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James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - live coverage James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - Tuesday 24 April
(40 minutes later)
11.51pm: Here is a recap on the main developments today:11.51pm: Here is a recap on the main developments today:
• Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, has begged the Leveson inquiry to give him a chance to salvage his reputation after emails released by News Corp appeared to show that Hunt and his office passed confidential and market-sensitive information to the Murdoch empire to support its takeover of BSkyB.• Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, has begged the Leveson inquiry to give him a chance to salvage his reputation after emails released by News Corp appeared to show that Hunt and his office passed confidential and market-sensitive information to the Murdoch empire to support its takeover of BSkyB.
• Although he has been backed by No 10 over the allegations, Hunt is facing pressure to resign as culture secretary amid the claims that he set up a private channel with News Corp over the BSkyB bid.• Although he has been backed by No 10 over the allegations, Hunt is facing pressure to resign as culture secretary amid the claims that he set up a private channel with News Corp over the BSkyB bid.
• The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between News Corp and Hunt's advisor over BSkyB deal.

• James Murdoch, the eldest son of Rupert, defended extensive private contact with Hunt's office as "legitimate advocacy"
• The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between News Corp and Hunt's advisor over BSkyB deal.

• James Murdoch, the eldest son of Rupert, defended extensive private contact with Hunt's office as "legitimate advocacy"
11.32pm: For the first time, compelling evidence of the Murdochs exploiting their position to apparently win favours from governments has emerged, writes Nick Davies in an overview piece on today's developments from Leveson.11.32pm: For the first time, compelling evidence of the Murdochs exploiting their position to apparently win favours from governments has emerged, writes Nick Davies in an overview piece on today's developments from Leveson.
He suggests that the Prime Minister, David Cameron, could also now become embroiled in two ways: He suggests that the prime minister, David Cameron, could also now become embroiled in two ways:
First, he faces questions about whether he had any kind of involvement in handling the bid for BSkyB, particularly during the quasi-judicial process from June 2010 to July 2011. For the first timeon Tuesday, it was disclosed that Murdoch had raised the bid with him when they met at Rebekah Brooks's house two days before Christmas 2010.First, he faces questions about whether he had any kind of involvement in handling the bid for BSkyB, particularly during the quasi-judicial process from June 2010 to July 2011. For the first timeon Tuesday, it was disclosed that Murdoch had raised the bid with him when they met at Rebekah Brooks's house two days before Christmas 2010.
Previously, Cameron had refused to answer direct questions about what was discussed on this occasion.Previously, Cameron had refused to answer direct questions about what was discussed on this occasion.
His opponents will be interested to know whether he really did keep his distance even as last year the bid was swept up in the political tornado around the phone-hacking scandal.His opponents will be interested to know whether he really did keep his distance even as last year the bid was swept up in the political tornado around the phone-hacking scandal.
Second, and potentially even more serious, the prime minister would be in jeopardy if the alleged support for the BSkyB bid proved to be part of a bigger deal between the Conservative leadership and News Corp.Second, and potentially even more serious, the prime minister would be in jeopardy if the alleged support for the BSkyB bid proved to be part of a bigger deal between the Conservative leadership and News Corp.
In its crudest form, the suggestion is that the Murdochs used the Sun to make sure that Gordon Brown was driven out of Downing Street so that the incoming Conservative government could deliver them a sequence of favours – a fair wind for them to take over BSkyB; the emasculation of the much resented Ofcom; and a severe funding cut to their primary broadcasting rival, the BBC.In its crudest form, the suggestion is that the Murdochs used the Sun to make sure that Gordon Brown was driven out of Downing Street so that the incoming Conservative government could deliver them a sequence of favours – a fair wind for them to take over BSkyB; the emasculation of the much resented Ofcom; and a severe funding cut to their primary broadcasting rival, the BBC.
11.26pm: Wednesday's Guardian front page splash by Patrick Wintour and Dan Sabbagh opens with:11.26pm: Wednesday's Guardian front page splash by Patrick Wintour and Dan Sabbagh opens with:
Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, has begged the Leveson inquiry to give him a chance to salvage his reputation after emails released by News Corp appeared to show that Hunt and his office passed confidential and market-sensitive information to the Murdoch empire to support its takeover of BSkyB.Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, has begged the Leveson inquiry to give him a chance to salvage his reputation after emails released by News Corp appeared to show that Hunt and his office passed confidential and market-sensitive information to the Murdoch empire to support its takeover of BSkyB.
Facing calls from the Labour leader Ed Miliband to resign, Hunt urged Lord Justice Leveson to change his hearings timetable and give him a chance to clear his name.Facing calls from the Labour leader Ed Miliband to resign, Hunt urged Lord Justice Leveson to change his hearings timetable and give him a chance to clear his name.
As the day-long questioning of James Murdoch ended, Hunt rushed to a meeting with David Cameron and the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, to explain the emails and texts that appeared to show he ignored his commitment to MPs to act in a quasi-judicial and impartial capacity over the £8bn bid, one that only failed in the wake of the Milly Dowler phone-hacking furore.As the day-long questioning of James Murdoch ended, Hunt rushed to a meeting with David Cameron and the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, to explain the emails and texts that appeared to show he ignored his commitment to MPs to act in a quasi-judicial and impartial capacity over the £8bn bid, one that only failed in the wake of the Milly Dowler phone-hacking furore.
11.21pm: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh and Lisa O'Carroll have filed a news story on the cross examination of James Murdoch at today's Leveson Inquiry.11.21pm: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh and Lisa O'Carroll have filed a news story on the cross examination of James Murdoch at today's Leveson Inquiry.
They write that "he came to the inquiry to defend his reputation, and ended up spending much of the remaining six and half hours on the stand in effect defending the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt". They add:They write that "he came to the inquiry to defend his reputation, and ended up spending much of the remaining six and half hours on the stand in effect defending the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt". They add:

But his robust defence of News Corporation's insider lobbying tactics was not matched by such a sure touch elsewhere, as his evidence revealed him to be incurious about phone hacking and uninterested in newspapers.

But his robust defence of News Corporation's insider lobbying tactics was not matched by such a sure touch elsewhere, as his evidence revealed him to be incurious about phone hacking and uninterested in newspapers.
The media mogul said that his chief lobbyist, Frédéric Michel, was simply "doing his job" in his briefings again and again on titbits obtained from ministers and their special advisers with regard to the BSkyB bid. For all the information he received, Murdoch remained sceptical.The media mogul said that his chief lobbyist, Frédéric Michel, was simply "doing his job" in his briefings again and again on titbits obtained from ministers and their special advisers with regard to the BSkyB bid. For all the information he received, Murdoch remained sceptical.
Rather than seeing the information that came out of Jeremy Hunt's team as particularly useful, he told the inquiry that he took all ministerial communications with a "grain of salt" and that, if anything, he was as sceptical about politicians.Rather than seeing the information that came out of Jeremy Hunt's team as particularly useful, he told the inquiry that he took all ministerial communications with a "grain of salt" and that, if anything, he was as sceptical about politicians.
11.14pm: Ploughing a slightly different furrow from the rest of Fleet Street tomorrow, the front page of Wednesday's Sun makes no mention of developments from the Leveson Inquiry.11.14pm: Ploughing a slightly different furrow from the rest of Fleet Street tomorrow, the front page of Wednesday's Sun makes no mention of developments from the Leveson Inquiry.
Instead, it splashes on Chelsea's triumph over Barcelona to reach the Champions League final.Instead, it splashes on Chelsea's triumph over Barcelona to reach the Champions League final.
11.09pm: Wednesday's Daily Mirror splashes with 'Murdoch's Stooges':11.09pm: Wednesday's Daily Mirror splashes with 'Murdoch's Stooges':
Wednesday's Daily Mirror front page - "Murdoch's stooges" #tomorrowspaperstoday's Daily Mirror front page - "Murdoch's stooges" #tomorrowspaperstoday
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
10.58pm: George Galloway, newly elected MP for Respect, says on Newsnight that both Labour and the Conservatives have been in bed with "a wicked, evil empire".10.58pm: George Galloway, newly elected MP for Respect, says on Newsnight that both Labour and the Conservatives have been in bed with "a wicked, evil empire".
He wishes that emails from the Blair era were also available: "Then we would know that both Labour and the conservatives have been in bed with [The Murdochs] and did not, like Neville [Thurlbeck, the former News of the World journalist], make their excuses and leave."He wishes that emails from the Blair era were also available: "Then we would know that both Labour and the conservatives have been in bed with [The Murdochs] and did not, like Neville [Thurlbeck, the former News of the World journalist], make their excuses and leave."
Thurlbeck says that he knew Fred Michel, the chief lobbyist for James Murdoch, who said in emails revealed at the Leveson Inquiry today that he had managed to get information about Jeremy Hunt's proposed statement to the House of Commons on News Corp's BSkyB bid, "although absolutely illegal".Thurlbeck says that he knew Fred Michel, the chief lobbyist for James Murdoch, who said in emails revealed at the Leveson Inquiry today that he had managed to get information about Jeremy Hunt's proposed statement to the House of Commons on News Corp's BSkyB bid, "although absolutely illegal".
"We have to hear what Mr Hunt has to say because it might transpire that Mr Michael was overplaying his hand to a great extent," he adds."We have to hear what Mr Hunt has to say because it might transpire that Mr Michael was overplaying his hand to a great extent," he adds.
10.46pm: BBC Newight's Emily Maitliss has opened up an interview with Labour's Harriet Harman and the Conservative's Jacob Rees-Mogg by asking Labour's deputy leader (in jest?) if the party was responsible for amending Jeremy Hunt's Wikipedia page earlier today to say he had resigned. Harman scrunches her face up. "No".10.46pm: BBC Newight's Emily Maitliss has opened up an interview with Labour's Harriet Harman and the Conservative's Jacob Rees-Mogg by asking Labour's deputy leader (in jest?) if the party was responsible for amending Jeremy Hunt's Wikipedia page earlier today to say he had resigned. Harman scrunches her face up. "No".
Rees-Mogg doesn't think that Fred Michels is "credible" and insists that Jeremy Hunt's behaviour was so above board that it was "painfully honest", calling in Ofcom for example.Rees-Mogg doesn't think that Fred Michels is "credible" and insists that Jeremy Hunt's behaviour was so above board that it was "painfully honest", calling in Ofcom for example.
The MP, who admitted he "hardly knows" the under-fire Cabinet minister, said allegations were being "cast around without evidenceThe MP, who admitted he "hardly knows" the under-fire Cabinet minister, said allegations were being "cast around without evidence
Harman says that David Cameron should be upholding standards in high office, saying this is quasi judicial decision, Jeremy Hunt has let his office down and should resigning.Harman says that David Cameron should be upholding standards in high office, saying this is quasi judicial decision, Jeremy Hunt has let his office down and should resigning.
10.38pm: Could today's revealations lead to the downfall of the government? Political commentators (on Twitter at least) seem to be seriously entertaining that possibility.10.38pm: Could today's revealations lead to the downfall of the government? Political commentators (on Twitter at least) seem to be seriously entertaining that possibility.
Tim Shipman, Deputy Political Editor at the Daily Mail, tweets: Tim Shipman, deputy political editor at the Daily Mail, tweets:
For the 1st time tonight I've talked to Lobby colleagues who think Murdoch might actually bring the govt down. Not likely but not impossibleFor the 1st time tonight I've talked to Lobby colleagues who think Murdoch might actually bring the govt down. Not likely but not impossible
— Tim Shipman (Mail) (@ShippersUnbound) April 24, 2012— Tim Shipman (Mail) (@ShippersUnbound) April 24, 2012
Paul Mason, speaking on Newsnight, has meanwhile just pointed out the rather stark fact that Jeremy Hunt is the minister "in charge" of the Leveson Inquiry, the minister to whom Leveson will answer. Paul Mason, speaking on Newsnight, has meanwhile just pointed out the rather stark fact that Jeremy Hunt is the minister "in charge" of the Leveson inquiry, the minister to whom Leveson will answer.
10.25pm: The Times, one of News Corporation's possessions, splashes with:10.25pm: The Times, one of News Corporation's possessions, splashes with:
Wednesday's Times front page - "Hunt in the frame over handling of BSkyB deal" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's Times front page - "Hunt in the frame over handling of BSkyB deal" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
10.24pm: The Daily Mail goes with 'Revenge of the Murdochs':10.24pm: The Daily Mail goes with 'Revenge of the Murdochs':
Wednesday's Daily Mail front page - "Revenge of the Murdochs" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's Daily Mail front page - "Revenge of the Murdochs" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
10.22pm: The Financial Times goes with: "Murdochs turn the tables on Cameron and Hunt':10.22pm: The Financial Times goes with: "Murdochs turn the tables on Cameron and Hunt':
Wednesday's FT front page - "Murdochs turn the tableson Cameron and Hunt" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's FT front page - "Murdochs turn the tableson Cameron and Hunt" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
10.08pm: Wednesday's Guardian front page splashes on 'Minister for Murdoch':10.08pm: Wednesday's Guardian front page splashes on 'Minister for Murdoch':
Wednesday's Guardian front page - "Minister for Murdoch" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's Guardian front page - "Minister for Murdoch" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
10.05pm: The Independent goes with 'Murdoch's revenge':10.05pm: The Independent goes with 'Murdoch's revenge':
Wednesday's Independent front page - "Murdoch's revenge" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's Independent front page - "Murdoch's revenge" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
9.55pm: Some front pages from Wednesday morning's UK nation newspapers are coming through now ( via BBC Radio 4's Nick Sutton).9.55pm: Some front pages from Wednesday morning's UK nation newspapers are coming through now ( via BBC Radio 4's Nick Sutton).
