One in eight NI suicides elderly Version 0 of 1. About one in eight of all suicides in Northern Ireland are in the over 60 age group. The statistic is revealed by official figures for the number of deaths by "suicide and events of undetermined intent". It is believed there are a number of reasons for it. These include a deterioration in physical health which may make the future seem like too great a struggle and loneliness. "Children may have drifted away, a partner may have died or be in a nursing home and friends can have died too," Dr Noel Scott, a psycho-geriatrician at the City Hospital in Belfast, said. Studies show depression is very prevalent among older age groups. Ian Sutherland knows that better than most. He sat on the Bamford group which reviewed mental health services for older people. "Are there older people who are lonely, isolated and depressed who are using alcohol as a way of coping with that... and that is making their depression worse... and contributing to their potential risk of suicide?" he asked. And he also feels the elderly tend to be stoical and self-reliant. "Often they perhaps don't seek psychological support. GPs need to be particularly vigilant with this age group," he said. And Dr Scott added: "That's why places like day centres, where old people can be stimulated and encouraged to socialise, are so important." Mr Sutherland suggested poverty could play a part . "For those who aren't in an occupational pension scheme, I think there is an issue about whether the state benefit is enough," he says. Increase The overall suicide rate in Northern Ireland is slightly up - but that masks big changes within certain groups. Dr Michael Kelly is a psychiatrist. He's currently conducting research into suicide trends, in association with the Samaritans. "Suicide among younger males is undoubtedly going up but those among women and older age groups are falling. These are cancelling each other out - so that the overall total is just showing a small increase," he said. Mental health experts have called on the government to give as much attention to preventing suicides among elderly people - as they do among younger age-groups. "The existing structure to help older people with mental health needs just isn't adequate," said Ian Sutherland. "There needs to be a planned and coordinated structure - a targeted approach." And he insists if that happened: "The mental health problems of older people could be solved." |