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Yates quits Met amid hacking row John Yates quits Met Police amid phone-hacking scandal
(40 minutes later)
Met Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates has resigned as the phone-hacking scandal fall-out continues. Met Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates has quit after growing pressure amid the phone-hacking scandal.
He checked the credentials of Neil Wallis before the Met employed the ex-News of the World executive, arrested last week over hacking allegations. Mr Yates checked the credentials of Neil Wallis before the Met employed the former News of the World executive, arrested last week over hacking claims.
Mr Yates indicated his intention to resign to the chairman of the Met Police Authority, which was accepted. Mr Yates's decision to resign came after Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson quit on Sunday.
Mr Yates's decison to quit comes after Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson resigned on Sunday. Mayor of London Boris Johnson said it was right for both Sir Paul and Mr Yates to stand down.
The resignation of Sir Paul, the most senior policeman in Britain, came after he faced criticism for the recruitment of Mr Wallis as a PR consultant. Mr Johnson told a news conference at City Hall in London: "I believe that both decisions are regrettable but I would say that in both cases the right call has been made.
"There is absolutely nothing that has been proven against the probity or the professionalism of either man.
"But in both cases we have to recognise that the nexus of questions about the relationship between the Met and the News of the World was likely to be distracting to both officers in the run-up to the Olympic Games."
Mr Johnson said Deputy Commissioner Tim Godwin would be in charge at Scotland Yard until Sir Paul's replacement was appointed.
In other developments on Monday:
  • David Cameron said the Commons would be recalled on Wednesday to debate the latest developments in the phone-hacking scandal
  • Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks confirmed she would appear before a committee of MPs on Tuesday, alongside Rupert and James Murdoch, despite her arrest and questioning by police on Sunday
  • The Serious Fraud Office said it would give "full consideration" to a request by Labour MP Tom Watson to investigate out-of-court settlements made to hacking victims
  • Shares in News Corporation dropped by 7.6% to a two-year low in trading in Australia
  • Press Association reporter Laura Elston, 34, who was arrested by police investigating allegations of phone hacking by journalists, will face no further action, her lawyer said
Mr Wallis, a former NoW deputy editor, was arrested and released on bail on Thursday on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications.Mr Wallis, a former NoW deputy editor, was arrested and released on bail on Thursday on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications.
Mr Yates's resignation came after he was informed he would be suspended pending an inquiry into his relationship with Mr Wallis. The resignation of Sir Paul, the most senior policeman in Britain, came after he faced criticism for the recruitment of Mr Wallis as a PR consultant.
The officer had been confronted with new information about the friendship between the two men, sources told BBC political editor Nick Robinson. Mr Yates told Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) chairman Kit Malthouse that he was standing down.
Mayor of London Boris Johnson's spokesman said Mr Yates's decision to resign was "regrettable, but the right call".
Scotland Yard said in a statement: "Assistant Commissioner John Yates has this afternoon indicated his intention to resign to the chair of the MPA.Scotland Yard said in a statement: "Assistant Commissioner John Yates has this afternoon indicated his intention to resign to the chair of the MPA.
"This has been accepted. AC Yates will make a statement later this afternoon.""This has been accepted. AC Yates will make a statement later this afternoon."
In other developments on Monday: Mr Yates's resignation came after he was informed he would be suspended pending an inquiry into his relationship with Mr Wallis.
  • href="/news/uk-politics-14182535" title="MPs delay break to debate hacking" >David Cameron said the Commons would be recalled on Wednesday to debate the latest developments in the phone-hacking scandal
  • Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks confirmed she would appear before a committee of MPs on Tuesday, alongside Rupert and James Murdoch, despite her arrest and questioning by police on Sunday
  • The Serious Fraud Office said it would give "full consideration" to a request by Labour MP Tom Watson to investigate out-of-court settlements made to hacking victims
  • Shares in News Corporation dropped by 7.6% to a two-year low in trading in Australia
The officer had been confronted with new information about the friendship between the two men, sources told BBC political editor Nick Robinson.
After a meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority's professional standards committee, the MPA said in a statement: "The committee considered allegations concerning Assistant Commissioner John Yates and after lengthy and careful deliberations decided to suspend the assistant commissioner.
"Suspension is not a disciplinary sanction and it is emphasised that suspension should not be taken as a presumption of guilt. Assistant Commissioner Yates has been informed of this decision.
"A number of matters have been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, including one involving Assistant Commissioner Yates."
Home Secretary Theresa May said: "I have been informed that Assistant Commissioner John Yates has tended his resignation.
"I want to put on record my gratitude to John Yates for the work he has done while I have been home secretary to develop and improve counter-terrorism policing in London and indeed across the UK."