Minister Margaret Hodge has said UK families should get priority over immigrants for council housing.
Established British families should be given priority over economic migrants for council housing, government minister Margaret Hodge has said.
She said a "transparent" points system giving weight to length of residence, citizenship and national insurance contributions would be fairer.
She has called for a rethink of social housing policy, to take account of length of residence, citizenship and national insurance contributions.
Mrs Hodge, who was born in Egypt, said rules should "promote tolerance rather than inviting division".
Social housing was limited and British families had a "legitimate sense of entitlement" to have their own homes.
The Refugee Council said arrivals from new EU states had limited access to benefits, and condemned the comments.
The Lib Dems said the fault lay with Labour for selling off council homes.
Industry ministry Mrs Hodge, writing in the Observer, said "difficult questions" had to be debated.
Industry Minister Mrs Hodge, who was born in Egypt, said rules should "promote tolerance rather than inviting division".
'Sense of entitlement'
Exercising choice
"We should look at policies where the legitimate sense of entitlement felt by the indigenous family overrides the legitimate need demonstrated by the new migrants," she wrote.
She told the BBC she was aware it was a difficult issue, but she was trying to listen to her constituents' concerns and wanted to start a debate.
She added that while a "small number" of confirmed refugees had the same entitlements as British citizens, most new families were economic migrants.
She said she understood the reasons why genuine refugees needed access to public resources, but said most new families were economic migrants who had chosen to come to Britain to live and work.
There are a lot of black and Asian British people who feel as strongly as some of my white families do - that there is an essential unfairness in the system Margaret Hodge
However much social housing you do create, you will nevertheless have to take decisions to ration what will always be a finite resource Margaret Hodge
"If you choose to come to Britain, should you presume the right to access social housing?," she wrote.
"In exercising that choice as an economic migrant, should they then presume to have automatic access immediately to public social housing?," she said.
Later she told the BBC's World This Weekend programme: "There are a lot of black and Asian British people who feel as strongly as some of my white families do - that there is an essential unfairness in the system.
"Of course it's true that we need to develop more social housing," she said.
"They feel that they've grown up in the borough, they're entitled to a home, and that entitlement - sense of entitlement - is often overridden by a real need of new immigrant families who come in, perhaps locked into private accommodation, poor accommodation, overcrowded.
"But however much social housing you do create, you will nevertheless have to take decisions to ration what will always be a finite resource."
"And their need will often override the entitlement that my white families feel".
'Unfair' system
'Tough issues'
She said white, black and Asian British families, on low incomes, who had lived in an area for several generations could not get their own homes and all felt there was an "essential unfairness" in the system.
"They feel that they've grown up in the borough, they're entitled to a home, and that sense of entitlement is often overridden by a real need of new immigrant families who come in, perhaps locked into private accommodation, poor accommodation, overcrowded. "
The way to counter some of the views put forward by far-right parties is not to follow their lead Nancy KelleyRefugee Council
She won some support from Labour Party chairwoman, and deputy leadership candidate, Hazel Blears, who agreed there was a need "to tackle these tough issues."
She won some support from Labour Party chairwoman, and deputy leadership candidate, Hazel Blears, who agreed there was a need "to tackle these tough issues."
"You have got to look at allocations policies to show that they are fair," she told BBC One's Sunday AM programme.
"You have got to look at allocations policies to show that they are fair," she told BBC One's Sunday AM programme.
The way to counter some of the views put forward by far-right parties is not to follow their lead Nancy KelleyRefugee Council
But the Liberal Democrats' local government spokesman Andrew Stunell said there were 1.5m families on council house waiting lists, but the government kept selling houses off.
"People in this country have a real sense of fairness, they are prepared to do their bit but they want to know the system actually works for them."
'Build more homes'
But Nancy Kelley, head of international and UK policy at the Refugee Council, said: "The way to counter some of the views put forward by far-right parties is not to follow their lead."
"The first thing to do is start building social housing again, not to blame immigrants for the catastrophic government failure to tackle the issue," he said.
She also pointed out that people who are confirmed as refugees in the UK are entitled to council housing but on the "same basis as a UK national, on the basis of need".
And Nancy Kelley, head of international and UK policy at the Refugee Council, said: "The way to counter some of the views put forward by far-right parties is not to follow their lead."
She stressed that asylum seekers were not entitled to council housing and arrivals from new EU states had restricted access to benefits.
She stressed that asylum seekers were not entitled to council housing and arrivals from new EU states had restricted access to benefits.
Constituent anger
Mrs Hodge has warned before that many of her constituents in Barking, east London, were angry at the lack of housing.
Mrs Hodge has warned before that many of her constituents in Barking, east London, were angry at the lack of housing - and that the transition of the area from a white working-class community to a multi-racial one had been "difficult".
She was also criticised for saying, before the council elections in 2006, that as many as eight of 10 white families were tempted to vote for the British National Party. The BNP went on to become the second largest party on Barking and Dagenham council.
She was criticised for saying, before the council elections in 2006, that as many as eight of 10 white families were tempted to vote for the British National Party. The BNP went on to become the second largest party on Barking and Dagenham council.
Lib Dem president, Simon Hughes, whose south-east London constituency recognised that housing allocation was among the biggest causes of racism.
Liberal Democrat MP, Simon Hughes, whose North Southwark and Bermondsey constituency in London has a high concentration of social housing, said the problem was the biggest cause of racism.
"The worst cause of racial strife and antagonism is when new property is built, social property, and when people who appear to have no link with the community move into it, when other people who may be desperately needing to move, can't get a move", he told the BBC.
"The worst cause of racial strife and antagonism is when new property is built, social property, and when people who appear to have no link with the community move into it, when other people who may be desperately needing to move, can't get a move", he said.
New people could instead "be housed in something that is specially provided accommodation" which would be "additional to the obligation of the local authority and that government should specifically provide and resource".
Are you a family on a housing list who are waiting to move and have been affected by this story? Send us your experiences by filling out the form below.
Are you a family on a housing list who are waiting to move and have been affected by this story? Send us your experiences by filling out the form below.