The Telegraph pounces on a comment, contained in emails read out at the inquiry today, by News Corp executive Fred Michels that he had managed to get information about Jeremy Hunt's proposed statement to the House of Commons on News Corp's BSkyB bid, "although absolutely illegal".The Telegraph pounces on a comment, contained in emails read out at the inquiry today, by News Corp executive Fred Michels that he had managed to get information about Jeremy Hunt's proposed statement to the House of Commons on News Corp's BSkyB bid, "although absolutely illegal".
Wednesday's Telegraph front page - "'Absolutely illegal'" #tomorrowspaperstoday…Wednesday's Telegraph front page - "'Absolutely illegal'" #tomorrowspaperstoday…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) April 24, 2012
9.05pm: An editorial in Wednesday's Guardian says that a public servant is required to behave like a judge – setting aside all personal prejudices and behaving with transparency.9.05pm: An editorial in Wednesday's Guardian says that a public servant is required to behave like a judge – setting aside all personal prejudices and behaving with transparency.
It states that this is the measure to judge the 163-page dossier of internal News Corp emails detailing the company's contacts with Jeremy Hunt and his officials during the process of the doomed bid for total control of BSkyB.It states that this is the measure to judge the 163-page dossier of internal News Corp emails detailing the company's contacts with Jeremy Hunt and his officials during the process of the doomed bid for total control of BSkyB.
Unless it can plausibly be demonstrated that News Corp executive Fred Michel is an utterly unreliable witness, the editorial says that David Cameron must move or sack Hunt.

It adds:
Unless it can plausibly be demonstrated that News Corp executive Fred Michel is an utterly unreliable witness, the editorial says that David Cameron must move or sack Hunt.

It adds:
There has been frequently voiced scepticism about the value of the Leveson inquiry.There has been frequently voiced scepticism about the value of the Leveson inquiry.
But here it is, once more doing what only a public inquiry can do – peeling back, on our behalf, the truth about the shadowy intersections between frequently unaccountable forms of power.But here it is, once more doing what only a public inquiry can do – peeling back, on our behalf, the truth about the shadowy intersections between frequently unaccountable forms of power.
It's taken a judge to do this and to give a valuable lesson on the difference between judicial and "quasi-judicial".It's taken a judge to do this and to give a valuable lesson on the difference between judicial and "quasi-judicial".
8.41pm: Tom Watson also asks (on his blog) Hunt's special advisor, Adam Smith, used a private email in exchanges with Fred Michel in order to prevent the correspondence from being subject to Freedom of Information requests.8.41pm: Tom Watson also asks (on his blog) Hunt's special advisor, Adam Smith, used a private email in exchanges with Fred Michel in order to prevent the correspondence from being subject to Freedom of Information requests.
However, it might be useful to note that the information commissioner announced last year that all emails sent by government members concerning government business are subject to freedom of information laws.However, it might be useful to note that the information commissioner announced last year that all emails sent by government members concerning government business are subject to freedom of information laws.
The ruling follows the revelation that Department for Education special advisers had been encouraging colleagues to use private email accounts to circumvent FoI requests. It had been thought that if government email accounts were not used, FoI legislation would not apply.The ruling follows the revelation that Department for Education special advisers had been encouraging colleagues to use private email accounts to circumvent FoI requests. It had been thought that if government email accounts were not used, FoI legislation would not apply.
8.28pm: Tom Watson, the Labour MP who took the political lead in the campaign to get to the bottom of the phone hacking scandal, has called for Hunt's resignation.8.28pm: Tom Watson, the Labour MP who took the political lead in the campaign to get to the bottom of the phone hacking scandal, has called for Hunt's resignation.
Watson, a member of the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, has written a piece for the Guardian, in which he says: Watson, a member of the House of Commons culture, media and sport select committee, has written a piece for the Guardian, in which he says:
The emails revealed yesterday show a web of connections ­between ministerial operatives and executives of News Corporation that shocked the most cynical Leveson watchers.The emails revealed yesterday show a web of connections ­between ministerial operatives and executives of News Corporation that shocked the most cynical Leveson watchers.
They show a cosy relationship that was forged between the ambitious culture secretary and the power-hungry executives of News Corp that nearly gave them huge commercial advantage over their rival media groups.They show a cosy relationship that was forged between the ambitious culture secretary and the power-hungry executives of News Corp that nearly gave them huge commercial advantage over their rival media groups.
Last year I told Hunt he would pay a high political price for schmoozing through the BSkyB deal in parliament. I thought it would cost him the very highest office. He saw himself as a future leader of the Conservative party. Now he's toast.Last year I told Hunt he would pay a high political price for schmoozing through the BSkyB deal in parliament. I thought it would cost him the very highest office. He saw himself as a future leader of the Conservative party. Now he's toast.
He'll be lucky to get elected to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport select committee when this is over, let alone 10 Downing Street.He'll be lucky to get elected to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport select committee when this is over, let alone 10 Downing Street.
You will be able to read the rest of Watson's article when it goes online shortly.You will be able to read the rest of Watson's article when it goes online shortly.
8.02pm: A spokesman for Alex Salmond has admitted that Salmond did believe that the BSkyB bid should have been given the go-ahead but again denied claims in the NI emails that Salmond had directly contacted Hunt's office to say so.8.02pm: A spokesman for Alex Salmond has admitted that Salmond did believe that the BSkyB bid should have been given the go-ahead but again denied claims in the NI emails that Salmond had directly contacted Hunt's office to say so.
The spokesman refused to confirm or deny that the first minister had privately offered to lobby UK ministers on the BSkyB bid in his meetings with senior Murdoch executives – a clear suggestion from Michel's emails to James Murdoch.The spokesman refused to confirm or deny that the first minister had privately offered to lobby UK ministers on the BSkyB bid in his meetings with senior Murdoch executives – a clear suggestion from Michel's emails to James Murdoch.
Nor would Salmond's spokesman confirm or deny whether Salmond or any of Salmond's close advisers had discussed the bid generally with the company. He said he had no information at all on Michel's email stating that Salmond had also offered to approach Vince Cable, the Business secretary, about the BSkyB bid.Nor would Salmond's spokesman confirm or deny whether Salmond or any of Salmond's close advisers had discussed the bid generally with the company. He said he had no information at all on Michel's email stating that Salmond had also offered to approach Vince Cable, the Business secretary, about the BSkyB bid.
Asked directly whether the first minister indicated privately to Murdoch's staff that he would support the BSKyB take-over bid, his spokesman paused and said: "I'm not hear to speak on behalf of News International. The first minister's view, but he was never asked his view, his public view on the BSkyB issue was never ventilated.Asked directly whether the first minister indicated privately to Murdoch's staff that he would support the BSKyB take-over bid, his spokesman paused and said: "I'm not hear to speak on behalf of News International. The first minister's view, but he was never asked his view, his public view on the BSkyB issue was never ventilated.
"His view on the BSkyB issue was, when you'd around 6,000 jobs in Scotland, he could see no competition issues, it was an important issue for Scotland in terms of jobs and he would have been quite happy to express that view had he been asked, but he wasn't. He never had any correspondence or conversation with Jeremy Hunt about the issue.""His view on the BSkyB issue was, when you'd around 6,000 jobs in Scotland, he could see no competition issues, it was an important issue for Scotland in terms of jobs and he would have been quite happy to express that view had he been asked, but he wasn't. He never had any correspondence or conversation with Jeremy Hunt about the issue."
7.46pm: Alan Sugar has used Twitter to call for Hunt's removal, saying that he should have resigned following parliamentary expenses controversy. He tweets:7.46pm: Alan Sugar has used Twitter to call for Hunt's removal, saying that he should have resigned following parliamentary expenses controversy. He tweets:
Prime minister must ask Jeremy Hunt to step down in view of the revelations disclosed at the Levinson enquiry by James MurdochPrime minister must ask Jeremy Hunt to step down in view of the revelations disclosed at the Levinson enquiry by James Murdoch
— Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) April 24, 2012— Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) April 24, 2012
Jeremy Hunt had to repay expenses twice said he didn't understand rules,either he is crook or idiot.Should he be in the position he holdsJeremy Hunt had to repay expenses twice said he didn't understand rules,either he is crook or idiot.Should he be in the position he holds
— Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) April 24, 2012— Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) April 24, 2012
7.36pm: Here is the full text of the statement by Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt following claims made at the Leveson Inquiry that he backed News Corporation's bid to take over BSkyB and leaked inside information to the media giant: 7.36pm: Here is the full text of the statement by culture secretary Jeremy Hunt following claims made at the Leveson Inquiry that he backed News Corporation's bid to take over BSkyB and leaked inside information to the media giant:
Now is not a time for kneejerk reactions. We've heard one side of the story today but some of the evidence reported meetings and conversations that simply didn't happen.Now is not a time for kneejerk reactions. We've heard one side of the story today but some of the evidence reported meetings and conversations that simply didn't happen.
Rather than jump on political bandwagon, we need to hear what Lord Justice Leveson thinks after he's heard all the evidence.Rather than jump on political bandwagon, we need to hear what Lord Justice Leveson thinks after he's heard all the evidence.
Let me be clear my number one priority was to give the public confidence in the integrity of process. I asked for advice from independent regulators - which I didn't have to do - and I followed that advice to the letter.Let me be clear my number one priority was to give the public confidence in the integrity of process. I asked for advice from independent regulators - which I didn't have to do - and I followed that advice to the letter.
I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible which is why I have today written to Lord Justice Leveson asking if my appearance can be brought forward.I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible which is why I have today written to Lord Justice Leveson asking if my appearance can be brought forward.
I am very confident that when I present my evidence the public will see that I conducted this process with scrupulous fairness.I am very confident that when I present my evidence the public will see that I conducted this process with scrupulous fairness.
7.19pm: Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has issued a statement saying that he had asked Lord Justice Leveson to bring forward his appearance before the press standards inquiry. 7.19pm: Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt has issued a statement saying that he had asked Lord Justice Leveson to bring forward his appearance before the press standards inquiry.
Hunt added that he was "confident that when I present my evidence the public will see that I conducted this process with scrupulous fairness".Hunt added that he was "confident that when I present my evidence the public will see that I conducted this process with scrupulous fairness".
He also said: "Now is not a time for kneejerk reactions. We've heard one side of the story today but some of the evidence reported meetings and conversations that simply didn't happen."He also said: "Now is not a time for kneejerk reactions. We've heard one side of the story today but some of the evidence reported meetings and conversations that simply didn't happen."
6.42pm: Our media correspondent, Lisa O'Carroll, has just been talking to an executive who worked for the group of newspapers opposed to News Corp's BSkyB bid. She writes:6.42pm: Our media correspondent, Lisa O'Carroll, has just been talking to an executive who worked for the group of newspapers opposed to News Corp's BSkyB bid. She writes:
The "alliance" of News International and BSkyB rivals who opposed the bid for the broadcaster had one "wooden meeting" with Hunt compared to the daily drip of insider information afforded to Murdoch.The "alliance" of News International and BSkyB rivals who opposed the bid for the broadcaster had one "wooden meeting" with Hunt compared to the daily drip of insider information afforded to Murdoch.
Executives watching Leveson today said the evidence was jaw-dropping. "We were blanked the whole way through the meeting. The great irony of this is Hunt requested that lobbyists Weber Shandwick who were acting for the alliance not attend the meeting while his special adviser was giving almost daily updates to News International," said the source. "The meeting was as useless as a chocolate teapot," the insider added.Executives watching Leveson today said the evidence was jaw-dropping. "We were blanked the whole way through the meeting. The great irony of this is Hunt requested that lobbyists Weber Shandwick who were acting for the alliance not attend the meeting while his special adviser was giving almost daily updates to News International," said the source. "The meeting was as useless as a chocolate teapot," the insider added.
The alliance was an official union of Trinity Mirror, Associated Newspapers and its subsidiary Northcliffe News, Guardian Media Group, Telegraph Media Group and BT. "They were being given all this intimacy. The difference in the way
they treated us was so stark," said the source.
The alliance was an official union of Trinity Mirror, Associated Newspapers and its subsidiary Northcliffe News, Guardian Media Group, Telegraph Media Group and BT. "They were being given all this intimacy. The difference in the way
they treated us was so stark," said the source.
6.22pm: We have published an interactive timeline of News Corp's correspondence with government insiders over the Murdoch empire's BSkyB takeover bid.6.22pm: We have published an interactive timeline of News Corp's correspondence with government insiders over the Murdoch empire's BSkyB takeover bid.
