Salmond seeks formal UK relations

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Alex Salmond has said he wants to see relations between Westminster and the devolved government in Scotland put on a more formal footing.

The first minister said the emergence of administrations ruled by different parties brought the need for a formal channel of communications.

He said neither Prime Minister Tony Blair nor his successor Gordon Brown had been in touch since the election.

Mr Salmond was speaking at a briefing in Bute House in Edinburgh.

Asked if he was surprised about the lack of contact from London, Mr Salmond said: "The form, I suppose, would be that the prime minister should have been in touch.

"That's a matter for him to explain."

When you have administrations across the country of different political complexion, you have to have a proper process by which areas of joint interest can be progressed Alex Salmondfirst minister

Mr Salmond said the emergence of administrations in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, ruled by different parties, brought the need for a formal channel of communication.

He said: "I don't think you could possibly argue that when you have administrations across the country of different political complexion, you have to have a proper process by which areas of joint interest can be progressed, areas of difference reconciled.

"Otherwise, what are the various governments meant to do - are we meant to get a Labour MSP to raise a question at First Minister's Questions, or am I meant to get an SNP MP raise a question at Prime Minister's Questions?

"What would be important is to have the Scottish government, the Northern Ireland government, and the Welsh government agree that they want that procedure."

He also called on DTI secretary Alistair Darling to resurrect plans for a carbon capture power station project at Peterhead.

Over budget

The briefing at Bute House in Edinburgh also saw a hint from Mr Salmond that the proposed Edinburgh tram system and airport rail link could be far more expensive than expected.

The SNP's manifesto pledged to redirect the £1.1bn of spending planned for these projects.

Mr Salmond said: "We are gathering together all the relevant information and will be making a presentation to parliament.

"There is a significant amount of information which will be new to the parliament in terms of how much money would be spent.

"It would not be the first construction project in the world to run over budget."