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FBI 'to open 9/11 victim phone hack investigation' FBI to open 9/11 victims 'phone-hacking' investigation
(40 minutes later)
The FBI is investigating reports that Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation sought to hack the phones of victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, reports say. The FBI is investigating reports that Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation sought to hack the phones of victims of the 9/11 attacks.
Reports of a criminal probe follow calls from a growing number of senators and a senior Republican congressman for an investigation. The criminal probe follow calls from a growing number of senators and a senior Republican congressman for an investigation.
An FBI official told the BBC that reports of probe were "credible". An FBI official told the BBC reports of an investigation were "credible".
An FBI inquiry would be mean that the phone hacking scandal has crossed the Atlantic, analysts say. Meanwhile, Mr Murdoch and his son James have agreed to answer UK MPs' questions on the hacking scandal next week.
In Washington, a spokeswoman for the US justice department, which oversees the FBI, declined to comment. 'Appropriate action'
The Commons media committee issued summonses after the pair initially declined to appear.
Also in London on Thursday, Neil Wallis, a former News of the World executive editor, became the ninth person involved with the newspaper to be detained by police probing phone hacking.
The Murdoch-owned Sunday tabloid was shut down last week amid the mounting scandal over the alleged hacking of phones belonging to crime victims, politicians and celebrities.
A spokeswoman for the US justice department, which oversees the FBI, declined to comment on the developments in Washington.
"The department does not comment specifically on investigations, though anytime we see evidence of wrongdoing, we take appropriate action," Tracy Schmaler told the BBC."The department does not comment specifically on investigations, though anytime we see evidence of wrongdoing, we take appropriate action," Tracy Schmaler told the BBC.
News Corporation, based in New York, is the parent company of News International, the UK firm at the centre of a growing scandal over phone hacking and payments to police officers.News Corporation, based in New York, is the parent company of News International, the UK firm at the centre of a growing scandal over phone hacking and payments to police officers.
News International has already closed tabloid newspaper the News of the World and pulled out of a huge takeover bid for the UK's largest pay-TV operator, BSkyB.News International has already closed tabloid newspaper the News of the World and pulled out of a huge takeover bid for the UK's largest pay-TV operator, BSkyB.
In addition, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has set up a judge-led inquiry into the allegations.In addition, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has set up a judge-led inquiry into the allegations.
In Washington, senators this week asked authorities in the US to investigate amid allegations that the phones of victims of the September 11 attacks may have been hacked into by News of the World journalists. News International has not commented on the claims.In Washington, senators this week asked authorities in the US to investigate amid allegations that the phones of victims of the September 11 attacks may have been hacked into by News of the World journalists. News International has not commented on the claims.
Democratic senators Jay Rockefeller and Barbara Boxer urged the attorney general and the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether US laws had been broken.Democratic senators Jay Rockefeller and Barbara Boxer urged the attorney general and the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether US laws had been broken.
Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, who wrote to the attorney general separately, said the claims newspapers sought to "exploit information about... personal tragedies for profit" needed to be probed. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, who wrote to the attorney general separately, said claims that newspapers had sought to "exploit information about... personal tragedies for profit" needed to be investigated.
Also, Republican Congressman Peter King, who is chairman of the House homeland security committee and represents a constituency in New York that lost more then 150 people in the 9/11 attacks, called on Wednesday for an FBI inquiry. Republican Congressman Peter King - who is chairman of the House homeland security committee and represents a constituency in New York that lost more then 150 people in the 9/11 attacks - called on Wednesday for an FBI inquiry.
"The thought that anyone would have hacked into the phones of either those who were killed, those who were missing, the family members, during that tragic time... is contemptible," he said on Thursday.
He declined to say whether he had any direct evidence journalists working for News Corporation companies had sought to hack 9/11 victims' phones.
"There were allegations, I want the FBI to investigate them, I'm not making any conclusions at all," he said.