6.12pm: The Labour leader Ed Miliband has called for Jeremy Hunt to resign or be sacked as culture secretary.6.12pm: The Labour leader Ed Miliband has called for Jeremy Hunt to resign or be sacked as culture secretary.
Miliband said in a statement:Miliband said in a statement:

"Jeremy Hunt should have been standing up for the interests of the British people. In fact, it now turns out he was standing up for the interests of the Murdochs. He should resign.

"Jeremy Hunt should have been standing up for the interests of the British people. In fact, it now turns out he was standing up for the interests of the Murdochs. He should resign.
"He himself said that his duty was to be transparent, impartial and fair in the BSkyB takeover. But now we know that he was providing advice, guidance and privileged access to News Corporation. He was acting as a backchannel for the Murdochs."He himself said that his duty was to be transparent, impartial and fair in the BSkyB takeover. But now we know that he was providing advice, guidance and privileged access to News Corporation. He was acting as a backchannel for the Murdochs.
"He cannot stay in his post. And if he refuses to resign, the Prime Minister must show some leadership and fire him.""He cannot stay in his post. And if he refuses to resign, the Prime Minister must show some leadership and fire him."
5.56pm: Simon Kelner, former editor of the Independent, has given his account of the now-infamous confrontation by Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in his newspaper's offices in April 2010.5.56pm: Simon Kelner, former editor of the Independent, has given his account of the now-infamous confrontation by Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in his newspaper's offices in April 2010.
Kelner writes in the Guardian:Kelner writes in the Guardian:
I sat on a sofa, Brooks perched on the arm of another sofa, and Murdoch walked and talked. He was excitable and angry. "You've impugned the reputation of my family," he said at one point. He called me "a fucking fuckwit" and became furious at my bemusement that he should find our campaign so upsetting, given that one of his newspapers famously claimed that it did indeed decide elections.I sat on a sofa, Brooks perched on the arm of another sofa, and Murdoch walked and talked. He was excitable and angry. "You've impugned the reputation of my family," he said at one point. He called me "a fucking fuckwit" and became furious at my bemusement that he should find our campaign so upsetting, given that one of his newspapers famously claimed that it did indeed decide elections.
Brooks said very little, but, when her boss's rage blew itself out, chipped in with: "We thought you were our friend". Their use of language and the threatening nature of their approach came straight from the "Mafioso for Beginners" handbook.Brooks said very little, but, when her boss's rage blew itself out, chipped in with: "We thought you were our friend". Their use of language and the threatening nature of their approach came straight from the "Mafioso for Beginners" handbook.
Read the full article here.Read the full article here.
Murdoch earlier claimed he was upset that Kelner had been "availing himself of the hospitality of my family" and yet publicly criticised his father with a mini-billboard campaign.Murdoch earlier claimed he was upset that Kelner had been "availing himself of the hospitality of my family" and yet publicly criticised his father with a mini-billboard campaign.
5.44pm: David Leigh and Nick Davies have analysed how Jeremy Hunt "oiled the wheels" of News Corp's bid for full control of BSkyB. They write:5.44pm: David Leigh and Nick Davies have analysed how Jeremy Hunt "oiled the wheels" of News Corp's bid for full control of BSkyB. They write:
Sometimes half a dozen confidential texts and emails a day would fly back and forth between the culture secretary's Cockspur St office just off Trafalgar Square and the News Corporation team promoting the takeover bid for BSkyB.Sometimes half a dozen confidential texts and emails a day would fly back and forth between the culture secretary's Cockspur St office just off Trafalgar Square and the News Corporation team promoting the takeover bid for BSkyB.
It was a remarkable level of apparent intimacy with Jeremy Hunt, the minister who from January 2011 had the power to decide the bid's fate. On the eve of one key government announcement in March 2011, Frédéric Michel, the chief lobbyist for James Murdoch, who was leading the News Corp bid, emailed his boss excitedly at 3am: "Urgent. JH decision … He is minded to accept … and will release around 7.30am to the market".It was a remarkable level of apparent intimacy with Jeremy Hunt, the minister who from January 2011 had the power to decide the bid's fate. On the eve of one key government announcement in March 2011, Frédéric Michel, the chief lobbyist for James Murdoch, who was leading the News Corp bid, emailed his boss excitedly at 3am: "Urgent. JH decision … He is minded to accept … and will release around 7.30am to the market".
Read the full story here.Read the full story here.
5.32pm: Here is a quick summary of the fallout from James Murdoch's evidence to the Leveson inquiry:5.32pm: Here is a quick summary of the fallout from James Murdoch's evidence to the Leveson inquiry:
• Jeremy Hunt is facing pressure to resign as culture secretary amid claims he set up a private channel with News Corp over the BSkyB bid• Jeremy Hunt is facing pressure to resign as culture secretary amid claims he set up a private channel with News Corp over the BSkyB bid
• No 10 has backed Hunt over the allegations• No 10 has backed Hunt over the allegations
• The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between News Corp and Hunt's advisor over BSkyB deal• The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between News Corp and Hunt's advisor over BSkyB deal
• Murdoch defended extensive private contact with Hunt's office as "legitimate advocacy"• Murdoch defended extensive private contact with Hunt's office as "legitimate advocacy"
5.15pm: We have highlighted six key emails that will pile the pressure on Jeremy Hunt here.5.15pm: We have highlighted six key emails that will pile the pressure on Jeremy Hunt here.
5.10pm: Labour has called for the resignation of the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, over allegations that he set up a private back channel to News Corporation at a time when he was charged with making a quasi-judicial decision on whether to allow its takeover of BSkyB.5.10pm: Labour has called for the resignation of the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, over allegations that he set up a private back channel to News Corporation at a time when he was charged with making a quasi-judicial decision on whether to allow its takeover of BSkyB.
Read the full story here.Read the full story here.
5.03pm: The emails show that News Corp was confident in April 2011 that Jeremy Hunt would give the green light to its bid for full control of BSkyB.5.03pm: The emails show that News Corp was confident in April 2011 that Jeremy Hunt would give the green light to its bid for full control of BSkyB.
The News Corp executive Fréd Michel signs off a detailed email to James Murdoch on 13 April 2011: "We know it will clear it. We just need to push them strongly now to announced is as early as possible." (Page 120 of Exhibit KRM18 – PDF).The News Corp executive Fréd Michel signs off a detailed email to James Murdoch on 13 April 2011: "We know it will clear it. We just need to push them strongly now to announced is as early as possible." (Page 120 of Exhibit KRM18 – PDF).
4.51pm: Jeremy Hunt told News Corp's Fréd Michel in June last year that he had been "causing a lot of chaos and moaning from people at DCMS on our behalf", according to the emails (Page 141 of Exhibit KRM18 – PDF and pictured below).4.51pm: Jeremy Hunt told News Corp's Fréd Michel in June last year that he had been "causing a lot of chaos and moaning from people at DCMS on our behalf", according to the emails (Page 141 of Exhibit KRM18 – PDF and pictured below).
4.41pm: Fréd Michel asked Adam Smith, the special advisor to Jeremy Hunt, in an email exchange in June last year about arranging a meeting with Ed Vaizey, the culture minister.4.41pm: Fréd Michel asked Adam Smith, the special advisor to Jeremy Hunt, in an email exchange in June last year about arranging a meeting with Ed Vaizey, the culture minister.
Smith resists repeated attempts by Michel to meet Vaizey. Defeated, Michel says he feels "victimised" before adding: "By the way, does that mean you and Jeremy will not be coming to Take That on 4th July?" (Page 145 of Exhibit KRM18 - PDF)Smith resists repeated attempts by Michel to meet Vaizey. Defeated, Michel says he feels "victimised" before adding: "By the way, does that mean you and Jeremy will not be coming to Take That on 4th July?" (Page 145 of Exhibit KRM18 - PDF)
4.29pm: The News Corp head of public affairs, Fréd Michel, told James Murdoch in an email on 30 June 2011 following a debrief with Jeremy Hunt that "key for him [Hunt] is to find a way to weaken Avaaz campaign's arguments". (Page 153 of Exhibit KRM18 - PDF).4.29pm: The News Corp head of public affairs, Fréd Michel, told James Murdoch in an email on 30 June 2011 following a debrief with Jeremy Hunt that "key for him [Hunt] is to find a way to weaken Avaaz campaign's arguments". (Page 153 of Exhibit KRM18 - PDF).
4.23pm: The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between Jeremy Hunt's office and News Corp over the BSkyB takeover here.4.23pm: The Leveson inquiry has published 163 pages of correspondence between Jeremy Hunt's office and News Corp over the BSkyB takeover here.
We will dig through and post interesting extracts here.We will dig through and post interesting extracts here.
4.23pm: The Leveson inquiry has finished for the day. We will keep the liveblog open for further breaking news and reaction.4.23pm: The Leveson inquiry has finished for the day. We will keep the liveblog open for further breaking news and reaction.
4.20pm: Jay says the Leveson inquiry will shortly publish emails sent between Fréd Michel, James Murdoch and Jeremy Hunt's special adviser, Adam Smith, about the BSkyB takeover bid.4.20pm: Jay says the Leveson inquiry will shortly publish emails sent between Fréd Michel, James Murdoch and Jeremy Hunt's special adviser, Adam Smith, about the BSkyB takeover bid.
4.17pm: Lord Justice Leveson asks whether he has given consideration to how to more effectively regulate plurality and media's independence from government.4.17pm: Lord Justice Leveson asks whether he has given consideration to how to more effectively regulate plurality and media's independence from government.
"The first part of protecting plurality is being crisp around what plurality might be sufficient otherwise you would simply have ability of regulatory body to intervene at any stage," says Murdoch."The first part of protecting plurality is being crisp around what plurality might be sufficient otherwise you would simply have ability of regulatory body to intervene at any stage," says Murdoch.
"What is a state of affairs where there is a sufficiency of plurality? What is a tolerable decrease in plurality that could result from business performance and mergers and acquisitions and the like. Then it would become more straightforward and light touch environment.""What is a state of affairs where there is a sufficiency of plurality? What is a tolerable decrease in plurality that could result from business performance and mergers and acquisitions and the like. Then it would become more straightforward and light touch environment."
4.15pm: Jeremy Hunt is fighting for his political survival, but appears to have the backing of No 10.4.15pm: Jeremy Hunt is fighting for his political survival, but appears to have the backing of No 10.
Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:
No 10: 'yea', spokesman says when asked if PM has confidence in Jeremy Hunt. 'He does' #levesonNo 10: 'yea', spokesman says when asked if PM has confidence in Jeremy Hunt. 'He does' #leveson
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
Kiran Stacey, the Financial Times political correspondent, has just tweeted:Kiran Stacey, the Financial Times political correspondent, has just tweeted:
Hunt fighting hard. Ally says: "We have published all out meetings throughout. We have set a new bar in transparency."Hunt fighting hard. Ally says: "We have published all out meetings throughout. We have set a new bar in transparency."
— kiranstacey (@kiranstacey) April 24, 2012— kiranstacey (@kiranstacey) April 24, 2012
4.14pm: PoliticsHome's Paul Waugh has tweeted:4.14pm: PoliticsHome's Paul Waugh has tweeted:
No.10 says PM has full confidence in Hunt. But refuses to say PM has full confidence in 'the process followed' by DCMS.No.10 says PM has full confidence in Hunt. But refuses to say PM has full confidence in 'the process followed' by DCMS.
— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) April 24, 2012— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) April 24, 2012
4.12pm: Jay has completed his questioning of Murdoch.4.12pm: Jay has completed his questioning of Murdoch.
Lord Justice Leveson asks Murdoch about the Press Complaints Commission.Lord Justice Leveson asks Murdoch about the Press Complaints Commission.
Murdoch says he would "like to have more comfort" of training around the PCC code. "Having people in and around the PCC who are outside the current working press may be a good thing to have," he adds.Murdoch says he would "like to have more comfort" of training around the PCC code. "Having people in and around the PCC who are outside the current working press may be a good thing to have," he adds.
4.08pm: Murdoch is asked questions put by core participants.4.08pm: Murdoch is asked questions put by core participants.
Jay asks whether James discussed the ongoing phone-hacking saga with his father Rupert between 2008 and 2009.Jay asks whether James discussed the ongoing phone-hacking saga with his father Rupert between 2008 and 2009.
Murdoch says he did discuss the phone-hacking scandal with Rupert in 2009 following the Guardian story about the Gordon Taylor settlement.Murdoch says he did discuss the phone-hacking scandal with Rupert in 2009 following the Guardian story about the Gordon Taylor settlement.
The BBC reporter Ross Hawkins has just tweeted:The BBC reporter Ross Hawkins has just tweeted:
Source tells me Hunt is not even considering resignation and will give his own evidence at #LevesonSource tells me Hunt is not even considering resignation and will give his own evidence at #Leveson
— Ross Hawkins (@rosschawkins) April 24, 2012— Ross Hawkins (@rosschawkins) April 24, 2012
4.05pm: Murdoch says there are other ways to guarantee independence other than profit – harking back to his famous MacTaggart lecture in 2009 (pdf) – but that making money is the most durable of these.4.05pm: Murdoch says there are other ways to guarantee independence other than profit – harking back to his famous MacTaggart lecture in 2009 (pdf) – but that making money is the most durable of these.
