Possible murder scene uncovered


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Police officers uncovered what could be a murder scene when they raided a cannabis factory in Buckinghamshire.

A substantial amount of blood was found by Thames Valley officers in an upstairs room when they searched an empty house in North Park Road, Iver.

Det Ch Insp Chris Back said: "We believe someone has been seriously injured or...murdered due to the large amount of blood found in the room."

Several hundred cannabis plants were seized in the raid on 18 May.

Det Ch Insp Back continued: "At this stage we are keeping an open mind as to what may have happened but are naturally very concerned for the welfare of the victim.

"We are very keen to trace this person and anyone else who has information about who may have been involved in this assault. A forensic search of the house has so far not shed any light on the identity of the victim."

Detectives at Thames Valley Police are keen to hear from anyone who saw people entering or leaving the rented property in the weeks leading up to the police raid.