How to download your data from Google and Facebook

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Want to find out how much data Google and Facebook have on you? I did so for my own accounts – many seven or more years old – and across different places, there was a phenomenal amount. Here's how to get the same information on yourself:

Subject Access Request

Any company based in the EU is obliged to give users all data it holds on them if requested. Google's EU-based subsidiaries don't process any user data, and so avoid this requirement, but for anyone outside the US and Canada, Facebook's Irish office holds masses of data.

This process is slow – people have reported getting a response as taking months – but will get the most complete response. The key issue is to write to Facebook at Facebook Ireland Ltd, Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland, including proof of identity and a short letter saying what information you'd like.

A campaign group has prepared form letters, and appeal information, here.


The Google user data which you're able to access through the site's transparency services are split across three places.

<strong>Dashboard:</strong> The dashboard is the principal place to get information on all your Google services – and includes data from Picasa, Gmail, YouTube, search histories and more. You can get to it at – expect to have to re-enter your password, even if logged in.

<strong>Account Activity:</strong> The dashboard has been going for three years now, but Google have added a new monthly monitoring feature with a few extra bits of information in the last month. Called Account Activity , it gives info on how much you've used different services, from which computers and browsers, and some extra bits of information. It's delivered to your inbox after signing up at the link.

<strong>Ad preferences:</strong> Google says its personalisation of display ads doesn't rely on your account data, but on your browsing history. This can be quite fun to view, especially Google's guess at your age and gender. You can view it here.


Facebook lets you download a history of the data you've put on the site. This is fairly limited in that it doesn't show many classes of information – wallposts on other people's profiles, others' photos of you, and more. That said, there is a lot contained in the two releases you can get.

You get the archive through Facebook account settings . Then find and click "Download a copy of your Facebook data". This includes lots of information that will be unsurprising – your photos, wall and notes – and maybe a few bits you wouldn't expect: I was surprised to see every Facebook event I'd ever been invited to neatly listed within.

You can also request an "enhanced archive", which gives details of your logins and logouts, IP addresses, personal details, friend requests and (naturally) pokes.

Let us know if you've had any luck – or problems – using Subject Access Requests, or if you know any other good ways to get hold of your user data from major websites.