Mideast press surveys 1967 war legacy
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/middle_east/6722433.stm Version 0 of 1. On the 40th anniversary of the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, Israeli commentators are in reflective mood, voicing concern that Israel's continuing occupation of most of the lands it captured in the war has yielded no lasting peace.</P> The Palestinian press mourns the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people, and is pessimistic that the situation will improve for them any time soon. </P> Some of the Arabic press is self-critical, suggesting that the Arab people have not learned anything from the conflict and are still divided. A Syrian state-controlled paper voices defiance, saying Damascus remains determined to win back full control of the Golan Heights. </P> <center> Israeli press</center></P> Sever Plutzker in YEDIOT AHARONOT </P> The Six-Day War exists until this day: Israel still controls a major part of the territories it occupied 40 years ago... Both the Israeli and Palestinian people headed with open eyes into a mutual march of foolhardiness: one for settlements and the other for the right of return... the bloody conflict with the Palestinians is further from its end than it was 40 years ago.</P> Michal Aharoni in MA'ARIV </P> When Israel started the war it was a just war... The occupation was bad for us. It turned us into rude, scornful people. It caused us loss of life. It created a situation in which a whole people are at our mercy. On the other hand, none of us would have wanted us to lose in the war that brought us the occupation... The fact that controlling another people is illegitimate does not make the war and its results illegitimate.</P> Former Foreign Ministry Director Gen Shlomo Avineri in HAARETZ </P> Since 1967 Israel has not known one day of calm and it has no agreed borders... The lesson from the 40-year war obligates putting an end to it - not because we can reach a viable peace. Palestinian readiness for this does not exist. However, what was possible after 1949 and 1956 [relative calm] is not beyond our reach: this requires brave, painful decisions... This will be the test of the leadership of every Israeli government in the near future.</P> Amira Hass in HAARETZ </P> Starting in 1991, Israel has been creating two kinds of expanses between the Mediterranean and the Jordan: a superior, open, developed and improved space for the Jews, and a shattered space tainted by intentional de-development for the Palestinians... No wonder there is a Palestinian nostalgia for the occupation that existed before 1991.</P> <center>Palestinian press</center></P> Editorial in AL-QUDS </P> No-one thought on 5 June 1967, not even the most pessimistic people, that this occupation would last for 40 years. We have to admit that the occupying country, Israel, is now politically, militarily and economically stronger than at any time in the past and has been able to strategically penetrate the Arab boycott especially by establishing diplomatic relations with Egypt and Jordan.</P> Mahir al-Alamy in AL-QUDS </P> Since the defeat in 1967, our condition has been deteriorating from bad to worse, while we continue to weep, calling on the Americans and Europeans for help.</P> Mahmud al-Habbash in AL-HAYAT AL-JADIDAH </P> A lot of water has run under the Palestinian-Arab bridge in the past 40 years. Our dreams have changed and are now limited to the search for livelihood and personal security.</P> Basim Abu-Summayh in AL-HAYAT AL-JADIDAH </P> That unforgettable war will not clear the shame of infighting and the ensuing lawlessness and chaos. It will not compensate the Palestinians of Jerusalem for the loss of their city.</P> Rajab Abu-Surayyah in AL-AYYAM </P> Despite the international support that until now considers the areas occupied in June 1967 to be occupied territories, the results are in Israel's favour. Worse still, the Palestinians and Arabs are still in a state of confusion and find it hard to identify the right path towards successful resistance. Nevertheless, the resistance is bound to win and drive the occupation out.</P> <center>Regional press</center></P> Sultan al-Hattab in Jordan's AL-RA'Y </P> Forty years after the 5 June setback, Arab lands are still occupied in spite of all the international resolutions... the list of Arab and Palestinian demands has become shorter and more fragmented and many concessions have been made in the hope that Israel will agree to end its occupation.</P> Editorial in Jordan's AL-DUSTUR </P> Forty years ago, Israel launched its attack on Arab countries and since then the region has not known anything but war, destruction, killing and misery.</P> Editorial in Syria's AL-THAWRAH </P> Despite offers to give the Golan back to Syria in return for Syria's abandonment of its role in supporting the Palestinian question and regaining the Arab rights, and despite the "stabs" that Syria received secretly and in the dark, it insisted that the return of the Golan in full be a Syrian right not open for bargains or deals. Forty years after the occupation of the Golan, we find ourselves more determined to regain it in full.</P> Editorial in Egypt's AL-JUMHURIYAH </P> The 5th June conspiracy is not complete yet as the expansionist and ambitious Israel is still present in the region and its allied forces have been able, under the cloak of friendship with the Arabs, to enter through the door and have not yet got out.</P> Mashari Al-Dhayidi in pan-Arab AL-SHARQ AL-AWSAT </P> We talk about victory when there is no victory, we preach unity when there is no unity, and that, despite the fact that the unity that we are advocating is not necessarily the solution... Self criticism is a virtue that we do not practice.</P> <I><A href="http://www.monitor.bbc.co.uk">BBC Monitoring</A> selects and translates news from radio, television, press, news agencies and the internet from 150 countries in more than 70 languages. It is based in Caversham, UK, and has several bureaux abroad.</I></P> |