary of state in fact took place with the special adviser, Adam Smith", according to Jay.In a witness statement, Fréd Michel says between December 2010 and July 2011 conversations that "appear to have taken place with the secretary of state in fact took place with the special adviser, Adam Smith", according to Jay.
Jay raises a conference call between James Murdoch, Michel and Vince Cable on 15 June 2010. Michel says in one email that the call went well and "we should have recorded him".Jay raises a conference call between James Murdoch, Michel and Vince Cable on 15 June 2010. Michel says in one email that the call went well and "we should have recorded him".
Michel says in another email that he had a note from Hunt's advisor, Adam Smith, that "the UK government would be supportive throughout the process (despite what the Standard is reporting this evening)".Michel says in another email that he had a note from Hunt's advisor, Adam Smith, that "the UK government would be supportive throughout the process (despite what the Standard is reporting this evening)".
This email was sent on 15 June 2011.This email was sent on 15 June 2011.
12.41pm: Jay turns back to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's BSkyB bid.12.41pm: Jay turns back to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's BSkyB bid.
He highlights two other players in the negotiations: Adam Smith, the special adviser to Jeremy Hunt, and Frédéric Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs.He highlights two other players in the negotiations: Adam Smith, the special adviser to Jeremy Hunt, and Frédéric Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs.
Murdoch says Michel was "liaison with policy makers on various issues". Was he hired in May 2009? "Can't remember precisely," says Murdoch.Murdoch says Michel was "liaison with policy makers on various issues". Was he hired in May 2009? "Can't remember precisely," says Murdoch.
Hunt says he was minded to refer to Competition Commission. Was then consideration given to News Corp undertakings in January 2011 in order to remove or mitigate plurality concerns?Hunt says he was minded to refer to Competition Commission. Was then consideration given to News Corp undertakings in January 2011 in order to remove or mitigate plurality concerns?
"Essentially the secretary of state said he had received the advice from Ofcom, it's within his remit to take that and way it up with any other undertakings."Essentially the secretary of state said he had received the advice from Ofcom, it's within his remit to take that and way it up with any other undertakings.
"Given the length of time the Competition Commission review would take, rather ... we would offer substantial structural undertaking [separating Sky News from the deal]. It was a major concession that the secretary of state had extracted from the processed.""Given the length of time the Competition Commission review would take, rather ... we would offer substantial structural undertaking [separating Sky News from the deal]. It was a major concession that the secretary of state had extracted from the processed."
12.39pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media and technology, who is at the Leveson inquiry has tweeted about the Sun's decision to back the Tories before the election:12.39pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media and technology, who is at the Leveson inquiry has tweeted about the Sun's decision to back the Tories before the election:
Tory support decision in Sept 09 was made by JRM, Brooks, Mohan + political editor. (Who edits the Sun?)Tory support decision in Sept 09 was made by JRM, Brooks, Mohan + political editor. (Who edits the Sun?)
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.37pm: Murdoch says other press owners had a "very distinct commercial fear" around News Corp-BSkyB tieup, including bundling and cross promotion and size and scale of News Corp's interests in UK.12.37pm: Murdoch says other press owners had a "very distinct commercial fear" around News Corp-BSkyB tieup, including bundling and cross promotion and size and scale of News Corp's interests in UK.
He describes it as a competition argument which they turned "very effectively" into one which suggested the plurality of the media in the UK might be at risk at some point in the future.He describes it as a competition argument which they turned "very effectively" into one which suggested the plurality of the media in the UK might be at risk at some point in the future.
"It's commercial, not simply political, in fact primarily commercial," says Murdoch."It's commercial, not simply political, in fact primarily commercial," says Murdoch.
12.36pm: Opponents of News Corp's failed takeover of BSkyB raised plurality issues that were about the future competitiveness of their businesses and "nothing to do with the relevant legal test", says Murdoch.12.36pm: Opponents of News Corp's failed takeover of BSkyB raised plurality issues that were about the future competitiveness of their businesses and "nothing to do with the relevant legal test", says Murdoch.
Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:
No 10: 'no' when asked if PM aware of inappropriate conversations between Jeremy Hunt and News CorpNo 10: 'no' when asked if PM aware of inappropriate conversations between Jeremy Hunt and News Corp
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
No 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its courseNo 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its course
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
No 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its courseNo 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its course
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
12.35pm: In July 2011, Cameron refused to deny discussing the Sky bid at the Brooks dinner, saying he never had an "inappropriate conversation" about the deal. Here's the Telegraph story from the time.12.35pm: In July 2011, Cameron refused to deny discussing the Sky bid at the Brooks dinner, saying he never had an "inappropriate conversation" about the deal. Here's the Telegraph story from the time.
12.29pm: Jay asks whether it is true that Rebekah Brooks "bore the brunt" of the majority of meetings with politicians in the run up to the 2010 election. Murdoch says that Brooks had more meetings with politicians than him.12.29pm: Jay asks whether it is true that Rebekah Brooks "bore the brunt" of the majority of meetings with politicians in the run up to the 2010 election. Murdoch says that Brooks had more meetings with politicians than him.
He adds that there were discussions in 2009 about which party the Sun would back at the next election. He admits that one factor in deciding who Sun should back in an election is who is likely to win.He adds that there were discussions in 2009 about which party the Sun would back at the next election. He admits that one factor in deciding who Sun should back in an election is who is likely to win.
12.28pm: Here's how Steve Busfield covered the "meeting" between James Murdoch and the Indy's Simon Kelner in April 2010.12.28pm: Here's how Steve Busfield covered the "meeting" between James Murdoch and the Indy's Simon Kelner in April 2010.
12.26pm: The Guardian's Ian Katz wrote about David Cameron's dinner with Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in February 2011 which at the time Downing Street refused to disclose any details of.12.26pm: The Guardian's Ian Katz wrote about David Cameron's dinner with Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in February 2011 which at the time Downing Street refused to disclose any details of.
For more than two weeks the Guardian has been trying to establish a few details about an evening Cameron spent at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, during the Christmas holidays. Here's what the most open government in the world told us: first, No 10 categorically denied the PM had visited Brooks on Christmas day itself; then, when we asked instead if the PM had been entertained chez Brooks over the Christmas period it declined to confirm or deny.For more than two weeks the Guardian has been trying to establish a few details about an evening Cameron spent at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, during the Christmas holidays. Here's what the most open government in the world told us: first, No 10 categorically denied the PM had visited Brooks on Christmas day itself; then, when we asked instead if the PM had been entertained chez Brooks over the Christmas period it declined to confirm or deny.