4.00pm: Murdoch is asked about the future of media regulation in the UK.4.00pm: Murdoch is asked about the future of media regulation in the UK.
He says: "There will be fewer newspapers in the future than there are today. Plurality continues to be enhanced by breaking down of barriers ... in digital environment.He says: "There will be fewer newspapers in the future than there are today. Plurality continues to be enhanced by breaking down of barriers ... in digital environment.
"You have one person with a laptop on one side and Google on the other. Where do you draw the boundaries, what is the discourse you are trying to control, construct a set of rules around?""You have one person with a laptop on one side and Google on the other. Where do you draw the boundaries, what is the discourse you are trying to control, construct a set of rules around?"
Lord Justice Leveson points out that Google is an aggregator.Lord Justice Leveson points out that Google is an aggregator.
Murdoch replies: "The way search algorithms work ... I shouldn't say unbiased ... affects the results in terms of what's presented, the way in which aggregators approach the set of data it is compiling is relevant editorially, I'm sorry to say."Murdoch replies: "The way search algorithms work ... I shouldn't say unbiased ... affects the results in terms of what's presented, the way in which aggregators approach the set of data it is compiling is relevant editorially, I'm sorry to say."
3.57pm: Murdoch says Leveson should ensure "stronger enshrining of speech rights" coupled with stronger consequences for those who fall outside the boundaries.3.57pm: Murdoch says Leveson should ensure "stronger enshrining of speech rights" coupled with stronger consequences for those who fall outside the boundaries.
He says:He says:
The things to weigh up are a stronger enshrining of speech rights, coupled with a stronger set of consequences ... just as one of the great learnings for us has been not to allow an operating company to investigate itself without absolute transparency to the corporate centre, it is also difficult to allow an industry to control itself on a voluntary basis given the concerns we obviously all have.The things to weigh up are a stronger enshrining of speech rights, coupled with a stronger set of consequences ... just as one of the great learnings for us has been not to allow an operating company to investigate itself without absolute transparency to the corporate centre, it is also difficult to allow an industry to control itself on a voluntary basis given the concerns we obviously all have.
Sky News has just tweeted:Sky News has just tweeted:
Labour MP John Mann writes to Cabinet Secretary calling for investigation into contact between Govt & News Corp during BSkyB takeover.Labour MP John Mann writes to Cabinet Secretary calling for investigation into contact between Govt & News Corp during BSkyB takeover.
— Sky News Newsdesk (@SkyNewsBreak) April 24, 2012— Sky News Newsdesk (@SkyNewsBreak) April 24, 2012
3.52pm: Murdoch says he has had "cause for reflection" on the effectiveness of regulation of the press.3.52pm: Murdoch says he has had "cause for reflection" on the effectiveness of regulation of the press.
As the subject of media coverage, Murdoch says he has questions about the prominence of corrections and right of reply. He claims that the Guardian has made more than 40 corrections in last 10 months about News Corp.As the subject of media coverage, Murdoch says he has questions about the prominence of corrections and right of reply. He claims that the Guardian has made more than 40 corrections in last 10 months about News Corp.
Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has just tweeted:Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has just tweeted:
J Murdoch reference to 40 Guardian corrections on News Corp presumably counts all articles changed to reflect new Dowler deletion evidenceJ Murdoch reference to 40 Guardian corrections on News Corp presumably counts all articles changed to reflect new Dowler deletion evidence
— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012
3.50pm: The Guardian's Helen Pidd has written this article on Frédéric Michel, the man whose emails have put so much pressure on Jeremy Hunt.3.50pm: The Guardian's Helen Pidd has written this article on Frédéric Michel, the man whose emails have put so much pressure on Jeremy Hunt.
3.47pm: Jay suggests Murdoch is "somewhat blind" to the apparent horse trading between the Sun's support for the Conservative party and that party's subsequent support for the BSkyB takeover.3.47pm: Jay suggests Murdoch is "somewhat blind" to the apparent horse trading between the Sun's support for the Conservative party and that party's subsequent support for the BSkyB takeover.
Murdoch rejects this suggestion. He says there was "absolutely not a quid pro quo for that support".Murdoch rejects this suggestion. He says there was "absolutely not a quid pro quo for that support".
3.44pm: Jay appears to have finished going through the emails. He asks Murdoch whether Hunt carried out his quasi-judicial review of the BSkyB bid in a proper way:3.44pm: Jay appears to have finished going through the emails. He asks Murdoch whether Hunt carried out his quasi-judicial review of the BSkyB bid in a proper way:
Murdoch says:Murdoch says:
He [Hunt] consulted widely, he took advice from all sides … and it was an incredibly rigorous process in an environment that was uncharted territory. At every step … he followed the independent advice that he said he was going to.He [Hunt] consulted widely, he took advice from all sides … and it was an incredibly rigorous process in an environment that was uncharted territory. At every step … he followed the independent advice that he said he was going to.
On News Corp's conduct, Murdoch says with such a large takeover you would see an active public affairs engagement but this is separate to questions over ethics of the press.On News Corp's conduct, Murdoch says with such a large takeover you would see an active public affairs engagement but this is separate to questions over ethics of the press.
"I really can't see. I don't know the ins and outs of Westminster but we were receiving feedback and information through our public affairs channel," he adds."I really can't see. I don't know the ins and outs of Westminster but we were receiving feedback and information through our public affairs channel," he adds.
3.41pm: On 7 July, James Murdoch was given private information about a meeting between David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt to discuss setting up the Leveson inquiry.3.41pm: On 7 July, James Murdoch was given private information about a meeting between David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt to discuss setting up the Leveson inquiry.
3.40pm: In May, Jeremy Hunt's adviser told Fréd Michel, of News Corp, that Hunt would call James Murdoch on his mobile about the BSkyB bid.3.40pm: In May, Jeremy Hunt's adviser told Fréd Michel, of News Corp, that Hunt would call James Murdoch on his mobile about the BSkyB bid.
Murdoch is told in another email following a debate in the Commons about the takeover that Hunt was "very happy with the way today went and with the absolutely idiotic debate" by Tom Watson and John Prescott.Murdoch is told in another email following a debate in the Commons about the takeover that Hunt was "very happy with the way today went and with the absolutely idiotic debate" by Tom Watson and John Prescott.
Jay suggests this was another example of News Corp getting the inside track on Hunt's decision.Jay suggests this was another example of News Corp getting the inside track on Hunt's decision.
Murdoch says: "I guess so, but this is a debrief after the public debate, nothing particularly new is disclosed."Murdoch says: "I guess so, but this is a debrief after the public debate, nothing particularly new is disclosed."
3.31pm: Murdoch says he wanted Jeremy Hunt to understand that News Corp shareholders were restive over the length of the transaction period.3.31pm: Murdoch says he wanted Jeremy Hunt to understand that News Corp shareholders were restive over the length of the transaction period.
In another email, the News Corp executive Fred Michel refers to a dinner with Alex Salmond and the editor of the Scottish Sun, which had just decided to back Salmond at the next Scottish election. In another email, the News Corp executive Fred Michel refers to a dinner with Alex Salmond and the editor of the Scottish Sun, which had just decided to back Salmond's Scottish National party at the next Scottish election.
In the email, Michel says: "Alex [Salmond] was keen to see if he could help smooth the way for the process", referring to the BSkyB takeover bid.In the email, Michel says: "Alex [Salmond] was keen to see if he could help smooth the way for the process", referring to the BSkyB takeover bid.
Ben Fenton, the FT correspondent, has just tweeted:Ben Fenton, the FT correspondent, has just tweeted:
[The enthusiasm of @rupertmurdoch for Alex Salmond is, I think, now put in context.][The enthusiasm of @rupertmurdoch for Alex Salmond is, I think, now put in context.]
— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 24, 2012
3.27pm: The inquiry has resumed and Jay says there are 80 further emails to go.3.27pm: The inquiry has resumed and Jay says there are 80 further emails to go.
3.23pm: The inquiry has taken a short break.3.23pm: The inquiry has taken a short break.
3.11pm: Jeremy Hunt went to see Swan Lake with his special adviser Adam Smith, the inquiry hears, as Michel told Murdoch he "managed to get JH" before he went to the theatre.3.11pm: Jeremy Hunt went to see Swan Lake with his special adviser Adam Smith, the inquiry hears, as Michel told Murdoch he "managed to get JH" before he went to the theatre.
Michel told Murdoch on 11 February that Alex Salmond's adviser had agreed to call Jeremy Hunt about the BSkyB deal "whenever we need him to".Michel told Murdoch on 11 February that Alex Salmond's adviser had agreed to call Jeremy Hunt about the BSkyB deal "whenever we need him to".
Evgeny Lebedev, owner of the Independent and London Evening Standard, has just tweeted:Evgeny Lebedev, owner of the Independent and London Evening Standard, has just tweeted:
if Jeremy #Hunt needs a job, I'm looking for a successor to @amolrajan as my media adviser. Applications to my office pleaseif Jeremy #Hunt needs a job, I'm looking for a successor to @amolrajan as my media adviser. Applications to my office please
— Evgeny Lebedev (@mrevgenylebedev) April 24, 2012— Evgeny Lebedev (@mrevgenylebedev) April 24, 2012
Murdoch denies any imputation that Alex Salmond was given positive coverage in the Scottish Sun in return for help lobbying Jeremy Hunt on the BSkyB deal.Murdoch denies any imputation that Alex Salmond was given positive coverage in the Scottish Sun in return for help lobbying Jeremy Hunt on the BSkyB deal.
"That was absolutely not News Corporation's policy and I would not do business like that," Murdoch says, flatly."That was absolutely not News Corporation's policy and I would not do business like that," Murdoch says, flatly.
3.08pm: In another email, Michel tells James Murdoch on 25 January after Hunt's statement to parliament: "JH believes we are in a good place tonight".3.08pm: In another email, Michel tells James Murdoch on 25 January after Hunt's statement to parliament: "JH believes we are in a good place tonight".
Jay suggests that Michel is attempting to obtain private documents that have not yet been published.Jay suggests that Michel is attempting to obtain private documents that have not yet been published.
The Labour MP Ben Bradshaw has just tweeted:The Labour MP Ben Bradshaw has just tweeted:
It's worse than I suspected at the time. Jeremy Hunt's office was basically operating as a branch office for the Murdoch empire #levesonIt's worse than I suspected at the time. Jeremy Hunt's office was basically operating as a branch office for the Murdoch empire #leveson
— Ben Bradshaw (@BenPBradshaw) April 24, 2012— Ben Bradshaw (@BenPBradshaw) April 24, 2012
3.06pm: The betting firm Paddy Power has now suspended betting on Jeremy Hunt becoming the first minister to leave cabinet, following the same move by Ladbrokes in the past hour.3.06pm: The betting firm Paddy Power has now suspended betting on Jeremy Hunt becoming the first minister to leave cabinet, following the same move by Ladbrokes in the past hour.
Paddy Power has just tweeted:Paddy Power has just tweeted:
BREAKING: We have suspended betting on politician Jeremy Hunt leaving cabinet. Something big is about to go down...??!!BREAKING: We have suspended betting on politician Jeremy Hunt leaving cabinet. Something big is about to go down...??!!
— paddypower (@paddypower) April 24, 2012— paddypower (@paddypower) April 24, 2012
3.05pm: Murdoch says the takeover was "hotly contested" and he imagined that Jeremy Hunt's office was in contact with "all the relevant parties".3.05pm: Murdoch says the takeover was "hotly contested" and he imagined that Jeremy Hunt's office was in contact with "all the relevant parties".
Jay describes News Corp's communication with Hunt's office as "surreptitious".Jay describes News Corp's communication with Hunt's office as "surreptitious".
3.00pm: Murdoch maintains he was "very worried" about the prospect of the BSkyB bid, despite the positive signals he was receiving from the office of Hunt.3.00pm: Murdoch maintains he was "very worried" about the prospect of the BSkyB bid, despite the positive signals he was receiving from the office of Hunt.
In another email on 23 January 2011, Michel says: "He [Hunt] is keen for me to work with his team on the [Hunt] statement ... and offer some possible language".In another email on 23 January 2011, Michel says: "He [Hunt] is keen for me to work with his team on the [Hunt] statement ... and offer some possible language".
Separately Michel says he has managed to get some information about Hunt's proposed statement "although absolutely illegal".Separately Michel says he has managed to get some information about Hunt's proposed statement "although absolutely illegal".
To gasps in the courtroom, Murdoch stresses that this is a joke, but he is "not so sure" whether this is illegal.To gasps in the courtroom, Murdoch stresses that this is a joke, but he is "not so sure" whether this is illegal.
Jay describes it as a "sneak preview" as the secretary of state's planned statement to parliament.Jay describes it as a "sneak preview" as the secretary of state's planned statement to parliament.
