Ivorian star composes peace plan


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Ivory Coast's most famous singer, reggae star Alpha Blondy, has presented an alternative peace plan for the troubled West African country.

Presidential elections, due at the end of the month, have been postponed as the country remains split by civil war.

On Friday, West African regional body Ecowas meets in Nigeria to give its recommendations on the peace process.

But Blondy, whose reggae songs go to the heart of Africa's problems, has his own ideas.

He has suggested President Laurent Gbagbo should remain in power alongside a "Council of the Wise".

The council would include opposition leaders and rebel chiefs as well as the head of President Gbagbo's political party.

Working together

Alpha Blondy said his plan was needed because all the political efforts to solve the crisis have failed.

"Now they need someone like me, you know, who does not belong to any political party to come with this kind of plan that arranges all of them," he said.

"Because none of them wants to be humiliated. The fear of humiliation and the fear of not having what they're used to - I'm talking about money."

Alpha Blondy is proposing that the members of the Council of the Wise should be paid to act in the interests of the country.

He also thinks the militias who support President Gbagbo and the regular armed forces should join up with the New Forces rebels in a new national army.

The soldiers who once fought one another would then work together to develop the country.

His plan has already been presented to Ecowas. But there seems little likelihood of it being accepted - at least in its entirety.