Stop and search plans in papers Version 0 of 1. There are strong opinions to be found in the newspapers about proposals to give police the power to stop and question people. The Daily Mirror believes Labour are trying to goad Conservative leader David Cameron into opposing the plans so that the party can then say the Tories are soft on terror. The Sun also foresees problems, saying the proposals would inevitably lead to more young Asian males being targeted. Because of this, it says Home Secretary John Reid and Prime Minister Tony Blair need to think again. Welfare concerns The Times reports that there are a thousand men living in Britain who have more than one wife and that many of those men are Muslim. The paper says this presents a multitude of problems, not least over the welfare of the women involved in these polygamous relationships. Many papers are bemoaning what the Daily Telegraph has termed "the dank holiday weekend". The Mirror offers various tips on things to do indoors. Suspended animation The Daily Mail says trials are planned for later this year to put humans into a state of hibernation by injecting a salt and ice mix into the bloodstream. This, says the paper, could allow astronauts to stay in suspended animation for months, enabling them to explore deep space. The Daily Express reports that "council tax snoopers" have taken photos of nearly a million homes across the UK. The government has denied this is part of a national revaluation exercise. Protective owls The Telegraph reports how a footpath in Dunsop Bridge in Lancashire has been closed because dog walkers have come under attack by nesting eagle owls. A local wildlife expert says the pair of owls take particular exception to dogs invading their territory. Their attacks have even resulted in one person being treated in hospital. The Express reports that The Zimmers - a band made up of pensioners - have recorded a cover of The Who's classic song, My Generation. |