GMB leaders back Hain for deputy Version 0 of 1. The leaders of the GMB general workers union have asked members to back Peter Hain to be Labour's next deputy leader. The Northern Ireland Secretary is running against Harriet Harman, Alan Johnson, Hazel Blears, Jon Cruddas and Hilary Benn to replace John Prescott. He is a member of the union, and also has the support of five other unions. Union members make up a third of votes, with Labour members making another third and Labour MPs and MEPs the rest, in the contest which ends on 24 June. Each member of union affiliated with the Labour Party will have a vote in the contest, and it is not clear how much influence union leaders' recommendations will have on their choice. Union support for the other contenders includes Unity backing Mr Benn, shop workers' union Usdaw backing Ms Blears, public sector Unison behind Mr Johnson, while Mr Cruddas has the backing of the country's biggest trade union Unite. Postal workers' union CWU had also backed Mr Johnson, but after members objected to the executives' move, the union decided not to back any candidate. Mr Johnson, a former postman, was once the union's general secretary. The successful candidate will be announced as deputy leader at a special Labour conference on 24 June. |