Later Downing Street elaborated on its position, pointing out that Brooks was a constituent of Cameron's and, in any case, "the prime minister regularly meets newspaper executives from lots of different companies". But still No 10 refused to provide a date, or even confirm whether the dinner took place.Later Downing Street elaborated on its position, pointing out that Brooks was a constituent of Cameron's and, in any case, "the prime minister regularly meets newspaper executives from lots of different companies". But still No 10 refused to provide a date, or even confirm whether the dinner took place.
When it emerged that James Murdoch was at the dinner too, Downing Street became fractionally more transparent: an unattributable source reassured lobby reporters that neither Rupert Murdoch's controversial takeover bid for Sky nor the phone-hacking scandal had been discussed. So that's all right then.When it emerged that James Murdoch was at the dinner too, Downing Street became fractionally more transparent: an unattributable source reassured lobby reporters that neither Rupert Murdoch's controversial takeover bid for Sky nor the phone-hacking scandal had been discussed. So that's all right then.
12.22pm: Jay asks about James Murdoch's personal visit to the Independent newsroom in 2010 after the newspaper launched a billboard campaign, headed "Rupert Murdoch won't decide this election".12.22pm: Jay asks about James Murdoch's personal visit to the Independent newsroom in 2010 after the newspaper launched a billboard campaign, headed "Rupert Murdoch won't decide this election".
Murdoch says he had a meeting in the same building as the Independent and wanted to raise this as an issue with Simon Kelner, then editor of the Independent, because he was "upset and concerned" at the campaign.Murdoch says he had a meeting in the same building as the Independent and wanted to raise this as an issue with Simon Kelner, then editor of the Independent, because he was "upset and concerned" at the campaign.
"I knew Mr Kelner [Simon Kelner, then Independent editor] and was concerned about it. I went into the front door of the Independent, they didn't really have a desk or reception or a lock frankly, you are immediately in the middle of the newsroom."I knew Mr Kelner [Simon Kelner, then Independent editor] and was concerned about it. I went into the front door of the Independent, they didn't really have a desk or reception or a lock frankly, you are immediately in the middle of the newsroom.
"I didn't storm in anywhere. I found Mr Kelner's desk and said could I speak to you for a minute. I told him of my concerns - whether or not I used colourful language I wouldn't dispute - there was no storming in, it didn't happen out in the open."I didn't storm in anywhere. I found Mr Kelner's desk and said could I speak to you for a minute. I told him of my concerns - whether or not I used colourful language I wouldn't dispute - there was no storming in, it didn't happen out in the open.
"Mr Kelner had been availing himself of the hospitality of my family for a number of years. I thought this was beyond the pale and not a decent way to go about his business.""Mr Kelner had been availing himself of the hospitality of my family for a number of years. I thought this was beyond the pale and not a decent way to go about his business."
12.19pm: Murdoch says he tries to keep politics out of business, and uses Sky's purchase of live England domestic cricket rights, previously broadcast free to air, as an example.12.19pm: Murdoch says he tries to keep politics out of business, and uses Sky's purchase of live England domestic cricket rights, previously broadcast free to air, as an example.
"There was a political angle, I felt my job was to say 'No, from a legal perspective it's entirely appropriate for English cricket to be broadcast on Sky. I always try to bring it back to what is legally sound, to make the political debate less relevant.""There was a political angle, I felt my job was to say 'No, from a legal perspective it's entirely appropriate for English cricket to be broadcast on Sky. I always try to bring it back to what is legally sound, to make the political debate less relevant."
12.17pm: Murdoch agrees with Jay that there has always been a political debate about the regulatory environment around the media in the UK.12.17pm: Murdoch agrees with Jay that there has always been a political debate about the regulatory environment around the media in the UK.
He says this is unfortunate and would prefer to keep this debate focused on the legal environment.He says this is unfortunate and would prefer to keep this debate focused on the legal environment.
12.14pm: Jay says there is an "ever changing balance of power" that is more advantageous to the Murdoch media over politicians.12.14pm: Jay says there is an "ever changing balance of power" that is more advantageous to the Murdoch media over politicians.
"I just don't think there's the very old-fashioned view of big media proprietors being able to dominate the landscape, I just think that's not the case anymore," Murdoch says."I just don't think there's the very old-fashioned view of big media proprietors being able to dominate the landscape, I just think that's not the case anymore," Murdoch says.
Jay says he's "not interested in the reality", prompting much laughter. Leveson suggests he might not quite mean that. Jay means he's interested in politicians' perception of the power of the media, not necessarily how much power it actually has.Jay says he's "not interested in the reality", prompting much laughter. Leveson suggests he might not quite mean that. Jay means he's interested in politicians' perception of the power of the media, not necessarily how much power it actually has.
12.11pm: Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has tweeted on the issue of Cameron's meeting with News International execs:12.11pm: Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has tweeted on the issue of Cameron's meeting with News International execs:
Here's a reminder of how No 10 squirmed when we first asked about that Brooks Xmas dinner with Cameron #levesonHere's a reminder of how No 10 squirmed when we first asked about that Brooks Xmas dinner with Cameron #leveson
— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012
12.09pm: Murdoch is asked whether he attempted to achieve an unfair advantage over rivals because of his relations with politicians.12.09pm: Murdoch is asked whether he attempted to achieve an unfair advantage over rivals because of his relations with politicians.
"That would not be the way that I would do it," he says, describing his method as "legitimate advocacy"."That would not be the way that I would do it," he says, describing his method as "legitimate advocacy".
Leveson asks: did you obtain greater access because of the weight of press interests?Leveson asks: did you obtain greater access because of the weight of press interests?
"I don't know what all of the other meetings that the PM and these people take in general," says Murdoch. "It's true to say politicians and people around the political class are very eager to get their point across, they do talk to the press."I don't know what all of the other meetings that the PM and these people take in general," says Murdoch. "It's true to say politicians and people around the political class are very eager to get their point across, they do talk to the press.
"As a business person I don't think I've personally experienced that, I haven't actually spent that much time with politicians personally.""As a business person I don't think I've personally experienced that, I haven't actually spent that much time with politicians personally."
12.08pm: Jay asks whether Murdoch is friendly with the chancellor George Osborne.12.08pm: Jay asks whether Murdoch is friendly with the chancellor George Osborne.
"We have been friendly. I wouldn't say I was a close friend," Murdoch says, and confirms he has visited Dorneywood, Osborne's grace-and-favour home, once with his family."We have been friendly. I wouldn't say I was a close friend," Murdoch says, and confirms he has visited Dorneywood, Osborne's grace-and-favour home, once with his family.
Did Murdoch discuss the BSkyB takeover bid at this Dorneywood meeting with Osborne, asks Jay?Did Murdoch discuss the BSkyB takeover bid at this Dorneywood meeting with Osborne, asks Jay?
