BBC closes jobs on suspended Jam

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The BBC is to close all the posts in its suspended online education service, BBC Jam - about 200 in total.

The BBC Trust suspended the £150m service in March amid complaints it was damaging competitors' interests.

The BBC said many of those previously working on BBC Jam in London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast had left already and others might be redeployed.

With an internal restructuring, the net loss of jobs is put at 31. The service had 170,000 registered users.


Controller of BBC Learning Liz Cleaver said: "I recognise that the past few weeks have been stressful for everyone involved in Jam following the suspension of the service in March, and commend staff for their patience and professionalism.

"We have tried as hard as possible to minimise the number of post closures when making changes to staff numbers and, in particular, to avoid compulsory redundancy by seeking volunteers or redeploying staff."

Talks with staff and trade unions are ongoing.

The Trust acted in response to news that the European Commission had received complaints from the commercial sector about the service, which was linked to the UK's various school curriculums.

BBC Learning is preparing an alternative proposal which will be submitted to the Trust in the next few months.