2.57pm: Esther Addley, the Guardian correspondent, has just tweeted:2.57pm: Esther Addley, the Guardian correspondent, has just tweeted:
Hacks in court craning to read emails being flashed up on screens in court. Can't quite believe all they are hearing #LevesonHacks in court craning to read emails being flashed up on screens in court. Can't quite believe all they are hearing #Leveson
— esther addley (@estheraddley) April 24, 2012— esther addley (@estheraddley) April 24, 2012
2.56pm: In an email on 11 January 2011, Michel said Hunt "wants us to take the heat with him in the next two weeks" and "he shared our objectives", the inquiry hears.2.56pm: In an email on 11 January 2011, Michel said Hunt "wants us to take the heat with him in the next two weeks" and "he shared our objectives", the inquiry hears.
Murdoch was given a detailed briefing on what Hunt was planning to say to parliament on 23 January.Murdoch was given a detailed briefing on what Hunt was planning to say to parliament on 23 January.
2.55pm: Murdoch maintains that he took what Hunt's advisers were telling him "with a grain of salt".2.55pm: Murdoch maintains that he took what Hunt's advisers were telling him "with a grain of salt".
Jay presses Murdoch on whether he knew that Hunt, as the "judge" of the takeover, approved of News Corp's BSkyB bid.Jay presses Murdoch on whether he knew that Hunt, as the "judge" of the takeover, approved of News Corp's BSkyB bid.
"Let's accept you had a brilliant case, but there's a difference between you having a brilliant case and the judge thinking you had a brilliant case," says Jay."Let's accept you had a brilliant case, but there's a difference between you having a brilliant case and the judge thinking you had a brilliant case," says Jay.
Murdoch replies:Murdoch replies:

I took all of that with a grain of salt. It may have just been his office saying it will all be fine ... he only took advice of Ofcom and OFT at every turn.

I took all of that with a grain of salt. It may have just been his office saying it will all be fine ... he only took advice of Ofcom and OFT at every turn.
2.51pm: On 23 January 2011, Jeremy Hunt believed it was "almost game over" for those who opposed News Corp's takeover of BSkyB, according to emails read by Jay.2.51pm: On 23 January 2011, Jeremy Hunt believed it was "almost game over" for those who opposed News Corp's takeover of BSkyB, according to emails read by Jay.
In another Michel email following discussions with Hunt's special adviser, Murdoch is given information about timetables and Hunt's view of the merits of your case, Jay tells Murdoch.In another Michel email following discussions with Hunt's special adviser, Murdoch is given information about timetables and Hunt's view of the merits of your case, Jay tells Murdoch.
"His view is that once he announces publicly he has a strong UIL [undertaking in lieu] it's almost game over for the opposition," Jay reads from the email."His view is that once he announces publicly he has a strong UIL [undertaking in lieu] it's almost game over for the opposition," Jay reads from the email.
Jay: "Mr Hunt was still acting in a quasi-judicial role, he is letting you know what his view is."Jay: "Mr Hunt was still acting in a quasi-judicial role, he is letting you know what his view is."
He adds: "There's a difference between you having that view and the judge behind the scenes [Hunt] telling you that he has that view as well."He adds: "There's a difference between you having that view and the judge behind the scenes [Hunt] telling you that he has that view as well."
2.49pm: Labrokes suspend betting on Hunt being the first minister to leave the cabinet, following the evidence heard at the Leveson inquiry today.2.49pm: Labrokes suspend betting on Hunt being the first minister to leave the cabinet, following the evidence heard at the Leveson inquiry today.
2.48pm: Murdoch says most of the emails detail News Corp's concern its opinion was heard during the regulatory process.2.48pm: Murdoch says most of the emails detail News Corp's concern its opinion was heard during the regulatory process.
This is a large-scale process that is in the hands of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport … and it was entirely reasonable to try and communicate with policymakers about the merits of what we were proposing.This is a large-scale process that is in the hands of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport … and it was entirely reasonable to try and communicate with policymakers about the merits of what we were proposing.
2.47pm: Murdoch says there was lots of selective leaking about the BSkyB takeover bid.2.47pm: Murdoch says there was lots of selective leaking about the BSkyB takeover bid.
Jay says News Corp was also being passed insight into private conversations between Ofcom chief executive, Ed Richards, and the secretary of state, Jeremy Hunt.Jay says News Corp was also being passed insight into private conversations between Ofcom chief executive, Ed Richards, and the secretary of state, Jeremy Hunt.
Murdoch says this "might have just been trying to make nice" while in public following a separate course. He adds that he took this information "with a grain of salt".Murdoch says this "might have just been trying to make nice" while in public following a separate course. He adds that he took this information "with a grain of salt".
2.46pm: Jay says informal contact took place "secretly" between Michel and Hunt's special adviser. Murdoch says it was "acceptable and part of the process".2.46pm: Jay says informal contact took place "secretly" between Michel and Hunt's special adviser. Murdoch says it was "acceptable and part of the process".
Jay says further emails will raise the question whether they "fell into the appropriate box or the inappropriate box".Jay says further emails will raise the question whether they "fell into the appropriate box or the inappropriate box".
Another Michel email, on New Year's Eve 2010, said about Ofcom's report on the bid: "We already know privately Jeremy will not look at it before next Wednesday."Another Michel email, on New Year's Eve 2010, said about Ofcom's report on the bid: "We already know privately Jeremy will not look at it before next Wednesday."
2.39pm: On 21 December 2010, Vince Cable's remarks to undercover reporters about the BSkyB takeover became public.2.39pm: On 21 December 2010, Vince Cable's remarks to undercover reporters about the BSkyB takeover became public.
The fact that the Daily Telegraph initially left out Cable's comments about BSkyB, and that the paper was in the alliance of media owners against the BSkyB takeover, "was a cause of concern for us" says Murdoch. "We thought it was pretty inappropriate."The fact that the Daily Telegraph initially left out Cable's comments about BSkyB, and that the paper was in the alliance of media owners against the BSkyB takeover, "was a cause of concern for us" says Murdoch. "We thought it was pretty inappropriate."
His comments on the issue were later revealed by the BBC's Robert Peston and Cable was removed from the process.His comments on the issue were later revealed by the BBC's Robert Peston and Cable was removed from the process.
The inquiry hears that Michel spoke to Nick Clegg's office in the wake of Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments. Michel said in an email: "Just spoke. He [Clegg] is absolutely furious."The inquiry hears that Michel spoke to Nick Clegg's office in the wake of Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments. Michel said in an email: "Just spoke. He [Clegg] is absolutely furious."
Murdoch says he sought to discover what was the best channel to liaise with the department for culture, media and sport after Cable was stripped of oversight of the BSkyB bid.Murdoch says he sought to discover what was the best channel to liaise with the department for culture, media and sport after Cable was stripped of oversight of the BSkyB bid.
2.33pm: Rebekah Brooks told James Murdoch in an email that there was "total bafflement" from George Osborne's office at Ofcom's public interest statement about the BSkyB bid.2.33pm: Rebekah Brooks told James Murdoch in an email that there was "total bafflement" from George Osborne's office at Ofcom's public interest statement about the BSkyB bid.
"The whole thing at this point was very frustrating," Murdoch says."The whole thing at this point was very frustrating," Murdoch says.
2.32pm: Ofcom raises issues with Sky bid, Michel on 14 December said he had a "very good debrief with Hunt ... he is pretty amazed by its findings, methodology and clear bias. He very much shares our views on it."2.32pm: Ofcom raises issues with Sky bid, Michel on 14 December said he had a "very good debrief with Hunt ... he is pretty amazed by its findings, methodology and clear bias. He very much shares our views on it."
Michel said he would try to set up a meeting with Hunt before Christmas.Michel said he would try to set up a meeting with Hunt before Christmas.
We don't know whether that's a reference to Hunt or Hunt's special adviser, says Jay. Or his office, says Murdoch.We don't know whether that's a reference to Hunt or Hunt's special adviser, says Jay. Or his office, says Murdoch.
Jay asks whether Murdoch took Hunt references to mean him personally or his office. "Communicating through his office ... I didn't assume it was all direct," says Murdoch.Jay asks whether Murdoch took Hunt references to mean him personally or his office. "Communicating through his office ... I didn't assume it was all direct," says Murdoch.
"But I think you can appreciate the channel wasn't of my primary concern, it was the content of the notes which were confirming our concerns about the process.""But I think you can appreciate the channel wasn't of my primary concern, it was the content of the notes which were confirming our concerns about the process."
2.30pm: Michel emails on 23 November to say he would have a session with Hunt's adviser the following week, and also that Hunt had asked him to send him documents privately.2.30pm: Michel emails on 23 November to say he would have a session with Hunt's adviser the following week, and also that Hunt had asked him to send him documents privately.
Why the on-going dialogue with Hunt, asks Jay. "We wanted any interested party to see the revleavnt arguments," says Murdoch. "We wanted do make sure the right legal tests were applied."Why the on-going dialogue with Hunt, asks Jay. "We wanted any interested party to see the revleavnt arguments," says Murdoch. "We wanted do make sure the right legal tests were applied."
Michel also spoke to advisers of deputy prime minister and prime minister.Michel also spoke to advisers of deputy prime minister and prime minister.
Hunt said he was "pretty amazed" by Ofcom's public interest findings and the "clear bias," the inquiry hears.Hunt said he was "pretty amazed" by Ofcom's public interest findings and the "clear bias," the inquiry hears.
2.29pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:2.29pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:
So Cable refuses to see Murdoch. Murdoch's team hustle for info from Osborne + arrange a private phone call with Hunt.So Cable refuses to see Murdoch. Murdoch's team hustle for info from Osborne + arrange a private phone call with Hunt.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
2.28pm: The internal project code name for News Corp's purchase of the rest of BSkyB was "Rubicon".2.28pm: The internal project code name for News Corp's purchase of the rest of BSkyB was "Rubicon".
The inquiry hears that Hunt asked Michel, the News Corp public affairs executive, to send him documents "privately" in November 2010.The inquiry hears that Hunt asked Michel, the News Corp public affairs executive, to send him documents "privately" in November 2010.
Reading from a Michel email, Jay quotes: "Jeremy has also asked me to send him relevant documents privately".Reading from a Michel email, Jay quotes: "Jeremy has also asked me to send him relevant documents privately".
2.27pm: Jay says Michel was also "working" on Vince Cable's special adviser, Giles Wilkes. Jay says Wilkes warned him to lay off, saying a dialogue would be inappropriate.2.27pm: Jay says Michel was also "working" on Vince Cable's special adviser, Giles Wilkes. Jay says Wilkes warned him to lay off, saying a dialogue would be inappropriate.
Murdoch says: "They didn't want anyone talking about the process because they didn't have one."Murdoch says: "They didn't want anyone talking about the process because they didn't have one."
2.27pm: Here's a news story written by Patrick Wintour, Lisa O'Carroll and Dan Sabbagh on the criticism Jeremy Hunt faces over access News Corp execs were given during the BSkyB bid process.2.27pm: Here's a news story written by Patrick Wintour, Lisa O'Carroll and Dan Sabbagh on the criticism Jeremy Hunt faces over access News Corp execs were given during the BSkyB bid process.
2.23pm: Helen Goodman, the Labour MP, has described the conversations revealed between advisers to Hunt and Murdoch as "pretty serious".2.23pm: Helen Goodman, the Labour MP, has described the conversations revealed between advisers to Hunt and Murdoch as "pretty serious".
Goodman told the Guardian:Goodman told the Guardian:
It seems to me that J Hunt has not told the truth to Parliament. He repeatedly said "at every stage" he took advice from officials and was completely transparent. Murdoch's evidence makes clear that for the period prior to 23 Dec 2010 this is not so: that he was parti pris and had off the record conversations in his role as SofS for DCMS. This is pretty serious.It seems to me that J Hunt has not told the truth to Parliament. He repeatedly said "at every stage" he took advice from officials and was completely transparent. Murdoch's evidence makes clear that for the period prior to 23 Dec 2010 this is not so: that he was parti pris and had off the record conversations in his role as SofS for DCMS. This is pretty serious.
2.18pm: Murdoch says it seemed like "people were speaking out of different sides of their mouth" about the BSkyB takeover bid.2.18pm: Murdoch says it seemed like "people were speaking out of different sides of their mouth" about the BSkyB takeover bid.
The inquiry hears that Jeremy Hunt was "very frustrated" that he received "strong legal advice" not to meet James Murdoch about the bid. Murdoch says he was "displeased" with this.The inquiry hears that Jeremy Hunt was "very frustrated" that he received "strong legal advice" not to meet James Murdoch about the bid. Murdoch says he was "displeased" with this.
Michel advised Murdoch to "have a chat with him [Hunt] on his mobile, which is fine". Murdoch says "not to my mind" was this a surreptitious phone call. Hunt later called Murdoch to apologise for a cancelled meeting, he says.Michel advised Murdoch to "have a chat with him [Hunt] on his mobile, which is fine". Murdoch says "not to my mind" was this a surreptitious phone call. Hunt later called Murdoch to apologise for a cancelled meeting, he says.
Jay reads another email from Murdoch to Michel in which Murdoch says "you must be fucking joking. I will text him and find a time" to meet and avoid legal obstacles.Jay reads another email from Murdoch to Michel in which Murdoch says "you must be fucking joking. I will text him and find a time" to meet and avoid legal obstacles.
Murdoch tells Jay: "As I said earlier, I was displeased."Murdoch tells Jay: "As I said earlier, I was displeased."