Murdoch says:Murdoch says:
"I had one discussion where it might have come up, which was during the process which to be grumpy about was taking a long time. Nothing I said to Mr Osborne would have been inconsistent with our public advocacy on the subject.""I had one discussion where it might have come up, which was during the process which to be grumpy about was taking a long time. Nothing I said to Mr Osborne would have been inconsistent with our public advocacy on the subject."
12.04pm: Murdoch says he has never felt that "top slicing" the BBC's funding was a good idea and so never communicated that to the culture secretary.12.04pm: Murdoch says he has never felt that "top slicing" the BBC's funding was a good idea and so never communicated that to the culture secretary.
Jay asks whether Murdoch had discussions with senior politicians about the announcement in October 2010 that Ofcom's role and budget would be reduced by 28%.Jay asks whether Murdoch had discussions with senior politicians about the announcement in October 2010 that Ofcom's role and budget would be reduced by 28%.
Murdoch says he does not believe so.Murdoch says he does not believe so.
12.01pm: Jay turns to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, about News Corp's takeover bid of BSkyB.12.01pm: Jay turns to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, about News Corp's takeover bid of BSkyB.
Jay asks if Hunt was a "huge ally" of News International. Murdoch says "I wouldn't think so", and laughs when comments on Hunt's personal website are raised that describe the secretary of state as a "cheerleader" for the Murdochs.Jay asks if Hunt was a "huge ally" of News International. Murdoch says "I wouldn't think so", and laughs when comments on Hunt's personal website are raised that describe the secretary of state as a "cheerleader" for the Murdochs.
Murdoch rejects the suggestion that he called Hunt to "oil the wheels" of the takeover.Murdoch rejects the suggestion that he called Hunt to "oil the wheels" of the takeover.
11.59am: Jay asks Murdoch if he had a "preference for a Conservative victory"?11.59am: Jay asks Murdoch if he had a "preference for a Conservative victory"?
"With respect to enterprise and free market the Conservatives tried to make a case they were the better option for that," replies Murdoch."With respect to enterprise and free market the Conservatives tried to make a case they were the better option for that," replies Murdoch.
A Labour victory wouldn't have been desirable with respect to the BSkyB bid? "We never made a crass calculation about what the newspapers did, it wouldn't occur to me."A Labour victory wouldn't have been desirable with respect to the BSkyB bid? "We never made a crass calculation about what the newspapers did, it wouldn't occur to me."
11.58am: The key strategy was to avoid the News Corp/BSkyB takeover not becoming a "political football" during the general election, says Murdoch.11.58am: The key strategy was to avoid the News Corp/BSkyB takeover not becoming a "political football" during the general election, says Murdoch.
11.57am: James Murdoch's witness statement has been published on the Leveson inquiry website.11.57am: James Murdoch's witness statement has been published on the Leveson inquiry website.
The witness statement lists a number of meetings between Murdoch and David Cameron, the chancellor George Osborne, and the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's then-proposed takeover of BSkyB.The witness statement lists a number of meetings between Murdoch and David Cameron, the chancellor George Osborne, and the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's then-proposed takeover of BSkyB.
James Murdoch met David Cameron on 23 December 2010 at a dinner hosted by Rebekah and Charile Brooks two days after Jeremy Hunt was given responsibility for the regulatory approval of the takeover, following Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments secretly recorded by the Daily Telegraph.James Murdoch met David Cameron on 23 December 2010 at a dinner hosted by Rebekah and Charile Brooks two days after Jeremy Hunt was given responsibility for the regulatory approval of the takeover, following Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments secretly recorded by the Daily Telegraph.
Murdoch met George Osborne on 29 November. His witness statement records:Murdoch met George Osborne on 29 November. His witness statement records:
I recall one conversation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, about the bid. My diary records an appointment with Mr Osborne on 29 November 2010, but I cannot recall whether that was the date on which I had the discussion with him. I believe we discussed a number of matters, and that I expressed my concern at the slow progress with the regulatory process, my view that the investment would be good for Britain and also my view that there were no plurality issues raised by our proposal.I recall one conversation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, about the bid. My diary records an appointment with Mr Osborne on 29 November 2010, but I cannot recall whether that was the date on which I had the discussion with him. I believe we discussed a number of matters, and that I expressed my concern at the slow progress with the regulatory process, my view that the investment would be good for Britain and also my view that there were no plurality issues raised by our proposal.
Murdoch has recorded meetings with Jeremy Hunt on four separate occasions between 10 November 2010 and 20 January 2011 about the takeover bid. The former BSkyB chairman telephoned Hunt on 21 December, after Hunt had been given oversight of the takeover, and said: "I believe I probably raised my concern with respect to Mr Cable's public statements, the pace of the regulatory review and my concerns about the process so far, and sought assurances that no such bias would continue in the process. I also offered to meet to explain the company's position on the plurality test."Murdoch has recorded meetings with Jeremy Hunt on four separate occasions between 10 November 2010 and 20 January 2011 about the takeover bid. The former BSkyB chairman telephoned Hunt on 21 December, after Hunt had been given oversight of the takeover, and said: "I believe I probably raised my concern with respect to Mr Cable's public statements, the pace of the regulatory review and my concerns about the process so far, and sought assurances that no such bias would continue in the process. I also offered to meet to explain the company's position on the plurality test."
11.55am: Jay moves on to the meeting between Cameron and James Murdoch on 23 December 2010 at home of Rebekah and Charlie Brooks.11.55am: Jay moves on to the meeting between Cameron and James Murdoch on 23 December 2010 at home of Rebekah and Charlie Brooks.
How many people were there? "In the teens, maybe 15 people."How many people were there? "In the teens, maybe 15 people."
The meeting was two days after Vince Cable was absolved of his responsibility of the News Corp/BSkyB merger after, in Murdoch's words, he showed "acute bias".The meeting was two days after Vince Cable was absolved of his responsibility of the News Corp/BSkyB merger after, in Murdoch's words, he showed "acute bias".
"There was no discussion with Mr Cameron other than he reiterated what he said publicly, that the behaviour had been unacceptable," says Murdoch."There was no discussion with Mr Cameron other than he reiterated what he said publicly, that the behaviour had been unacceptable," says Murdoch.
I imagine I expressed the hope that things would be dealt with in way that was appropriate and judicial. It was a tiny side conversation, it was not a discussion.I imagine I expressed the hope that things would be dealt with in way that was appropriate and judicial. It was a tiny side conversation, it was not a discussion.
11.49am: What about other meetings with Cameron, in run-up to election. Regulatory issues on agenda?11.49am: What about other meetings with Cameron, in run-up to election. Regulatory issues on agenda?
"I think actually more politics, leading up to election," says Murdoch. "I don't believe we discussed any specific regulation.""I think actually more politics, leading up to election," says Murdoch. "I don't believe we discussed any specific regulation."
