Pakistan author accuses military

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A respected Pakistani author has accused the government of blocking the launch of her book about the military's grip on the economy.

Ayesha Siddiqa says her reservation at a government-managed club was cancelled at the last minute, forcing her to find an alternative venue for the launch.

The book deals with the sensitive issue of the military's huge business empire.

The state-run Associated Press of Pakistan labelled the book "a plethora of misleading and concocted stories".

It said that the aim was to give a "bad name to one of the country's most prestigious and honourable organisations".

No government official was available to comment.

'No transparency'

The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says it is the first time the army's penetration of Pakistan's economy has been documented with such detail.

Ayesha Siddiqa says it owns hundreds of businesses and millions of acres of land.

The military's empire is worth billions of dollars, she writes, but it is run with virtually no transparency or accountability.

The book was scheduled to be launched at a government-managed club on Thursday but the reservation was cancelled at the last minute, and the author said she could not find another suitable venue.

She claimed the Interior Ministry told hotels in Islamabad not to give her a room, although government officials deny this.

The launch finally went ahead at a small private office. Ms Siddiqa said it is clear the army does not want a debate about its corporate interests.

"It is part of their political power," she said. "It's the most intransparent part of the economy.

"It's about the interest of senior generals, they don't want any discussion on the subject."

The book's publication comes at a sensitive time for the military-led government.

A campaign to restore full democracy and civilian rule has been gathering pace since President Musharraf, who is also the army chief, suspended the chief justice over allegations of misconduct.