2.15pm: George Osborne's chief of staff Rupert Harrison gave details of Cable's role in the BSkyB takeover to News Corp executive Fréd Michel, Murdoch says.2.15pm: George Osborne's chief of staff Rupert Harrison gave details of Cable's role in the BSkyB takeover to News Corp executive Fréd Michel, Murdoch says.
Michel met Harrison, on 9 November, confirming "tensions in the coalition around Vince Cable".Michel met Harrison, on 9 November, confirming "tensions in the coalition around Vince Cable".
Jay says Murdoch was getting confidential information about what was going on at a high level of government. Was that appropriate?Jay says Murdoch was getting confidential information about what was going on at a high level of government. Was that appropriate?
"Mr Michel's job was to engage with special advisers," says Murdoch. "He reports back what he's told. I was concerned with the substance I was hearing.""Mr Michel's job was to engage with special advisers," says Murdoch. "He reports back what he's told. I was concerned with the substance I was hearing."
Harrison said Cable probably took the BSkyB referral decision "without even reading the legal advice", the inquiry hears.Harrison said Cable probably took the BSkyB referral decision "without even reading the legal advice", the inquiry hears.
2.11pm: Murdoch says Vince Cable listened to other people about News Corp's bid for BSkyB but wouldn't sit down for a meeting with him.2.11pm: Murdoch says Vince Cable listened to other people about News Corp's bid for BSkyB but wouldn't sit down for a meeting with him.
He adds:He adds:
I think it would have been entirely appropriate to have a meeting with Mr Cable and his advisors to lay out some of the issues as we saw them and our rationale for the transaction and our analysis of the plurality concerns.I think it would have been entirely appropriate to have a meeting with Mr Cable and his advisors to lay out some of the issues as we saw them and our rationale for the transaction and our analysis of the plurality concerns.
Self evident in what emerged in next 12 months that he was taking other people's advice. All we wanted to do was sit down and say here are the issues, please sit us down and let us make our case.Self evident in what emerged in next 12 months that he was taking other people's advice. All we wanted to do was sit down and say here are the issues, please sit us down and let us make our case.
2.08pm: Chris Bryant, the Labour MP, has just tweeted:2.08pm: Chris Bryant, the Labour MP, has just tweeted:
I suspect Mr Jeremy Hunt is not long for this world politically, but it's going to get worse for Cameron.I suspect Mr Jeremy Hunt is not long for this world politically, but it's going to get worse for Cameron.
— Chris Bryant (@ChrisBryantMP) April 24, 2012— Chris Bryant (@ChrisBryantMP) April 24, 2012
2.07pm: Jay returns to the correspondence between Fréd Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs, and Murdoch in which Michel said "mission accomplished".2.07pm: Jay returns to the correspondence between Fréd Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs, and Murdoch in which Michel said "mission accomplished".
Michel then said "a Lib Dem MP and former Sky employee" would contact Vince Cable and stress the economic arguments in favour of allowing News Corp's takeover of BSkyB.Michel then said "a Lib Dem MP and former Sky employee" would contact Vince Cable and stress the economic arguments in favour of allowing News Corp's takeover of BSkyB.
Murdoch says it is "entirely straightforward and normal" for a business to wish to promote its views, describing it again as "legitimate advocacy".Murdoch says it is "entirely straightforward and normal" for a business to wish to promote its views, describing it again as "legitimate advocacy".
Murdoch confirms he had a meeting with the first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, shortly after that email was sent. It is not known whether the email exchange and the meeting are linked.Murdoch confirms he had a meeting with the first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, shortly after that email was sent. It is not known whether the email exchange and the meeting are linked.
2.02pm: The Leveson inquiry has resumed and James Murdoch continues his evidence.2.02pm: The Leveson inquiry has resumed and James Murdoch continues his evidence.
1.58pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:1.58pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media at the Guardian, has just tweeted:
Hearing from @Jeremy_Hunt's team. Saying that NC contact was appropriate lobbying; that Hunt was not a cheerleader for News as JRM said.Hearing from @Jeremy_Hunt's team. Saying that NC contact was appropriate lobbying; that Hunt was not a cheerleader for News as JRM said.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
Gather that @Jeremy_Hunt people are closely watching evidence. They don't know what is the rest of the Michel emails.Gather that @Jeremy_Hunt people are closely watching evidence. They don't know what is the rest of the Michel emails.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
1.50pm: James Murdoch's diary of meetings with David Cameron, shown to the Leveson inquiry earlier today.1.50pm: James Murdoch's diary of meetings with David Cameron, shown to the Leveson inquiry earlier today.
26 June 2006: Brooks Club arranged by Charles Adlington. Discussion: David Cameron spoke about his vision for the country to a group.26 June 2006: Brooks Club arranged by Charles Adlington. Discussion: David Cameron spoke about his vision for the country to a group.
4 July 2006: Dinner. Also there George Osborne and wife and other guests. Arranged by Osborne. Discussion: General social4 July 2006: Dinner. Also there George Osborne and wife and other guests. Arranged by Osborne. Discussion: General social
4 April 2007: Dinner with my wife Katheryn, Cameron and wife Samantha. Arranged by: Don't recall. Discussion: General social4 April 2007: Dinner with my wife Katheryn, Cameron and wife Samantha. Arranged by: Don't recall. Discussion: General social
22 January 2008: Breakfast at Stafford Hotel. Arranged by: Rupert Murdoch. Discussion: David Cameron's political views.22 January 2008: Breakfast at Stafford Hotel. Arranged by: Rupert Murdoch. Discussion: David Cameron's political views.
15 July 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife. Arranged by: Martin Ivens. Discussion: General topics.15 July 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife. Arranged by: Martin Ivens. Discussion: General topics.
29 October 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife and Will and Ffion Hague and possibly others. Arranged by:; David Cameron. Discussion: General topics, politics.29 October 2008: Dinner with my wife and DC and wife and Will and Ffion Hague and possibly others. Arranged by:; David Cameron. Discussion: General topics, politics.
3 May 2009: Lunch with Cameron family and Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.3 May 2009: Lunch with Cameron family and Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.
10 September 2009: Drinks at the George. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Sun's proposed endorsement of the Conservative party10 September 2009: Drinks at the George. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Sun's proposed endorsement of the Conservative party
21 September 2009: Dinner with wife and other couples. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.21 September 2009: Dinner with wife and other couples. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: General social.
2 November 2009: Breakfast with Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: Topical subjects, politics2 November 2009: Breakfast with Rebekah Brooks. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: Topical subjects, politics
19 December 2009: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and others. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: General social.19 December 2009: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and others. Arranged by: Rebekah Brooks. Discussion: General social.
21 January 2010: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and George Osborne at my house. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Politics21 January 2010: Dinner with Rebekah Brooks and George Osborne at my house. Arranged by: James Murdoch. Discussion: Politics
7 November 2010: Lunch at Chequers with family and guests. Arranged by David Cameron. Discussion: General social.7 November 2010: Lunch at Chequers with family and guests. Arranged by David Cameron. Discussion: General social.
23 December 2010: Dinners attended by PM and his wife and several other couples. Arranged by Rebekah Brooks. Discussion. Mostly social.23 December 2010: Dinners attended by PM and his wife and several other couples. Arranged by Rebekah Brooks. Discussion. Mostly social.
1.25pm: James Murdoch will no doubt welcome the lunchtime break after three hours of close questioning. But Robert Jay, the man leading the inquisition, may be less pleased.1.25pm: James Murdoch will no doubt welcome the lunchtime break after three hours of close questioning. But Robert Jay, the man leading the inquisition, may be less pleased.
Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:
Leveson rises, James Murdoch's questioner Robert Jay QC walks away and mouths to colleague 'this is such fun'Leveson rises, James Murdoch's questioner Robert Jay QC walks away and mouths to colleague 'this is such fun'
— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012
1.16pm: Here is a short lunchtime summary of James Murdoch's evidence so far. Coverage will resume at 2pm:1.16pm: Here is a short lunchtime summary of James Murdoch's evidence so far. Coverage will resume at 2pm:
• James Murdoch denies culture secretary Jeremy Hunt was a "cheerleader" for News Corporation• James Murdoch denies culture secretary Jeremy Hunt was a "cheerleader" for News Corporation
• News Corp lobbyist, Fréd Michel, sought an inside track on government position on BSkyB takeover through special adviser to Hunt• News Corp lobbyist, Fréd Michel, sought an inside track on government position on BSkyB takeover through special adviser to Hunt
• Murdoch discussed BSkyB bid at Christmas dinner with David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks• Murdoch discussed BSkyB bid at Christmas dinner with David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks
• Murdoch claims he had a "tiny conversation" with the prime minister over the Sky takeover at Charlie and Rebekah Brooks' house• Murdoch claims he had a "tiny conversation" with the prime minister over the Sky takeover at Charlie and Rebekah Brooks' house
• Murdoch met Cameron in September 2009 to announce that the Sun would be backing the Tories in the next general election• Murdoch met Cameron in September 2009 to announce that the Sun would be backing the Tories in the next general election
• He was told that the Guardian's 2009 revelations were a "smear" by News International executives• He was told that the Guardian's 2009 revelations were a "smear" by News International executives
• The profitability of the News of the World was not enough to save it said Murdoch• The profitability of the News of the World was not enough to save it said Murdoch
• Mosley story "should not have been run" and he regretted it being printed but didn't know the legal costs involved in the case• Mosley story "should not have been run" and he regretted it being printed but didn't know the legal costs involved in the case
1.10pm: An email sent on 27 September 2010, after Michel spoke to Cable's junior minister, Lord Oakeshott, says Cable was feeling "very strong political pressure" over the way News International had treated the Lib Dems and Labour over the previous 12 months.1.10pm: An email sent on 27 September 2010, after Michel spoke to Cable's junior minister, Lord Oakeshott, says Cable was feeling "very strong political pressure" over the way News International had treated the Lib Dems and Labour over the previous 12 months.
Jay says it "looks as if a strong political flavour" was entering the debate.Jay says it "looks as if a strong political flavour" was entering the debate.
Murdoch says it was "very alarming" and had "nothing to do with the proper legal test" over whether News Corp should be allowed to take over the whole of BSkyB.Murdoch says it was "very alarming" and had "nothing to do with the proper legal test" over whether News Corp should be allowed to take over the whole of BSkyB.
"Call me naive I thought senior ministers were serious people who try to do their jobs," says Murdoch."Call me naive I thought senior ministers were serious people who try to do their jobs," says Murdoch.
Jay says this is "absolutely key".Jay says this is "absolutely key".
"You have one government minister saying I don't like the Murdoch press [Cable] and another government minister [Hunt] who is treated in a rather different way by the Murdoch press, his thinking is going to be converse to Mr Cable's"."You have one government minister saying I don't like the Murdoch press [Cable] and another government minister [Hunt] who is treated in a rather different way by the Murdoch press, his thinking is going to be converse to Mr Cable's".
Murdoch says Hunt "at every turn took the advice of independent regulators Ofcom and the OFT in particular at every single decision point".Murdoch says Hunt "at every turn took the advice of independent regulators Ofcom and the OFT in particular at every single decision point".
1.06pm: Dan Sabbagh, Guardian's head of media, has tweeted:1.06pm: Dan Sabbagh, Guardian's head of media, has tweeted:
Labour insiders arguing that Cameron breached the ministerial code as regards his convo with JRM on Sky bid.Labour insiders arguing that Cameron breached the ministerial code as regards his convo with JRM on Sky bid.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.59pm: Jay suggests that Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".12.59pm: Jay suggests that Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".
Murdoch says it was "perfectly reasonable" for him to believe that a secretary of state would take into account all legal evidence about the takeover.Murdoch says it was "perfectly reasonable" for him to believe that a secretary of state would take into account all legal evidence about the takeover.
Murdoch denies the suggestion that the BSkyB deal was linked to the Sun's backing of the Tory party.Murdoch denies the suggestion that the BSkyB deal was linked to the Sun's backing of the Tory party.
I'm sorry, Mr Jay, that is absolutely not the case. The question of support for one politician or another is not something I would link to an issue like this … I simply wouldn't do business that way.I'm sorry, Mr Jay, that is absolutely not the case. The question of support for one politician or another is not something I would link to an issue like this … I simply wouldn't do business that way.
Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:Keir Simmons, UK editor of ITV News, has just tweeted:
The Murdoch view reflected by James wife in public gallery - as James is asked about expecting favours from Tories she says 'outrageous'.The Murdoch view reflected by James wife in public gallery - as James is asked about expecting favours from Tories she says 'outrageous'.
— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012— Keir Simmons (@KeirSimmonsITV) April 24, 2012
12.54pm: Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, has just tweeted:12.54pm: Dan Sabbagh, the Guardian's head of media, has just tweeted:
So was Hunt running a back channel for News Corp while Cable was deciding on Sky bid. What will @Jeremy_Hunt say today?So was Hunt running a back channel for News Corp while Cable was deciding on Sky bid. What will @Jeremy_Hunt say today?