11.48am: Did he discuss regulatory issues with Cameron at that meeting? "No." At earlier meetings? "I don't believe so."11.48am: Did he discuss regulatory issues with Cameron at that meeting? "No." At earlier meetings? "I don't believe so."
11.47am: Moving on to Sun's endorsement of Tory party and meeting with David Cameron in December 2009.11.47am: Moving on to Sun's endorsement of Tory party and meeting with David Cameron in December 2009.
"It was made clear to me the Sun would be endorsing the Conservative party or moving away from support of Labour," says Murdoch."It was made clear to me the Sun would be endorsing the Conservative party or moving away from support of Labour," says Murdoch.
Welcome news to Cameron? "It seemed that way."Welcome news to Cameron? "It seemed that way."
Did Murdoch discuss the timing of the endorsement? He says the editors said it would be at the end of the conference season.Did Murdoch discuss the timing of the endorsement? He says the editors said it would be at the end of the conference season.
Jay says, wasn't there a discussion they would endorse Cameron on very day of Gordon Brown's speech to conference?Jay says, wasn't there a discussion they would endorse Cameron on very day of Gordon Brown's speech to conference?
"I don't remember the specifity of that. I think it was the day after, the article. It was focussed more on Labour's record than endorsement of Conservatives.""I don't remember the specifity of that. I think it was the day after, the article. It was focussed more on Labour's record than endorsement of Conservatives."
11.46am: Murdoch says which government was in power at the time of the BSkyB bid "was not necessarily high in our mind".11.46am: Murdoch says which government was in power at the time of the BSkyB bid "was not necessarily high in our mind".
"There was a question how long it might take, would it go to the Competition Commission or not. It was more duration not likelihood of completion we were concerned about.""There was a question how long it might take, would it go to the Competition Commission or not. It was more duration not likelihood of completion we were concerned about."
11.44am: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh has sent these tweets on the relationship between James Murdoch and the PM:11.44am: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh has sent these tweets on the relationship between James Murdoch and the PM:
So Cameron/Murdoch meeting on "sun endorsement" happened about three weeks before Sun's "Labour's lost it" front pageSo Cameron/Murdoch meeting on "sun endorsement" happened about three weeks before Sun's "Labour's lost it" front page
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
Critical - Sep 10 2009 murdoch met Cameron at "the george" to discuss "the sun"s proposed endorsement" - presumably of tories.Critical - Sep 10 2009 murdoch met Cameron at "the george" to discuss "the sun"s proposed endorsement" - presumably of tories.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
11.42am: But wouldn't you wish to find out privately what he might say, asks Jay. "That's not the way I do business, I would have been interested and flattered."11.42am: But wouldn't you wish to find out privately what he might say, asks Jay. "That's not the way I do business, I would have been interested and flattered."
Jay returns to issues of regulation. "Not really, we did an assessment of the regulatory risk. It was not a narrow political calculation around that."Jay returns to issues of regulation. "Not really, we did an assessment of the regulatory risk. It was not a narrow political calculation around that."
Jay continues on this theme, didn't you do two calculations, one on basis of Labour and Tory government re the News Corp takeover of the rest of BSkyB?Jay continues on this theme, didn't you do two calculations, one on basis of Labour and Tory government re the News Corp takeover of the rest of BSkyB?
Murdoch says he would look at the "general political direction" of the country. "Is this a place where our business can be pursued?"Murdoch says he would look at the "general political direction" of the country. "Is this a place where our business can be pursued?"
But there was an election coming up, says Jay. Surely that calculation would have been carried out?But there was an election coming up, says Jay. Surely that calculation would have been carried out?
That wasn't part of it. There was a view later on when it was thought likely we would attempt to do this to try to avoid becoming a political issue in the middle of an election, not the possible outcomes of the election.That wasn't part of it. There was a view later on when it was thought likely we would attempt to do this to try to avoid becoming a political issue in the middle of an election, not the possible outcomes of the election.
11.41am: But you would have been keen to know where Cameron stood in relation to issues that affect your company? "Not really," says Murdoch.11.41am: But you would have been keen to know where Cameron stood in relation to issues that affect your company? "Not really," says Murdoch.
Not even regulation - TV, Ofcom, the press, competition?Not even regulation - TV, Ofcom, the press, competition?
I think more generally an approach to enterprise, not so much macroeconomic but to business, how they work.I think more generally an approach to enterprise, not so much macroeconomic but to business, how they work.
11.40am: Jay asks about the purposes of his meetings with Cameron.11.40am: Jay asks about the purposes of his meetings with Cameron.
Here's a tweet fromthe Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll:Here's a tweet fromthe Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll:
Murdoch had 10 meetings with Cameron according to new table being shown going back to 10 sept 2009Murdoch had 10 meetings with Cameron according to new table being shown going back to 10 sept 2009
— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012
11.38am: James Murdoch's witness statement can be read in full here (pdf).11.38am: James Murdoch's witness statement can be read in full here (pdf).
11.38am: Jay asks when News Corp hatched plans to buy rest of BSkyB it did not already own. Murdoch says late 2009, "August".11.38am: Jay asks when News Corp hatched plans to buy rest of BSkyB it did not already own. Murdoch says late 2009, "August".
11.35am: The inquiry has resumed. We are talking sports rights and the possibility that the Premier League live TV rights would be split by the EC, in particular James Murdoch's conference call to Tony Blair on 7 October 2005.11.35am: The inquiry has resumed. We are talking sports rights and the possibility that the Premier League live TV rights would be split by the EC, in particular James Murdoch's conference call to Tony Blair on 7 October 2005.
Jay asks whether the purpose of the call was to bring Blair onside?Jay asks whether the purpose of the call was to bring Blair onside?
Murdoch says it was "just to make the PM aware of these issues. It's a major British franchise".Murdoch says it was "just to make the PM aware of these issues. It's a major British franchise".
Did it involve a "direct request" to the PM asks Jay? "You are subtly communicating your concerns on behalf of BSkyB?"Did it involve a "direct request" to the PM asks Jay? "You are subtly communicating your concerns on behalf of BSkyB?"
"The purpose would be for senior policy makers to understand that some of these policies might have adverse consequences for English football.""The purpose would be for senior policy makers to understand that some of these policies might have adverse consequences for English football."
