Suicide attack on Afghan market

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A suicide bomber has killed 10 civilians and injured more than 30 in a town in the south-east of Afghanistan.

The bomber fixed explosives to his body and detonated them in a crowded market.

Correspondents say there has been a dramatic increase in the number of suicide attacks and bombings in the country in the past few days.

On Saturday, three German soldiers were among nine people killed in a suicide bomb attack in the relatively peaceful north of the country, in Kunduz.

'US convoy'

In the latest attack, the bomber blew himself up in a crowded market in Gardez, provincial capital of Paktia province, just 100km from Kabul.

The local governor said the bomber appeared to be of Arab or Chechen appearance and had deliberately targeted people in the market.

Reports quoting witnesses said the blast occurred shortly after a US convoy had passed through the city.

The BBC's Alastair Leithead, in Herat, western Afghanistan, says it is the second time in just a few days Paktia province has been hit.

Afghanistan has experienced a huge increase in the number of roadside bombs and suicide attacks in the last week, our correspondent says.

Civilians, Afghan security forces and international troops have been killed and injured in different parts of the country.

There has been much talk about a spring offensive by the Taleban, who have claimed responsibility for many of the bomb blasts.

It may be that the insurgent tactics similar to those being used in Iraq may increase further in the coming months, our correspondent adds.