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Electricity investment plan to be unveiled Electricity investment plan to be unveiled
(about 3 hours later)
Plans for £110bn of investment in electricity generation are set to be unveiled later by the Department for Energy and Climate Change.Plans for £110bn of investment in electricity generation are set to be unveiled later by the Department for Energy and Climate Change.
The plan would replace a quarter of the country's power stations by 2030, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne said.The plan would replace a quarter of the country's power stations by 2030, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne said.
It also aims to insulate the UK from swings in oil prices by increasing nuclear and renewable energy sources.It also aims to insulate the UK from swings in oil prices by increasing nuclear and renewable energy sources.
Mr Huhne told the BBC that claims the cost of the investments would hurt consumers were misplaced.Mr Huhne told the BBC that claims the cost of the investments would hurt consumers were misplaced.
He pointed to recent rises in utility bills by British Gas and Scottish Power, claiming that these companies had already imposed a cost on consumers in one day similar to what the investment programme would involve over several years.He pointed to recent rises in utility bills by British Gas and Scottish Power, claiming that these companies had already imposed a cost on consumers in one day similar to what the investment programme would involve over several years.
"[The white paper] provides insurance for consumers against that sort of shock," he said."[The white paper] provides insurance for consumers against that sort of shock," he said.
'Keep the lights on''Keep the lights on'
A key recommendation of the paper is expected to be long-term price contracts with domestic nuclear power plants and offshore windfarms, in order to make electricity prices more stable.A key recommendation of the paper is expected to be long-term price contracts with domestic nuclear power plants and offshore windfarms, in order to make electricity prices more stable.
The DECC said that its investment plans would cost £160 per household per year by 2030.The DECC said that its investment plans would cost £160 per household per year by 2030.
In contrast, the Department said that if no investments were made, then limited capacity would force electricity bills up by £200 a year over the same period. In contrast, the Department said that if the system remained unchanged, then electricity bills would go up by £200 a year over the same period.
"It means that we keep the lights on," Mr Huhne told BBC Breakfast. "Because we are replacing a quarter of our clapped out electricity generation." "It means that we keep the lights on," Mr Huhne told BBC Breakfast. "Because we are replacing a quarter of our clapped-out electricity generation."
The planned investment is equivalent to 20 large new power stations, double the pace seen in the last decade.The planned investment is equivalent to 20 large new power stations, double the pace seen in the last decade.
It aims to raise the share of renewable energy sources to 30% of electricity generation by 2030, from 7% currently. It aims to raise the share of renewable energy sources to 30% of electricity generation by 2030, from 7% currently. The government also foresees new nuclear power stations being built as well.
It would also see the building of new coal-powered generators with technology to capture carbon emissions, as well as new gas-fired power station. It would also see the building of new coal-powered generators with technology to capture carbon emissions, as well as new gas-fired power stations.
Natural gas is regarded as cleaner than other fossil fuels, and gas prices are expected to remain cheap thanks to the development of shale-gas deposits in the US coupled with the growing international trade in liquefied natural gas.Natural gas is regarded as cleaner than other fossil fuels, and gas prices are expected to remain cheap thanks to the development of shale-gas deposits in the US coupled with the growing international trade in liquefied natural gas.