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Boris Johnson changes tack on immigration policy Boris Johnson changes tack on immigration policy
(40 minutes later)
Boris Johnson, the Conservative mayoral candidate for London, has urged ministers to get a "much tighter grip" on immigration, insisting that it "can't be beyond the wit of man" to sort the problem out.Boris Johnson, the Conservative mayoral candidate for London, has urged ministers to get a "much tighter grip" on immigration, insisting that it "can't be beyond the wit of man" to sort the problem out.
The incumbent Conservative mayor adopted his new stance on immigration at the close of a first mayoral term in which he has previously opposed Conservative orthodoxy by calling for an amnesty on illegal immigrants in the capital. The incumbent Conservative mayor adopted his new stance on immigration towards the close of a first mayoral term in which he has previously opposed Tory orthodoxy by calling for an amnesty on illegal immigrants in the capital.
As he faces re-election in May, Johnson appears to have fallen into line with Conservative party thinking, but rebukes the government for failing to do more to tackle the problem of foreigners illegally setting up home in London.As he faces re-election in May, Johnson appears to have fallen into line with Conservative party thinking, but rebukes the government for failing to do more to tackle the problem of foreigners illegally setting up home in London.
In an interview with the Sunday Times, Johnson said there were still "huge numbers" of illegal immigrants, which he said was "not fair on people who come here legally and are working very hard".In an interview with the Sunday Times, Johnson said there were still "huge numbers" of illegal immigrants, which he said was "not fair on people who come here legally and are working very hard".
David Cameron, the prime minister, has previously declared himself confident that his government can get net migration from the rest of world "coming down to the tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands". David Cameron has previously declared himself confident that his government can get net migration from non-EU countries "coming down to the tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands".
But Johnson, who has over the past few months been engaged in lobbying education secretary Michael Gove for an extra £300m to help relieve pressure on primary school places in London, appears frustrated by the pace of progress to date. But Johnson, who has in the past few months been lobbying education secretary Michael Gove for an extra £300m to help relieve pressure on primary school places in London, appears frustrated by the pace of progress.
"I want a much tighter grip on immigration," he said. "It is really important for the country. It cannot be beyond the wit of man. We have a relatively small number of ports and airports. It should be possible to control it.""I want a much tighter grip on immigration," he said. "It is really important for the country. It cannot be beyond the wit of man. We have a relatively small number of ports and airports. It should be possible to control it."
Johnson first voiced his support for the idea of an earned amnesty during the mayoral election in 2008, despite opposition from both the then Labour government and the Conservative party. Johnson first voiced his support for the idea of an earned amnesty during the mayoral election in 2008, despite opposition from both the then Labour government and the Tory party.
He had repeatedly argued that an earned amnesty in the capital would allow people currently in the city illegally to integrate and contribute more fully to society. In 2009, he commissioned a study, conducted by the London School of Economics, which found that an amnesty for the estimated 618,000 illegal immigrants in Britain would provide a £3bn boost to the economy. More than two-thirds, 442,000, lived in London. The report dismissed fears that an amnesty would trigger further large-scale illegal migration, arguing that Britain's border controls would be an effective deterrent. He had repeatedly argued that an earned amnesty in the capital would allow people currently in the city illegally to integrate and contribute more fully to society.
In 2009, he commissioned a study, conducted by the London School of Economics, which found that an amnesty for the estimated 618,000 illegal immigrants in Britain would provide a £3bn boost to the economy. More than two-thirds, 442,000, lived in London. The report dismissed fears that an amnesty would trigger further large-scale illegal migration, arguing that Britain's border controls would be an effective deterrent.
While the mayor lobbied for an amnesty in the 2008 campaign, he has made no mention of it in the chapters already released for his current manifesto, and his spokesman would not comment on whether immigration will be covered at all when it is published in full this week.While the mayor lobbied for an amnesty in the 2008 campaign, he has made no mention of it in the chapters already released for his current manifesto, and his spokesman would not comment on whether immigration will be covered at all when it is published in full this week.
Johnson also used the Sunday Times interview to highlight his plan to make the case for the Treasury to allow London to hold on to more of the money generated in the capital and to secure a greater say in how that money is spent.Johnson also used the Sunday Times interview to highlight his plan to make the case for the Treasury to allow London to hold on to more of the money generated in the capital and to secure a greater say in how that money is spent.
If re-elected on 3 May, he intends to lobby the government to ensure London gets back "what it contributes to the national purse", citing figures that suggest one pound in every five collected in London is used to subsidise the rest of the country. If re-elected on 3 May, he intends to lobby the government to ensure London gets back "what it contributes to the national purse", citing figures that suggest £1 in every £5 collected in London is used to subsidise the rest of the country.
In his manifesto, he lays out plans to set up an independent commission in his second term to look at revised funding formula arrangements for the capital to ensure it gets its "fair share".In his manifesto, he lays out plans to set up an independent commission in his second term to look at revised funding formula arrangements for the capital to ensure it gets its "fair share".
His London commission would examine existing funding arrangements and propose revisions through the "Barnett formula" for the Greater London region – in reference to the way funding is allocated to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.His London commission would examine existing funding arrangements and propose revisions through the "Barnett formula" for the Greater London region – in reference to the way funding is allocated to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Johnson dismissed suggestions that the move would be seen as worsening the north-south divide: "London is a massive exporter of tax to the rest of the UK. I think it should have a greater share of the tax it generates."Johnson dismissed suggestions that the move would be seen as worsening the north-south divide: "London is a massive exporter of tax to the rest of the UK. I think it should have a greater share of the tax it generates."
He added: "In the end you'll create more jobs in Strathclyde or Derby by investing in Derby. This is the place that drives the rest of the UK. If it causes Celtic wailing, then I'm willing to go there and make the case that it's right for them too."He added: "In the end you'll create more jobs in Strathclyde or Derby by investing in Derby. This is the place that drives the rest of the UK. If it causes Celtic wailing, then I'm willing to go there and make the case that it's right for them too."
One view that hasn't changed is his opposition to a third runway at Heathrow airport. Johnson, who favours a new airport hub on the Thames estuary, quashed rumours that the Conservatives in government may be revising its opposition to the third runway option. One view that has not changed is his opposition to a third runway at Heathrow airport. Johnson, who favours a new airport hub on the Thames estuary, quashed rumours that the Conservatives in government may be revising its opposition to the third runway option.
The Conservative candidate blamed civil servants in the Department of Transport for "trying to keep the option going", and insisted he has been given an "assurance from the prime minister" that as long he is London mayor "there will be no go-ahead for the third runway". He blamed civil servants in the Department for Transport for "trying to keep the option going", and insisted he has been given an "assurance from the prime minister" that as long he is London mayor "there will be no go-ahead for the third runway".