Oxford United footballers to get careers advice


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Oxford United is to try out a careers advice scheme for footballers who are nearing the end of their playing days.

The pilot scheme is run by Oxford Brookes University, which believes it is the first to offer such a service to footballers.

The initial programme is being offered free of charge on the understanding participants give feedback to help improve the scheme.

Interested players are being invited to the university for a taster session.

Team members will be given one-to-one careers counselling and will be advised on training, including university and college courses.

'Right direction'

Club chairman Kelvin Thomas and Steve Billcliffe, from the university's research and development office, presented the idea to players after a training session.

Mr Thomas said: "Although players are currently advised at the end of their footballing career, we believe it's vital that they are informed of their options and potential career paths while with us at the club and still playing.

"We all know that a footballer's career is over quickly and we believe that we have a responsibility to help point them in the right direction for when the playing days have ended."

If successful, the scheme will be offered to other football clubs.