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US recognises Libyan rebel TNC as legitimate authority US recognises Libyan rebel TNC as legitimate authority
(about 1 hour later)
The United States has recognised the Libyan opposition as the country's "legitimate governing authority".The United States has recognised the Libyan opposition as the country's "legitimate governing authority".
That means billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.That means billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.
The decision was announced by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a diplomatic meeting in Istanbul.The decision was announced by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a diplomatic meeting in Istanbul.
Western and Arab members of the Libya Contact Group are drawing up a plan to end hostilities, which will be presented to Col Muammar Gaddafi.Western and Arab members of the Libya Contact Group are drawing up a plan to end hostilities, which will be presented to Col Muammar Gaddafi.
"The United States views the Gaddafi regime as no longer having any legitimate authority in Libya," Mrs Clinton said."The United States views the Gaddafi regime as no longer having any legitimate authority in Libya," Mrs Clinton said.
"And so I am announcing today that, until an interim authority is in place, the United States will recognise the TNC [Transitional National Council] as the legitimate governing authority for Libya, and we will deal with it on that basis.""And so I am announcing today that, until an interim authority is in place, the United States will recognise the TNC [Transitional National Council] as the legitimate governing authority for Libya, and we will deal with it on that basis."
This move means the US and other countries will be able to unblock some $30bn in frozen assets to assist the Libyan opposition.
It's a financial boost for the TNC but also adds to their credibility.
Because the US only recognises states and not governments, the wording - calling the TNC the "legitimate governing authority" - was chosen carefully.
It may sound like semantics but the wording had legal implications. There were also concerns about recognising unelected representatives without a clear road map for a transition to democracy.
She added that: "The TNC has offered important assurances today, including the promise to pursue a process of democratic reform that is inclusive both geographically and politically."She added that: "The TNC has offered important assurances today, including the promise to pursue a process of democratic reform that is inclusive both geographically and politically."
Other foreign ministers said the whole contact group, including more than 30 Western and Arab countries, agreed to recognise the rebels.Other foreign ministers said the whole contact group, including more than 30 Western and Arab countries, agreed to recognise the rebels.
Many contact group members have already individually recognised the TNC.Many contact group members have already individually recognised the TNC.
Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said the decision left Col Gaddafi "no other option" but to leave power.Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said the decision left Col Gaddafi "no other option" but to leave power.
'After Gaddafi''After Gaddafi'
Mr Frattini said the UN special envoy to Libya, Abdul Elah al-Khatib, would take the contact group's ceasefire proposals to the Libyan leadership, and negotiate on their behalf.Mr Frattini said the UN special envoy to Libya, Abdul Elah al-Khatib, would take the contact group's ceasefire proposals to the Libyan leadership, and negotiate on their behalf.
"This political package is a political offer, including a ceasefire," he said."This political package is a political offer, including a ceasefire," he said.
Mrs Clinton said any deal "must involve Gaddafi's departure" from power, according to the Reuters news agency.Mrs Clinton said any deal "must involve Gaddafi's departure" from power, according to the Reuters news agency.
A senior US official travelling with Mrs Clinton was quoted by Reuters news agency as saying: "Countries are starting to look past Gaddafi.A senior US official travelling with Mrs Clinton was quoted by Reuters news agency as saying: "Countries are starting to look past Gaddafi.
"He's going to go, and the meeting can be a useful place to take stock of and prepare for that transition.""He's going to go, and the meeting can be a useful place to take stock of and prepare for that transition."
The meeting is expected to explore measures to increase the pressure on the Libyan regime, such as constraining government broadcasting. It will also look at a report on the TNC's plans for progress to democracy.The meeting is expected to explore measures to increase the pressure on the Libyan regime, such as constraining government broadcasting. It will also look at a report on the TNC's plans for progress to democracy.
Representatives of the Benghazi-based TNC were at the meeting, but invitations to China and Russia were both declined.Representatives of the Benghazi-based TNC were at the meeting, but invitations to China and Russia were both declined.
The conflict in Libya appears to be in a protracted stalemate. Rebels are holding eastern Libya and pockets in the west.The conflict in Libya appears to be in a protracted stalemate. Rebels are holding eastern Libya and pockets in the west.
Col Gaddafi remains entrenched in the capital Tripoli, despite a Nato bombing campaign of more than 6,000 sorties against regime forces.Col Gaddafi remains entrenched in the capital Tripoli, despite a Nato bombing campaign of more than 6,000 sorties against regime forces.
International sanctions have also been imposed and international arrest warrants issued against leading figures in the Libyan regime.International sanctions have also been imposed and international arrest warrants issued against leading figures in the Libyan regime.
In Tripoli, Col Gaddafi's government has been holding crisis talks over the supply of fuel to the country.In Tripoli, Col Gaddafi's government has been holding crisis talks over the supply of fuel to the country.