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.53pm: Fréd Michel sends another email to Murdoch's adviser on 15 September 2010 about a blogpost by the BBC's Robert Peston.12.53pm: Fréd Michel sends another email to Murdoch's adviser on 15 September 2010 about a blogpost by the BBC's Robert Peston.
In the email, Michel said: "Jeremy Hunt is not aware and thinks it's not credible at all. He is checking now."In the email, Michel said: "Jeremy Hunt is not aware and thinks it's not credible at all. He is checking now."
Murdoch says: "At this time I was repeatedly seeking official meeting with Mr Cable and we were not able to have this meeting."Murdoch says: "At this time I was repeatedly seeking official meeting with Mr Cable and we were not able to have this meeting."
Jay: "So the way you did communicate was through your cheerleader Mr Hunt?"Jay: "So the way you did communicate was through your cheerleader Mr Hunt?"
"I think that's unfair," says Murdoch."I think that's unfair," says Murdoch.
Jay says that, through Michel, News Corp and BSkyB was trying to get the inside track on the government's position on the takeover through Hunt's special adviser.Jay says that, through Michel, News Corp and BSkyB was trying to get the inside track on the government's position on the takeover through Hunt's special adviser.
Jay suggests Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".Jay suggests Murdoch "wasn't getting anywhere with Mr Cable" so went to other secretaries of state who might offer assistance. Not fair, says Murdoch, "we were just trying to find out if it was true".
12.50pm: James Murdoch's email replies to Fréd Michel will be published online later today, Jay says.12.50pm: James Murdoch's email replies to Fréd Michel will be published online later today, Jay says.
Michel was called by Jeremy Hunt after the culture secretary did an interview with the Financial Times on 15 July 2011. Hunt's interview had not been published at that point.Michel was called by Jeremy Hunt after the culture secretary did an interview with the Financial Times on 15 July 2011. Hunt's interview had not been published at that point.
"Looks as if you had a chat to Mr Hunt on 15 June 2010 ... was the BSkyB bid discussed during that chat?" asks Jay."Looks as if you had a chat to Mr Hunt on 15 June 2010 ... was the BSkyB bid discussed during that chat?" asks Jay.
Murdoch replies:Murdoch replies:
I don't remember ... I would be surprised if it weren't. It would have been the same position I took publicly and with anyone who would listen.I don't remember ... I would be surprised if it weren't. It would have been the same position I took publicly and with anyone who would listen.
12.46pm: Jay says: "It's pretty clear you were receiving information on the lines the UK government on the whole would be supportive of News Corp."12.46pm: Jay says: "It's pretty clear you were receiving information on the lines the UK government on the whole would be supportive of News Corp."
Murdoch: "I think Mr Hunt had said personally he didn't see any issues ... there's no special information in there."Murdoch: "I think Mr Hunt had said personally he didn't see any issues ... there's no special information in there."
12.45pm: Jay turns to evidence submitted by Rupert Murdoch under a statutory notice.12.45pm: Jay turns to evidence submitted by Rupert Murdoch under a statutory notice.
In a witness statement, Fréd Michel says between December 2010 and July 2011 conversations that "appear to have taken place with the secretary of state in fact took place with the special adviser, Adam Smith", according to Jay.In a witness statement, Fréd Michel says between December 2010 and July 2011 conversations that "appear to have taken place with the secretary of state in fact took place with the special adviser, Adam Smith", according to Jay.
Jay raises a conference call between James Murdoch, Michel and Vince Cable on 15 June 2010. Michel says in one email that the call went well and "we should have recorded him".Jay raises a conference call between James Murdoch, Michel and Vince Cable on 15 June 2010. Michel says in one email that the call went well and "we should have recorded him".
Michel says in another email that he had a note from Hunt's advisor, Adam Smith, that "the UK government would be supportive throughout the process (despite what the Standard is reporting this evening)".Michel says in another email that he had a note from Hunt's advisor, Adam Smith, that "the UK government would be supportive throughout the process (despite what the Standard is reporting this evening)".
This email was sent on 15 June 2011.This email was sent on 15 June 2011.
12.41pm: Jay turns back to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's BSkyB bid.12.41pm: Jay turns back to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's BSkyB bid.
He highlights two other players in the negotiations: Adam Smith, the special adviser to Jeremy Hunt, and Frédéric Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs.He highlights two other players in the negotiations: Adam Smith, the special adviser to Jeremy Hunt, and Frédéric Michel, the News Corp head of public affairs.
Murdoch says Michel was "liaison with policy makers on various issues". Was he hired in May 2009? "Can't remember precisely," says Murdoch.Murdoch says Michel was "liaison with policy makers on various issues". Was he hired in May 2009? "Can't remember precisely," says Murdoch.
Hunt says he was minded to refer to Competition Commission. Was then consideration given to News Corp undertakings in January 2011 in order to remove or mitigate plurality concerns?Hunt says he was minded to refer to Competition Commission. Was then consideration given to News Corp undertakings in January 2011 in order to remove or mitigate plurality concerns?
"Essentially the secretary of state said he had received the advice from Ofcom, it's within his remit to take that and way it up with any other undertakings."Essentially the secretary of state said he had received the advice from Ofcom, it's within his remit to take that and way it up with any other undertakings.
"Given the length of time the Competition Commission review would take, rather ... we would offer substantial structural undertaking [separating Sky News from the deal]. It was a major concession that the secretary of state had extracted from the processed.""Given the length of time the Competition Commission review would take, rather ... we would offer substantial structural undertaking [separating Sky News from the deal]. It was a major concession that the secretary of state had extracted from the processed."
12.39pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media and technology, who is at the Leveson inquiry has tweeted about the Sun's decision to back the Tories before the election:12.39pm: Dan Sabbagh, head of media and technology, who is at the Leveson inquiry has tweeted about the Sun's decision to back the Tories before the election:
Tory support decision in Sept 09 was made by JRM, Brooks, Mohan + political editor. (Who edits the Sun?)Tory support decision in Sept 09 was made by JRM, Brooks, Mohan + political editor. (Who edits the Sun?)
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
12.37pm: Murdoch says other press owners had a "very distinct commercial fear" around News Corp-BSkyB tieup, including bundling and cross promotion and size and scale of News Corp's interests in UK.12.37pm: Murdoch says other press owners had a "very distinct commercial fear" around News Corp-BSkyB tieup, including bundling and cross promotion and size and scale of News Corp's interests in UK.
He describes it as a competition argument which they turned "very effectively" into one which suggested the plurality of the media in the UK might be at risk at some point in the future.He describes it as a competition argument which they turned "very effectively" into one which suggested the plurality of the media in the UK might be at risk at some point in the future.
"It's commercial, not simply political, in fact primarily commercial," says Murdoch."It's commercial, not simply political, in fact primarily commercial," says Murdoch.
12.36pm: Opponents of News Corp's failed takeover of BSkyB raised plurality issues that were about the future competitiveness of their businesses and "nothing to do with the relevant legal test", says Murdoch.12.36pm: Opponents of News Corp's failed takeover of BSkyB raised plurality issues that were about the future competitiveness of their businesses and "nothing to do with the relevant legal test", says Murdoch.
Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:Nicholas Watt, the Guardian's chief political correspondent, has just tweeted:
No 10: 'no' when asked if PM aware of inappropriate conversations between Jeremy Hunt and News CorpNo 10: 'no' when asked if PM aware of inappropriate conversations between Jeremy Hunt and News Corp
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
No 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its courseNo 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its course
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
No 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its courseNo 10: no response to James Murdoch claim he discussed BSkyB bid with PM - public enquiry should take its course
— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012— Nicholas Watt (@nicholaswatt) April 24, 2012
12.35pm: In July 2011, Cameron refused to deny discussing the Sky bid at the Brooks dinner, saying he never had an "inappropriate conversation" about the deal. Here's the Telegraph story from the time.12.35pm: In July 2011, Cameron refused to deny discussing the Sky bid at the Brooks dinner, saying he never had an "inappropriate conversation" about the deal. Here's the Telegraph story from the time.
12.29pm: Jay asks whether it is true that Rebekah Brooks "bore the brunt" of the majority of meetings with politicians in the run up to the 2010 election. Murdoch says that Brooks had more meetings with politicians than him.12.29pm: Jay asks whether it is true that Rebekah Brooks "bore the brunt" of the majority of meetings with politicians in the run up to the 2010 election. Murdoch says that Brooks had more meetings with politicians than him.
He adds that there were discussions in 2009 about which party the Sun would back at the next election. He admits that one factor in deciding who Sun should back in an election is who is likely to win.He adds that there were discussions in 2009 about which party the Sun would back at the next election. He admits that one factor in deciding who Sun should back in an election is who is likely to win.
12.28pm: Here's how Steve Busfield covered the "meeting" between James Murdoch and the Indy's Simon Kelner in April 2010.12.28pm: Here's how Steve Busfield covered the "meeting" between James Murdoch and the Indy's Simon Kelner in April 2010.
12.26pm: The Guardian's Ian Katz wrote about David Cameron's dinner with Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in February 2011 which at the time Downing Street refused to disclose any details of.12.26pm: The Guardian's Ian Katz wrote about David Cameron's dinner with Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch in February 2011 which at the time Downing Street refused to disclose any details of.
For more than two weeks the Guardian has been trying to establish a few details about an evening Cameron spent at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, during the Christmas holidays. Here's what the most open government in the world told us: first, No 10 categorically denied the PM had visited Brooks on Christmas day itself; then, when we asked instead if the PM had been entertained chez Brooks over the Christmas period it declined to confirm or deny.For more than two weeks the Guardian has been trying to establish a few details about an evening Cameron spent at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, during the Christmas holidays. Here's what the most open government in the world told us: first, No 10 categorically denied the PM had visited Brooks on Christmas day itself; then, when we asked instead if the PM had been entertained chez Brooks over the Christmas period it declined to confirm or deny.
Later Downing Street elaborated on its position, pointing out that Brooks was a constituent of Cameron's and, in any case, "the prime minister regularly meets newspaper executives from lots of different companies". But still No 10 refused to provide a date, or even confirm whether the dinner took place.Later Downing Street elaborated on its position, pointing out that Brooks was a constituent of Cameron's and, in any case, "the prime minister regularly meets newspaper executives from lots of different companies". But still No 10 refused to provide a date, or even confirm whether the dinner took place.
When it emerged that James Murdoch was at the dinner too, Downing Street became fractionally more transparent: an unattributable source reassured lobby reporters that neither Rupert Murdoch's controversial takeover bid for Sky nor the phone-hacking scandal had been discussed. So that's all right then.When it emerged that James Murdoch was at the dinner too, Downing Street became fractionally more transparent: an unattributable source reassured lobby reporters that neither Rupert Murdoch's controversial takeover bid for Sky nor the phone-hacking scandal had been discussed. So that's all right then.
12.22pm: Jay asks about James Murdoch's personal visit to the Independent newsroom in 2010 after the newspaper launched a billboard campaign, headed "Rupert Murdoch won't decide this election".12.22pm: Jay asks about James Murdoch's personal visit to the Independent newsroom in 2010 after the newspaper launched a billboard campaign, headed "Rupert Murdoch won't decide this election".
Murdoch says he had a meeting in the same building as the Independent and wanted to raise this as an issue with Simon Kelner, then editor of the Independent, because he was "upset and concerned" at the campaign.Murdoch says he had a meeting in the same building as the Independent and wanted to raise this as an issue with Simon Kelner, then editor of the Independent, because he was "upset and concerned" at the campaign.
"I knew Mr Kelner [Simon Kelner, then Independent editor] and was concerned about it. I went into the front door of the Independent, they didn't really have a desk or reception or a lock frankly, you are immediately in the middle of the newsroom."I knew Mr Kelner [Simon Kelner, then Independent editor] and was concerned about it. I went into the front door of the Independent, they didn't really have a desk or reception or a lock frankly, you are immediately in the middle of the newsroom.
"I didn't storm in anywhere. I found Mr Kelner's desk and said could I speak to you for a minute. I told him of my concerns - whether or not I used colourful language I wouldn't dispute - there was no storming in, it didn't happen out in the open."I didn't storm in anywhere. I found Mr Kelner's desk and said could I speak to you for a minute. I told him of my concerns - whether or not I used colourful language I wouldn't dispute - there was no storming in, it didn't happen out in the open.
"Mr Kelner had been availing himself of the hospitality of my family for a number of years. I thought this was beyond the pale and not a decent way to go about his business.""Mr Kelner had been availing himself of the hospitality of my family for a number of years. I thought this was beyond the pale and not a decent way to go about his business."
12.19pm: Murdoch says he tries to keep politics out of business, and uses Sky's purchase of live England domestic cricket rights, previously broadcast free to air, as an example.12.19pm: Murdoch says he tries to keep politics out of business, and uses Sky's purchase of live England domestic cricket rights, previously broadcast free to air, as an example.
"There was a political angle, I felt my job was to say 'No, from a legal perspective it's entirely appropriate for English cricket to be broadcast on Sky. I always try to bring it back to what is legally sound, to make the political debate less relevant.""There was a political angle, I felt my job was to say 'No, from a legal perspective it's entirely appropriate for English cricket to be broadcast on Sky. I always try to bring it back to what is legally sound, to make the political debate less relevant."
