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Sudan's President Bashir announces austerity budget Sudan's President Bashir announces austerity budget
(40 minutes later)
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir has announced that he will introduce economic austerity measures following South Sudan's secession.Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir has announced that he will introduce economic austerity measures following South Sudan's secession.
Most of Sudan's oil lay in the south and the two countries have not agreed how to divide future oil revenues.Most of Sudan's oil lay in the south and the two countries have not agreed how to divide future oil revenues.
The president told MPs that a three-year "emergency programme" would also include issuing a new currency.The president told MPs that a three-year "emergency programme" would also include issuing a new currency.
He also promised a more open society where people would be free to express political views without fear of arrest.
"Our government is keen not to curb freedom of speech. No-one from today will be arrested for expressing his political views," the president said in his speech to parliament in the capital, Khartoum.
Consultations on a new constitution - a key opposition demand - would also begin soon, he said.Consultations on a new constitution - a key opposition demand - would also begin soon, he said.
According to Reuters news agency, Sudan has been hit by a scarcity of foreign currency and high inflation.According to Reuters news agency, Sudan has been hit by a scarcity of foreign currency and high inflation.
"We have placed an emergency programme for the next three years," the agency quotes Mr Bashir as saying. "We have placed an emergency programme for the next three years," Mr Bashir said.
"The package of the economic measures includes issuing a new currency in the coming days," he said."The package of the economic measures includes issuing a new currency in the coming days," he said.
South Sudan announced it was launching its own currency and the South Sudan pound note would be in circulation by next Monday.
The new country's Central Bank Governor Elijah Malok told Reuters it would take three months to completely replace the northern currency.
The south's independence follows decades of conflict with the north in which some 1.5 million people died.The south's independence follows decades of conflict with the north in which some 1.5 million people died.
The two countries have still to decide on issues such as drawing up the new border and how to divide Sudan's debts and oil wealth.The two countries have still to decide on issues such as drawing up the new border and how to divide Sudan's debts and oil wealth.
At present, the revenues are still shared equally.At present, the revenues are still shared equally.
Although most oil lies in the south, most of the oil pipelines flow north to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.Although most oil lies in the south, most of the oil pipelines flow north to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
Sudan: A country divided Show regionsSudan: A country divided Show regions
The great divide across Sudan is visible even from space, as this Nasa satellite image shows. The northern states are a blanket of desert, broken only by the fertile Nile corridor. South Sudan is covered by green swathes of grassland, swamps and tropical forest.The great divide across Sudan is visible even from space, as this Nasa satellite image shows. The northern states are a blanket of desert, broken only by the fertile Nile corridor. South Sudan is covered by green swathes of grassland, swamps and tropical forest.
Sudan's arid north is mainly home to Arabic-speaking Muslims. But in South Sudan there is no dominant culture. The Dinkas and the Nuers are the largest of more than 200 ethnic groups, each with its own languages and traditional beliefs, alongside Christianity and Islam.Sudan's arid north is mainly home to Arabic-speaking Muslims. But in South Sudan there is no dominant culture. The Dinkas and the Nuers are the largest of more than 200 ethnic groups, each with its own languages and traditional beliefs, alongside Christianity and Islam.
The health inequalities in Sudan are illustrated by infant mortality rates. In South Sudan, one in 10 children die before their first birthday. Whereas in the more developed northern states, such as Gezira and White Nile, half of those children would be expected to survive.The health inequalities in Sudan are illustrated by infant mortality rates. In South Sudan, one in 10 children die before their first birthday. Whereas in the more developed northern states, such as Gezira and White Nile, half of those children would be expected to survive.
The gulf in water resources between north and south is stark. In Khartoum, River Nile, and Gezira states, two-thirds of people have access to piped drinking water and pit latrines. In the south, boreholes and unprotected wells are the main drinking sources. More than 80% of southerners have no toilet facilities whatsoever.The gulf in water resources between north and south is stark. In Khartoum, River Nile, and Gezira states, two-thirds of people have access to piped drinking water and pit latrines. In the south, boreholes and unprotected wells are the main drinking sources. More than 80% of southerners have no toilet facilities whatsoever.
Throughout Sudan, access to primary school education is strongly linked to household earnings. In the poorest parts of the south, less than 1% of children finish primary school. Whereas in the wealthier north, up to 50% of children complete primary level education.Throughout Sudan, access to primary school education is strongly linked to household earnings. In the poorest parts of the south, less than 1% of children finish primary school. Whereas in the wealthier north, up to 50% of children complete primary level education.
Conflict and poverty are the main causes of food insecurity in Sudan. The residents of war-affected Darfur and South Sudan are still greatly dependent on food aid. Far more than in northern states, which tend to be wealthier, more urbanised and less reliant on agriculture.Conflict and poverty are the main causes of food insecurity in Sudan. The residents of war-affected Darfur and South Sudan are still greatly dependent on food aid. Far more than in northern states, which tend to be wealthier, more urbanised and less reliant on agriculture.
Sudan exports billions of dollars of oil per year. Southern states produce more than 80% of it, but receive only 50% of the revenue. The pipelines run north but the two sides have still not agreed how to share the oil wealth in the future.Sudan exports billions of dollars of oil per year. Southern states produce more than 80% of it, but receive only 50% of the revenue. The pipelines run north but the two sides have still not agreed how to share the oil wealth in the future.