11.32am: Here's a tweet from the Guardian's Esther Addley who is at the Leveson inquiry:11.32am: Here's a tweet from the Guardian's Esther Addley who is at the Leveson inquiry:
Murdoch denying either cover up or failure of governance. Third option, I wasn't told, dumps blame on NoW editor Myler & legal mgr CroneMurdoch denying either cover up or failure of governance. Third option, I wasn't told, dumps blame on NoW editor Myler & legal mgr Crone
— esther addley (@estheraddley) April 24, 2012— esther addley (@estheraddley) April 24, 2012
11.28am: Tom Watson, the Labour MP and prominent critic of News International, has said that the culture, media and sport select committee report on phone hacking could be published as early as next Tuesday.11.28am: Tom Watson, the Labour MP and prominent critic of News International, has said that the culture, media and sport select committee report on phone hacking could be published as early as next Tuesday.
He has just tweeted:He has just tweeted:
DCMS Select Committee will formally consider its report in Monday with a view to publication on Tuesday.DCMS Select Committee will formally consider its report in Monday with a view to publication on Tuesday.
— tom_watson (@tom_watson) April 24, 2012— tom_watson (@tom_watson) April 24, 2012
11.20am: The inquiry is taking a 10-minute break.11.20am: The inquiry is taking a 10-minute break.
11.19am: Murdoch says that evidence exposed during the Sienna Miller litigation was a "great concern", which is why the employees concerned were suspended and new counsel were brought in.11.19am: Murdoch says that evidence exposed during the Sienna Miller litigation was a "great concern", which is why the employees concerned were suspended and new counsel were brought in.
He is asked about the culture of the News of the World, in reference to its aggressive response to the Guardian and select committee reports on phone hacking.He is asked about the culture of the News of the World, in reference to its aggressive response to the Guardian and select committee reports on phone hacking.
He says: "The culture between these papers is very tribal and the competition between them is a zero-sum game".He says: "The culture between these papers is very tribal and the competition between them is a zero-sum game".
Murdoch appears to express regret that he didn't take the Guardian allegations more seriously, although he doesn't mention Guardian by name.Murdoch appears to express regret that he didn't take the Guardian allegations more seriously, although he doesn't mention Guardian by name.
"The culture between these papers is very tribal ... that might lead to a culture of knocking back allegations and not being as thoughtful and forensic about allegations," he says."The culture between these papers is very tribal ... that might lead to a culture of knocking back allegations and not being as thoughtful and forensic about allegations," he says.
"One of the big lessons learned here, no matter where something comes from, even if it's a commercial rival or someone who has a political gripe, that being more dispassionate, forensic, understanding ... those circumstances don't make an allegation untrue.""One of the big lessons learned here, no matter where something comes from, even if it's a commercial rival or someone who has a political gripe, that being more dispassionate, forensic, understanding ... those circumstances don't make an allegation untrue."
11.17am: Murdoch is asked whether he knew about the Max Clifford phone-hacking settlement.11.17am: Murdoch is asked whether he knew about the Max Clifford phone-hacking settlement.
He says that he knew there was an existing relationship between Clifford and Rebekah Brooks, then the chief executive of News International, and they wanted to settle it at that.He says that he knew there was an existing relationship between Clifford and Rebekah Brooks, then the chief executive of News International, and they wanted to settle it at that.
11.15am: Phone hacking had been "packed away" by the time Murdoch arrived at News International, he says.11.15am: Phone hacking had been "packed away" by the time Murdoch arrived at News International, he says.
Jay asks about the Guardian story in 2009 that gave the first evidence of wider phone hacking at the News of the World.Jay asks about the Guardian story in 2009 that gave the first evidence of wider phone hacking at the News of the World.
Murdoch was in New York at the time but received a phone call. He says he was told: "that it wasn't true; that there was no other evidence; that it had been investigated to death and that it was a smear".Murdoch was in New York at the time but received a phone call. He says he was told: "that it wasn't true; that there was no other evidence; that it had been investigated to death and that it was a smear".
Murdoch repeats his regret that he should have taken the follow-up select committee report "more seriously".Murdoch repeats his regret that he should have taken the follow-up select committee report "more seriously".
11.14am: The Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll has tweeted:
11.14am: The Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll has tweeted:
Murdoch pursuing lose lose strategy. Why not just say yes there was a lack of governance when Jay asks if it was a cover up or a screw up?Murdoch pursuing lose lose strategy. Why not just say yes there was a lack of governance when Jay asks if it was a cover up or a screw up?
— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012
11.12am: In a key exchange, Jay puts to Murdoch that there was either a cover up or a failure of governance.11.12am: In a key exchange, Jay puts to Murdoch that there was either a cover up or a failure of governance.
Jay says:Jay says:
There are two possibilities here. Either you were told of the evidence that linked others at the News of the World to Mulcaire and this was in effect a cover up, or you weren't told and you didn't read the emails properly and there was failure of governance at the company do you accept that?There are two possibilities here. Either you were told of the evidence that linked others at the News of the World to Mulcaire and this was in effect a cover up, or you weren't told and you didn't read the emails properly and there was failure of governance at the company do you accept that?
Murdoch maintains that Myler and Crone gave him "sufficient information" to settle the Gordon Taylor case at a higher figure, but not sufficient information "to go and turn over a whole lot of stones".Murdoch maintains that Myler and Crone gave him "sufficient information" to settle the Gordon Taylor case at a higher figure, but not sufficient information "to go and turn over a whole lot of stones".
He adds: "I was given repeated assurances newsroom had been investigated, that there was no evidence. I've been very consistent about it."He adds: "I was given repeated assurances newsroom had been investigated, that there was no evidence. I've been very consistent about it."
11.11am: The FT's Ben Fenton reckons that was a key exhange.11.11am: The FT's Ben Fenton reckons that was a key exhange.
[That was key exchange so far - you were dishonest or incompetent? No, I was kept in the dark.] #leveson #murdoch[That was key exchange so far - you were dishonest or incompetent? No, I was kept in the dark.] #leveson #murdoch
— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012
11.07am: Keir Simmons, the UK editor for ITV News, has just tweeted:11.07am: Keir Simmons, the UK editor for ITV News, has just tweeted:
Lachlan Murdoch still smiling as he watches his brother James put under pressure at #LevesonLachlan Murdoch still smiling as he watches his brother James put under pressure at #Leveson
— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012
Murdoch is defiant when asked whether he knew that Colin Myler believed that Gordon Taylor was attempted to "blackmail" News International.Murdoch is defiant when asked whether he knew that Colin Myler believed that Gordon Taylor was attempted to "blackmail" News International.
He says: "If the purpose of that meeting was to bring me up to speed on the whole story, from 2006 … then a) it would have been a much longer meeting and b) it would have had a different outcome"He says: "If the purpose of that meeting was to bring me up to speed on the whole story, from 2006 … then a) it would have been a much longer meeting and b) it would have had a different outcome"
11.04am: Here's a tweet from FT media editor Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson.11.04am: Here's a tweet from FT media editor Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson.
