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Bahrain protests – timeline Bahrain protests – timeline
(40 minutes later)
14 February 2011 An anti-government "day of rage" inspired by popular upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia. One protester is killed.14 February 2011 An anti-government "day of rage" inspired by popular upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia. One protester is killed.
17 February Bahrain police storm Pearl roundabout in Manama, the focal point of protests, to clear activists camped out there. At least seven people are killed. 17 February Bahrain police storm Pearl roundabout in Manama, the focal point of protests, to clear activists camped there. At least seven people are killed.
21 February Bahrain cancels the Formula One race due to have been held on 13 March. Crown prince Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa says: "The country's entire attention is focused on building a new national dialogue for Bahrain." Formula One's governing body formally strikes Bahrain off its 2011 calendar in June.21 February Bahrain cancels the Formula One race due to have been held on 13 March. Crown prince Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa says: "The country's entire attention is focused on building a new national dialogue for Bahrain." Formula One's governing body formally strikes Bahrain off its 2011 calendar in June.
14 March About 1,000 Saudi troops are deployed in Bahrain at the ruling family's request to protect government facilities after mainly Shia protesters overrun police and block roads. The United Arab Emirates says it will send 500 police. Bahrain declares martial law the next day.14 March About 1,000 Saudi troops are deployed in Bahrain at the ruling family's request to protect government facilities after mainly Shia protesters overrun police and block roads. The United Arab Emirates says it will send 500 police. Bahrain declares martial law the next day.
1 June Bahrain lifts the state of emergency.1 June Bahrain lifts the state of emergency.
2 July Talks between opposition and pro-government groups begin. In all there are 300 participants in the dialogue 35 of them from the opposition. 2 July Talks between opposition and pro-government groups begin. In all there are 300 participants involved, 35 of them from the opposition.
24 September Fewer than one in five voters cast ballots in a byelection as the Shia majority boycotts polls in protest against the crackdown. Wefaq, the mainly Shia and largest opposition party, walks out of 18 seats. 24 September Fewer than one-in-five voters cast a ballot in a byelection as the Shia majority boycotts polls in protest against the crackdown. Wefaq, the mainly Shia and largest opposition party, walks out of 18 seats.
23 November A government-appointed fact-finding commission of international lawyers reports that Bahrain's security forces used excessive power to suppress pro-democracy rallies, including torture and coerced confessions. It says 3,000 people were detained, more than 4,000 lost their jobs and hundreds were maltreated in detention.23 November A government-appointed fact-finding commission of international lawyers reports that Bahrain's security forces used excessive power to suppress pro-democracy rallies, including torture and coerced confessions. It says 3,000 people were detained, more than 4,000 lost their jobs and hundreds were maltreated in detention.
14 February 2012 Armoured vehicles patrol Manama in a security clampdown to deter protesters after overnight clashes outside the capital on the first anniversary of the pro-democracy uprising.14 February 2012 Armoured vehicles patrol Manama in a security clampdown to deter protesters after overnight clashes outside the capital on the first anniversary of the pro-democracy uprising.
10 March Nabeel al-Hamer, the king's media adviser, says Bahrain will hold a "comprehensive dialogue" soon to end the year-long political crisis, and the government says it is dropping charges against most medics in a controversial trial.10 March Nabeel al-Hamer, the king's media adviser, says Bahrain will hold a "comprehensive dialogue" soon to end the year-long political crisis, and the government says it is dropping charges against most medics in a controversial trial.
21 April One protester is found dead on a village rooftop after overnight clashes with police. Around 7,000 people join a march calling for democratic reforms. Masked protesters hurl petrol bombs at police.21 April One protester is found dead on a village rooftop after overnight clashes with police. Around 7,000 people join a march calling for democratic reforms. Masked protesters hurl petrol bombs at police.
22 April Bahrain holds its Formula One grand prix.22 April Bahrain holds its Formula One grand prix.