12.17pm: Murdoch agrees with Jay that there has always been a political debate about the regulatory environment around the media in the UK.12.17pm: Murdoch agrees with Jay that there has always been a political debate about the regulatory environment around the media in the UK.
He says this is unfortunate and would prefer to keep this debate focused on the legal environment.He says this is unfortunate and would prefer to keep this debate focused on the legal environment.
12.14pm: Jay says there is an "ever changing balance of power" that is more advantageous to the Murdoch media over politicians.12.14pm: Jay says there is an "ever changing balance of power" that is more advantageous to the Murdoch media over politicians.
"I just don't think there's the very old-fashioned view of big media proprietors being able to dominate the landscape, I just think that's not the case anymore," Murdoch says."I just don't think there's the very old-fashioned view of big media proprietors being able to dominate the landscape, I just think that's not the case anymore," Murdoch says.
Jay says he's "not interested in the reality", prompting much laughter. Leveson suggests he might not quite mean that. Jay means he's interested in politicians' perception of the power of the media, not necessarily how much power it actually has.Jay says he's "not interested in the reality", prompting much laughter. Leveson suggests he might not quite mean that. Jay means he's interested in politicians' perception of the power of the media, not necessarily how much power it actually has.
12.11pm: Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has tweeted on the issue of Cameron's meeting with News International execs:12.11pm: Ian Katz, the Guardian's deputy editor and head of news, has tweeted on the issue of Cameron's meeting with News International execs:
Here's a reminder of how No 10 squirmed when we first asked about that Brooks Xmas dinner with Cameron #levesonHere's a reminder of how No 10 squirmed when we first asked about that Brooks Xmas dinner with Cameron #leveson
— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 24, 2012
12.09pm: Murdoch is asked whether he attempted to achieve an unfair advantage over rivals because of his relations with politicians.12.09pm: Murdoch is asked whether he attempted to achieve an unfair advantage over rivals because of his relations with politicians.
"That would not be the way that I would do it," he says, describing his method as "legitimate advocacy"."That would not be the way that I would do it," he says, describing his method as "legitimate advocacy".
Leveson asks: did you obtain greater access because of the weight of press interests?Leveson asks: did you obtain greater access because of the weight of press interests?
"I don't know what all of the other meetings that the PM and these people take in general," says Murdoch. "It's true to say politicians and people around the political class are very eager to get their point across, they do talk to the press."I don't know what all of the other meetings that the PM and these people take in general," says Murdoch. "It's true to say politicians and people around the political class are very eager to get their point across, they do talk to the press.
"As a business person I don't think I've personally experienced that, I haven't actually spent that much time with politicians personally.""As a business person I don't think I've personally experienced that, I haven't actually spent that much time with politicians personally."
12.08pm: Jay asks whether Murdoch is friendly with the chancellor George Osborne.12.08pm: Jay asks whether Murdoch is friendly with the chancellor George Osborne.
"We have been friendly. I wouldn't say I was a close friend," Murdoch says, and confirms he has visited Dorneywood, Osborne's grace-and-favour home, once with his family."We have been friendly. I wouldn't say I was a close friend," Murdoch says, and confirms he has visited Dorneywood, Osborne's grace-and-favour home, once with his family.
Did Murdoch discuss the BSkyB takeover bid at this Dorneywood meeting with Osborne, asks Jay?Did Murdoch discuss the BSkyB takeover bid at this Dorneywood meeting with Osborne, asks Jay?
Murdoch says:Murdoch says:
"I had one discussion where it might have come up, which was during the process which to be grumpy about was taking a long time. Nothing I said to Mr Osborne would have been inconsistent with our public advocacy on the subject.""I had one discussion where it might have come up, which was during the process which to be grumpy about was taking a long time. Nothing I said to Mr Osborne would have been inconsistent with our public advocacy on the subject."
12.04pm: Murdoch says he has never felt that "top slicing" the BBC's funding was a good idea and so never communicated that to the culture secretary.12.04pm: Murdoch says he has never felt that "top slicing" the BBC's funding was a good idea and so never communicated that to the culture secretary.
Jay asks whether Murdoch had discussions with senior politicians about the announcement in October 2010 that Ofcom's role and budget would be reduced by 28%.Jay asks whether Murdoch had discussions with senior politicians about the announcement in October 2010 that Ofcom's role and budget would be reduced by 28%.
Murdoch says he does not believe so.Murdoch says he does not believe so.
12.01pm: Jay turns to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, about News Corp's takeover bid of BSkyB.12.01pm: Jay turns to Murdoch's conversations with Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, about News Corp's takeover bid of BSkyB.
Jay asks if Hunt was a "huge ally" of News International. Murdoch says "I wouldn't think so", and laughs when comments on Hunt's personal website are raised that describe the secretary of state as a "cheerleader" for the Murdochs.Jay asks if Hunt was a "huge ally" of News International. Murdoch says "I wouldn't think so", and laughs when comments on Hunt's personal website are raised that describe the secretary of state as a "cheerleader" for the Murdochs.
Murdoch rejects the suggestion that he called Hunt to "oil the wheels" of the takeover.Murdoch rejects the suggestion that he called Hunt to "oil the wheels" of the takeover.
11.59am: Jay asks Murdoch if he had a "preference for a Conservative victory"?11.59am: Jay asks Murdoch if he had a "preference for a Conservative victory"?
"With respect to enterprise and free market the Conservatives tried to make a case they were the better option for that," replies Murdoch."With respect to enterprise and free market the Conservatives tried to make a case they were the better option for that," replies Murdoch.
A Labour victory wouldn't have been desirable with respect to the BSkyB bid? "We never made a crass calculation about what the newspapers did, it wouldn't occur to me."A Labour victory wouldn't have been desirable with respect to the BSkyB bid? "We never made a crass calculation about what the newspapers did, it wouldn't occur to me."
11.58am: The key strategy was to avoid the News Corp/BSkyB takeover not becoming a "political football" during the general election, says Murdoch.11.58am: The key strategy was to avoid the News Corp/BSkyB takeover not becoming a "political football" during the general election, says Murdoch.
11.57am: James Murdoch's witness statement has been published on the Leveson inquiry website.11.57am: James Murdoch's witness statement has been published on the Leveson inquiry website.
The witness statement lists a number of meetings between Murdoch and David Cameron, the chancellor George Osborne, and the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's then-proposed takeover of BSkyB.The witness statement lists a number of meetings between Murdoch and David Cameron, the chancellor George Osborne, and the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt about News Corp's then-proposed takeover of BSkyB.
James Murdoch met David Cameron on 23 December 2010 at a dinner hosted by Rebekah and Charile Brooks two days after Jeremy Hunt was given responsibility for the regulatory approval of the takeover, following Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments secretly recorded by the Daily Telegraph.James Murdoch met David Cameron on 23 December 2010 at a dinner hosted by Rebekah and Charile Brooks two days after Jeremy Hunt was given responsibility for the regulatory approval of the takeover, following Vince Cable's "war on Murdoch" comments secretly recorded by the Daily Telegraph.
Murdoch met George Osborne on 29 November. His witness statement records:Murdoch met George Osborne on 29 November. His witness statement records:
I recall one conversation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, about the bid. My diary records an appointment with Mr Osborne on 29 November 2010, but I cannot recall whether that was the date on which I had the discussion with him. I believe we discussed a number of matters, and that I expressed my concern at the slow progress with the regulatory process, my view that the investment would be good for Britain and also my view that there were no plurality issues raised by our proposal.I recall one conversation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, about the bid. My diary records an appointment with Mr Osborne on 29 November 2010, but I cannot recall whether that was the date on which I had the discussion with him. I believe we discussed a number of matters, and that I expressed my concern at the slow progress with the regulatory process, my view that the investment would be good for Britain and also my view that there were no plurality issues raised by our proposal.
Murdoch has recorded meetings with Jeremy Hunt on four separate occasions between 10 November 2010 and 20 January 2011 about the takeover bid. The former BSkyB chairman telephoned Hunt on 21 December, after Hunt had been given oversight of the takeover, and said: "I believe I probably raised my concern with respect to Mr Cable's public statements, the pace of the regulatory review and my concerns about the process so far, and sought assurances that no such bias would continue in the process. I also offered to meet to explain the company's position on the plurality test."Murdoch has recorded meetings with Jeremy Hunt on four separate occasions between 10 November 2010 and 20 January 2011 about the takeover bid. The former BSkyB chairman telephoned Hunt on 21 December, after Hunt had been given oversight of the takeover, and said: "I believe I probably raised my concern with respect to Mr Cable's public statements, the pace of the regulatory review and my concerns about the process so far, and sought assurances that no such bias would continue in the process. I also offered to meet to explain the company's position on the plurality test."
11.55am: Jay moves on to the meeting between Cameron and James Murdoch on 23 December 2010 at home of Rebekah and Charlie Brooks.11.55am: Jay moves on to the meeting between Cameron and James Murdoch on 23 December 2010 at home of Rebekah and Charlie Brooks.
How many people were there? "In the teens, maybe 15 people."How many people were there? "In the teens, maybe 15 people."
The meeting was two days after Vince Cable was absolved of his responsibility of the News Corp/BSkyB merger after, in Murdoch's words, he showed "acute bias".The meeting was two days after Vince Cable was absolved of his responsibility of the News Corp/BSkyB merger after, in Murdoch's words, he showed "acute bias".
"There was no discussion with Mr Cameron other than he reiterated what he said publicly, that the behaviour had been unacceptable," says Murdoch."There was no discussion with Mr Cameron other than he reiterated what he said publicly, that the behaviour had been unacceptable," says Murdoch.
I imagine I expressed the hope that things would be dealt with in way that was appropriate and judicial. It was a tiny side conversation, it was not a discussion.I imagine I expressed the hope that things would be dealt with in way that was appropriate and judicial. It was a tiny side conversation, it was not a discussion.
11.49am: What about other meetings with Cameron, in run-up to election. Regulatory issues on agenda?11.49am: What about other meetings with Cameron, in run-up to election. Regulatory issues on agenda?
"I think actually more politics, leading up to election," says Murdoch. "I don't believe we discussed any specific regulation.""I think actually more politics, leading up to election," says Murdoch. "I don't believe we discussed any specific regulation."
11.48am: Did he discuss regulatory issues with Cameron at that meeting? "No." At earlier meetings? "I don't believe so."11.48am: Did he discuss regulatory issues with Cameron at that meeting? "No." At earlier meetings? "I don't believe so."
11.47am: Moving on to Sun's endorsement of Tory party and meeting with David Cameron in December 2009.11.47am: Moving on to Sun's endorsement of Tory party and meeting with David Cameron in December 2009.
"It was made clear to me the Sun would be endorsing the Conservative party or moving away from support of Labour," says Murdoch."It was made clear to me the Sun would be endorsing the Conservative party or moving away from support of Labour," says Murdoch.
Welcome news to Cameron? "It seemed that way."Welcome news to Cameron? "It seemed that way."
Did Murdoch discuss the timing of the endorsement? He says the editors said it would be at the end of the conference season.Did Murdoch discuss the timing of the endorsement? He says the editors said it would be at the end of the conference season.
Jay says, wasn't there a discussion they would endorse Cameron on very day of Gordon Brown's speech to conference?Jay says, wasn't there a discussion they would endorse Cameron on very day of Gordon Brown's speech to conference?
"I don't remember the specifity of that. I think it was the day after, the article. It was focussed more on Labour's record than endorsement of Conservatives.""I don't remember the specifity of that. I think it was the day after, the article. It was focussed more on Labour's record than endorsement of Conservatives."
11.46am: Murdoch says which government was in power at the time of the BSkyB bid "was not necessarily high in our mind".11.46am: Murdoch says which government was in power at the time of the BSkyB bid "was not necessarily high in our mind".
"There was a question how long it might take, would it go to the Competition Commission or not. It was more duration not likelihood of completion we were concerned about.""There was a question how long it might take, would it go to the Competition Commission or not. It was more duration not likelihood of completion we were concerned about."
11.44am: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh has sent these tweets on the relationship between James Murdoch and the PM:11.44am: The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh has sent these tweets on the relationship between James Murdoch and the PM:
So Cameron/Murdoch meeting on "sun endorsement" happened about three weeks before Sun's "Labour's lost it" front pageSo Cameron/Murdoch meeting on "sun endorsement" happened about three weeks before Sun's "Labour's lost it" front page
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
Critical - Sep 10 2009 murdoch met Cameron at "the george" to discuss "the sun"s proposed endorsement" - presumably of tories.Critical - Sep 10 2009 murdoch met Cameron at "the george" to discuss "the sun"s proposed endorsement" - presumably of tories.
— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012— Dan Sabbagh (@dansabbagh) April 24, 2012
11.42am: But wouldn't you wish to find out privately what he might say, asks Jay. "That's not the way I do business, I would have been interested and flattered."11.42am: But wouldn't you wish to find out privately what he might say, asks Jay. "That's not the way I do business, I would have been interested and flattered."
Jay returns to issues of regulation. "Not really, we did an assessment of the regulatory risk. It was not a Jay returns to issues of regulation. "Not really, we did an assessment of the reg