Jay sounding incredulous that James left underlings to offer £350,000 Gordon Taylor settlement without his authority #levesonJay sounding incredulous that James left underlings to offer £350,000 Gordon Taylor settlement without his authority #leveson
— A Edgecliffe-Johnson (@Edgecliffe) April 24, 2012— A Edgecliffe-Johnson (@Edgecliffe) April 24, 2012
11.02am: Murdoch says he left the Gordon Taylor settlement negotiation to Crone and Myler.11.02am: Murdoch says he left the Gordon Taylor settlement negotiation to Crone and Myler.
He adds that there was a "budget of a million and change for legal settlements at the News of the World". He says it was "reasonable" to leave the issue to senior management.He adds that there was a "budget of a million and change for legal settlements at the News of the World". He says it was "reasonable" to leave the issue to senior management.
Did anyone suggest to you that Taylor was trying to "blackmail" News International, asks Jay, because of the potential reputational harm to the company?Did anyone suggest to you that Taylor was trying to "blackmail" News International, asks Jay, because of the potential reputational harm to the company?
"I don't remember words like that, it was a short meeting," says Murdoch."I don't remember words like that, it was a short meeting," says Murdoch.
10.57am: Murdoch says Myler and Crone were "more on the anxious side" at this meeting and keen to leave the room with the knowledge that they could settle the Gordon Taylor phone-hacking claim "at a higher number".10.57am: Murdoch says Myler and Crone were "more on the anxious side" at this meeting and keen to leave the room with the knowledge that they could settle the Gordon Taylor phone-hacking claim "at a higher number".
Jay suggests the reputational damage to the company was inextricably linked not because it was an old case but because it was something new. Murdoch says he was not told that.Jay suggests the reputational damage to the company was inextricably linked not because it was an old case but because it was something new. Murdoch says he was not told that.
Jay asks whether he believed that £350,000 was a generous figure to settle Taylor's claim. Murdoch says that he is not a lawyer so had no relevant experience.Jay asks whether he believed that £350,000 was a generous figure to settle Taylor's claim. Murdoch says that he is not a lawyer so had no relevant experience.
10.55am: Murdoch believes there was not a "proactive desire" to bring him up to speed on the phone-hacking settlement with Gordon Taylor.10.55am: Murdoch believes there was not a "proactive desire" to bring him up to speed on the phone-hacking settlement with Gordon Taylor.
Jay asks whether there was an agenda for the 10 June 2008 meeting with Myler and Crone. Murdoch says there was not, adding that it was a "brief conversation that I've described at length".Jay asks whether there was an agenda for the 10 June 2008 meeting with Myler and Crone. Murdoch says there was not, adding that it was a "brief conversation that I've described at length".
Did Myler or Crone refer to the reputational damage of the company, Jay asks.Did Myler or Crone refer to the reputational damage of the company, Jay asks.
Murdoch says the message from Myler and Crone was "we don't want to have to go through that again," referring to the jailing of Clive Goodman.Murdoch says the message from Myler and Crone was "we don't want to have to go through that again," referring to the jailing of Clive Goodman.
He says:He says:
It was referred to it was in the best interests of the business not to have this matter [from 2006] dug up again and dragged through the court ... we don't want to have to go through that again.It was referred to it was in the best interests of the business not to have this matter [from 2006] dug up again and dragged through the court ... we don't want to have to go through that again.
Murdoch says he was told that the Taylor phone-hacking claim should be settled, partly "not to drag up" events of the past. He adds that both News International and Taylor sought confidentiality with the settlement.Murdoch says he was told that the Taylor phone-hacking claim should be settled, partly "not to drag up" events of the past. He adds that both News International and Taylor sought confidentiality with the settlement.
Murdoch says he now accepts that the "For Neville" email is "a thread" that raised the suspicion of wider phone hacking at the News of the World.Murdoch says he now accepts that the "For Neville" email is "a thread" that raised the suspicion of wider phone hacking at the News of the World.
He adds:He adds:
The fact it suggested other people might have been involved in phone hacking – that part of its importance was not imparted to me that day.The fact it suggested other people might have been involved in phone hacking – that part of its importance was not imparted to me that day.
10.44am: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:10.44am: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:
NewsInt executives seem to work hard to keep Goodman case, Goodman claim etc away from JRM on his account.NewsInt executives seem to work hard to keep Goodman case, Goodman claim etc away from JRM on his account.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
Murdoch says assurances made by News International executives to him were "consistent" in there was no evidence of widespread phone hacking.Murdoch says assurances made by News International executives to him were "consistent" in there was no evidence of widespread phone hacking.
Jay points out that Colin Myler told the Leveson inquiry previously he felt there were "bombs underneath the newsroom floor" when it came to phone hacking. Myler was appointed as editor of the News of the World following the resignation of Andy Coulson, who stepped down because the royal reporter Clive Goodman was found to have engaged in phone hacking on his watch.Jay points out that Colin Myler told the Leveson inquiry previously he felt there were "bombs underneath the newsroom floor" when it came to phone hacking. Myler was appointed as editor of the News of the World following the resignation of Andy Coulson, who stepped down because the royal reporter Clive Goodman was found to have engaged in phone hacking on his watch.
Murdoch adds:Murdoch adds:
Their assurances to me were consistent as I said, the newspaper had been investigated thoroughly that no evidence had been found. That was entirely consistent from Mr Crone and Mr Myler all the way through.Their assurances to me were consistent as I said, the newspaper had been investigated thoroughly that no evidence had been found. That was entirely consistent from Mr Crone and Mr Myler all the way through.
He says he would have said "cut out the cancer" and believes "there was some desire not to do that".He says he would have said "cut out the cancer" and believes "there was some desire not to do that".
That is my understanding that is something I have struggled with as well. Why wouldn't they tell me? They didn't. I don't want to conjecture but I think that must be it, that I would say 'cut out the cancer' and there was some desire not to do that.That is my understanding that is something I have struggled with as well. Why wouldn't they tell me? They didn't. I don't want to conjecture but I think that must be it, that I would say 'cut out the cancer' and there was some desire not to do that.
10.40am: Jay is turning to the detail of email correspondence between James Murdoch, the News International solicitor Julian Pike, of Farrers, internal lawyers and the former news editor at NoW, Colin Myler.10.40am: Jay is turning to the detail of email correspondence between James Murdoch, the News International solicitor Julian Pike, of Farrers, internal lawyers and the former news editor at NoW, Colin Myler.
Murdoch says if a "snatched" meeting between him and Myler on 27 May 2008 had gone into what was discussed in the correspondence he would have remembered it.Murdoch says if a "snatched" meeting between him and Myler on 27 May 2008 had gone into what was discussed in the correspondence he would have remembered it.
