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Kashmir fighting begins as 'woman hostage sneaks out' Troops kill Kashmir 'militants' as fighting continues
(about 4 hours later)
Security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir say they are firing at militants holed up inside a house in Kupwara district after a woman who was being held hostage there sneaked out. Security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir say they have killed three militants in a clash in Kupwara district.
Large numbers of soldiers and policemen had surrounded the house in Maidanpora village, an army spokesman said. Up to five militants entered a house in Maidanpora village and large numbers of soldiers and policemen surrounded the house, an army spokesman said.
Up to five militants were in the house, Lt-Col JS Brar told the BBC. Lt-Col JS Brar said three soldiers had been injured in the violence, which was ongoing.
Fighting began after a woman who was being held hostage there sneaked out.
Kashmir, which is claimed by both India and Pakistan, has recently seen a drop in violence.Kashmir, which is claimed by both India and Pakistan, has recently seen a drop in violence.
Thousands of people have been killed in the region since an armed rebellion against Indian rule erupted in 1989.Thousands of people have been killed in the region since an armed rebellion against Indian rule erupted in 1989.
The operation in Kupwara was launched early on Friday morning after the army received information that some militants were holding a meeting in the house, Lt-Col Brar said. The operation in Kupwara was launched early on Friday after the army received information that some militants were holding a meeting in the house, Lt-Col Brar said.
Security forces began firing after the woman emerged from the house, officials said.Security forces began firing after the woman emerged from the house, officials said.
Residents had been asked to leave the area, reports said.Residents had been asked to leave the area, reports said.