Salmond has audience with Queen

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The Queen has met her new first minister for the first time since Alex Salmond took office.

The SNP leader was granted an audience which lasted up to 20 minutes at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

Mr Salmond had already received the Royal Warrant ahead of his formal introduction to the Queen.

Meanwhile, MSPs at Holyrood elected four of their number to the Corporate Body, which runs the Scottish Parliament.

One MSP from each of the four main parties was elected - Tory Alex Johnstone, Tricia Marwick of the SNP, the Liberal Democrats' Mike Pringle and former Labour finance minister Tom McCabe.

Elsewhere, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill held discussions on what could turn into the first transfer of powers from Westminster to Holyrood since the party took office.

Law officers

He met Westminster colleagues who pressed the case for a change in the law regarding inquiries into the deaths of Scottish soldiers overseas.

At present, only English coroner's courts can examine the deaths of British military personnel abroad.

Fatal accident inquiries can only be held when the death happens in Scotland or in Scottish territorial waters.

SNP Westminster group leader Angus Robertson said he wanted a change in the system.

Mr MacAskill will now meet Scotland's most senior law officers to discuss possible changes in the law.

An executive spokesman said the issue was being explored with the UK Government, which had hinted it was willing to listen.