Murdoch says he was not aware of unfair dismissal claim by Clive Goodman, the jailed former News of the World reporter, or that he alleged that others at News International were involved in phone hacking.Murdoch says he was not aware of unfair dismissal claim by Clive Goodman, the jailed former News of the World reporter, or that he alleged that others at News International were involved in phone hacking.
10.38am: In reference to Dan Sabbagh's tweet (see 10:24am post). Here's Murdoch's 2009 MacTaggart lecture (pdf) which makes interesting reading after his comment about profitability and the demise of the News of the World.10.38am: In reference to Dan Sabbagh's tweet (see 10:24am post). Here's Murdoch's 2009 MacTaggart lecture (pdf) which makes interesting reading after his comment about profitability and the demise of the News of the World.
10.36am: Leveson says that it's not what you put in place for the future but how it happened in the past.10.36am: Leveson says that it's not what you put in place for the future but how it happened in the past.
"That was before I was there," says Murdoch."That was before I was there," says Murdoch.
"I appreciate that," says Leveson. "But you didn't pick up what went wrong in our systems earlier?""I appreciate that," says Leveson. "But you didn't pick up what went wrong in our systems earlier?"
"It was the absence of those things being done effectively," replies Murdoch."It was the absence of those things being done effectively," replies Murdoch.
10.35am: Lord Justice Leveson asks whether James Murdoch "probed the adequacy of the internal governance" at News International when he took over following the jailing of the News of the World royal reporter Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire over phone hacking.10.35am: Lord Justice Leveson asks whether James Murdoch "probed the adequacy of the internal governance" at News International when he took over following the jailing of the News of the World royal reporter Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire over phone hacking.
Murdoch says:Murdoch says:
In the newsroom it had not been tight enough and that's why a new editor was brought in who I thought had no skin in the game in the past … but the newsroom governance again was really an issue for the editor and the legal manager to be responsible for. They were clear they had strengthened governance to catch this sort of thing in the future.In the newsroom it had not been tight enough and that's why a new editor was brought in who I thought had no skin in the game in the past … but the newsroom governance again was really an issue for the editor and the legal manager to be responsible for. They were clear they had strengthened governance to catch this sort of thing in the future.
10.34am: Here's a tweet from former News of the World journalist Tom Latchem:10.34am: Here's a tweet from former News of the World journalist Tom Latchem:
Didn't read his papers, didn't choose editors, didn't read emails... What exactly DID he do for his multi-million pound salary? #LevesonDidn't read his papers, didn't choose editors, didn't read emails... What exactly DID he do for his multi-million pound salary? #Leveson
— Tom Latchem (@theboylatch) April 24, 2012— Tom Latchem (@theboylatch) April 24, 2012
10.31am: Murdoch is asked about phone hacking, which Jay describes as "well-trodden ground".10.31am: Murdoch is asked about phone hacking, which Jay describes as "well-trodden ground".
Jay raises the "For Neville" email and Murdoch's 10 June 2008 meeting with Tom Crone, the News International lawyer, and former news editor of the News of the World Colin Myler.Jay raises the "For Neville" email and Murdoch's 10 June 2008 meeting with Tom Crone, the News International lawyer, and former news editor of the News of the World Colin Myler.
Murdoch reasserts his position that he was not shown the email in that meeting. Crone and Myler have both put forward a different version of events.Murdoch reasserts his position that he was not shown the email in that meeting. Crone and Myler have both put forward a different version of events.
He adds that he was given assurances by Daniel Cloke, the News International HR director, and Myler in December 2007 that phone hacking was all in the past.He adds that he was given assurances by Daniel Cloke, the News International HR director, and Myler in December 2007 that phone hacking was all in the past.
10.26am: Jay asks about the appointment of Dominic Mohan as editor of the Sun.10.26am: Jay asks about the appointment of Dominic Mohan as editor of the Sun.
Murdoch says he supported the appointment, which was the recommendation of his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, and was approved by his father, Rupert Murdoch.Murdoch says he supported the appointment, which was the recommendation of his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, and was approved by his father, Rupert Murdoch.
Jay asks whether he knew Mohan's political views? Murdoch says he does not.Jay asks whether he knew Mohan's political views? Murdoch says he does not.
10.24am: Murdoch is asked why he believes the News of the World was profitable. Murdoch says the now-closed title was "reasonably" profitable, adding:10.24am: Murdoch is asked why he believes the News of the World was profitable. Murdoch says the now-closed title was "reasonably" profitable, adding:
The way we do business is part of the connection we have with our customers. In the end the profitability of the News of the World did not save it.The way we do business is part of the connection we have with our customers. In the end the profitability of the News of the World did not save it.
Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media at the high court, has just tweeted:Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media at the high court, has just tweeted:
"The profitability of the NoW did not save it," says JRM - an oblique reference to his "only guarantee of independence is profit" speech."The profitability of the NoW did not save it," says JRM - an oblique reference to his "only guarantee of independence is profit" speech.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
10.23am: Jay asks about the legal bill for the News of the World's Max Mosley sting.10.23am: Jay asks about the legal bill for the News of the World's Max Mosley sting.
Murdoch says he cannot recall the exact legal bill faced by News International, then publisher of the News of the World, but describes the episode as "very disappointing" and "a matter of great regret and the story shouldn't have been run".Murdoch says he cannot recall the exact legal bill faced by News International, then publisher of the News of the World, but describes the episode as "very disappointing" and "a matter of great regret and the story shouldn't have been run".
He says does not recall concerns being raised about the "blackmail tactics", as described by Robert Jay, of the women involved in the Mosley expose.He says does not recall concerns being raised about the "blackmail tactics", as described by Robert Jay, of the women involved in the Mosley expose.
Lord Justice Leveson asks whether he went into any detail to read the judge's comments on the Mosley episode.Lord Justice Leveson asks whether he went into any detail to read the judge's comments on the Mosley episode.
Murdoch says it was made clear to Colin Myler, editor of the News of the World at the time, that it was an unfortunate story and there was a "strong indication that it shouldn't happen again".Murdoch says it was made clear to Colin Myler, editor of the News of the World at the time, that it was an unfortunate story and there was a "strong indication that it shouldn't happen again".
"Getting it wrong spectacularly as that was, was made clear to Mr Myler with a strong indication it shouldn't happen again.""Getting it wrong spectacularly as that was, was made clear to Mr Myler with a strong indication it shouldn't happen again."
10.22am: My colleague Lisa O'Carroll has written a profile of Robert Jay who is questioning James Murdoch.10.22am: My colleague Lisa O'Carroll has written a profile of Robert Jay who is questioning James Murdoch.
His strength is he is very good at getting on top of his brief, in terms of getting to the detail. Without any doubt, he will know his subject inside out. He gets to the office at 7.30am or 8am, he puts the hours in to get the detail. Judges love himHis strength is he is very good at getting on top of his brief, in terms of getting to the detail. Without any doubt, he will know his subject inside out. He gets to the office at 7.30am or 8am, he puts the hours in to get the detail. Judges love him
10.16am: Murdoch is asked whether he read the News of the World on a weekly basis.10.16am: Murdoch is asked whether he read the News of the World on a weekly basis.
He says he tried to "familiarise" himself with the Sun and read the News of the World but "not all of it".He says he tried to "familiarise" himself with the Sun and read the News of the World but "not all of it".
Murdoch says he recalls "receiving assurances" about ethics and journalistic practice at the News of the World "on a number of occasions".Murdoch says he recalls "receiving assurances" about ethics and journalistic practice at the News of the World "on a number of occasions".
The ethical and legal risk was "very much in the hands of the editor", Murdoch says, adding that he did not decide what was published by the News of the World or the Sun.The ethical and legal risk was "very much in the hands of the editor", Murdoch says, adding that he did not decide what was published by the News of the World or the Sun.
10.14am: Jay asks whether there were deficiencies in News International's system for identifying legal risks?10.14am: Jay asks whether there were deficiencies in News International's system for identifying legal risks?
Murdoch says: "With respect to newsgathering practices it's self evident in hindsight whatever controls were in place failed. However, there were senior legal managers working with the newsrooms ... at the time I didn't have the view whether they were insufficient or not."Murdoch says: "With respect to newsgathering practices it's self evident in hindsight whatever controls were in place failed. However, there were senior legal managers working with the newsrooms ... at the time I didn't have the view whether they were insufficient or not."
He adds:He adds:
We had a management board where senior executives would meet regularly … and there was ample opportunity to be able to discuss these issues and surface them. I think I would have had a reasonable expectation that having a legal manager so close to the newsroom was a protection that it ultimately proved not to provide.We had a management board where senior executives would meet regularly … and there was ample opportunity to be able to discuss these issues and surface them. I think I would have had a reasonable expectation that having a legal manager so close to the newsroom was a protection that it ultimately proved not to provide.
Murdoch is asked about corporate reputation. He says that legal risk is an important part of corporate reputation.Murdoch is asked about corporate reputation. He says that legal risk is an important part of corporate reputation.
10.10am: Jay asks Murdoch whether he felt in December 2007 that there was an open-management culture at News International.10.10am: Jay asks Murdoch whether he felt in December 2007 that there was an open-management culture at News International.
Murdoch replies that he felt the publisher was "different" to the management relations at BSkyB.Murdoch replies that he felt the publisher was "different" to the management relations at BSkyB.
Jay asks whether he felt that Colin Myler, then the editor of the News of the World was open with him in December 2007.Jay asks whether he felt that Colin Myler, then the editor of the News of the World was open with him in December 2007.
"At the time I had no reason to believe otherwise," says Murdoch."At the time I had no reason to believe otherwise," says Murdoch.
10.06am: James Murdoch says he resigned as BSkyB chairman "for the simple reason that I wanted to avoid becoming a lightning rod" for the pay-TV operator during the phone-hacking scandal at News International.10.06am: James Murdoch says he resigned as BSkyB chairman "for the simple reason that I wanted to avoid becoming a lightning rod" for the pay-TV operator during the phone-hacking scandal at News International.
He adds that "some people were trying to conflate" the hacking scandal with his role at BSkyB, so he resigned from the post earlier this month.He adds that "some people were trying to conflate" the hacking scandal with his role at BSkyB, so he resigned from the post earlier this month.
10.01am: James Murdoch is sworn in and has taken the witness stand.10.01am: James Murdoch is sworn in and has taken the witness stand.
Robert Jay, the lead counsel to the inquiry is questioning the elder son of Rupert Murdoch.Robert Jay, the lead counsel to the inquiry is questioning the elder son of Rupert Murdoch.
9.43am: James Murdoch arrived at the high court just before 9am, a full hour before he is due to take the witness stand, according to the Financial Times correspondent Ben Fenton.9.43am: James Murdoch arrived at the high court just before 9am, a full hour before he is due to take the witness stand, according to the Financial Times correspondent Ben Fenton.
James Murdoch has just arrived at the High Court. He was driven in through gates off the Strand.James Murdoch has just arrived at the High Court. He was driven in through gates off the Strand.
— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012
Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, is at the high court and likened the air of anticipation to the early days of the inquiry, when celebrities including Hugh Grant and Sienna Miller appeared to give evidence.Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, is at the high court and likened the air of anticipation to the early days of the inquiry, when celebrities including Hugh Grant and Sienna Miller appeared to give evidence.
The entrance to the high court is lined with broadcasting trucks and photographers, and a smattering of campaigners from the activists network Avaaz, Sabbagh said.The entrance to the high court is lined with broadcasting trucks and photographers, and a smattering of campaigners from the activists network Avaaz, Sabbagh said.
Lisa O'Carroll, the Guardian's' media correspondent, has just tweeted:Lisa O'Carroll, the Guardian's' media correspondent, has just tweeted:
#leveson James Murdoch has arrived. Robert Jay in court 20m early. Air of anticipation#leveson James Murdoch has arrived. Robert Jay in court 20m early. Air of anticipation
— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) April 24, 2012
9.36am: Welcome to the Leveson inquiry live blog. James Murdoch will today testify on oath for almost six hours as the Leveson inquiry turns its attention to the relationship between proprietors and politicians.9.36am: Welcome to the Leveson inquiry live blog. James Murdoch will today testify on oath for almost six hours as the Leveson inquiry turns its attention to the relationship between proprietors and politicians.
James Murdoch, the eldest son of Rupert, is expected to give his account of the circumstances of News Corporation's takeover attempt of BSkyB, which was dropped at the height of the phone-hacking scandal last year. James Murdoch stepped down as executive chairman of BSkyB this month, having left News International, the publisher of the Sun and now-defunct News of the World, earlier this year.James Murdoch, the eldest son of Rupert, is expected to give his account of the circumstances of News Corporation's takeover attempt of BSkyB, which was dropped at the height of the phone-hacking scandal last year. James Murdoch stepped down as executive chairman of BSkyB this month, having left News International, the publisher of the Sun and now-defunct News of the World, earlier this year.
Nick Davies, the Guardian journalist who exposed the scandal, has suggested a set of questions for the former Murdoch heir apparent to answer.Nick Davies, the Guardian journalist who exposed the scandal, has suggested a set of questions for the former Murdoch heir apparent to answer.
The inquiry begins at 10am.The inquiry begins at 10am.
Comments have been turned off for legal reasons.Comments have been turned off for legal reasons.