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Rupert Murdoch arrives to take charge of hacking crisis Rupert Murdoch arrives to take charge of hacking crisis
(about 3 hours later)
Rupert Murdoch has arrived in the UK to take charge of the handling of the fallout from the phone-hacking crisis, as he faces growing pressure to scrap his company's bid to take over BSkyB. Rupert Murdoch has arrived in the UK in the midst of the phone-hacking crisis, as he faces growing pressure to scrap his company's takeover bid for BSkyB.
Labour leader Ed Miliband urged him to abandon the bid and also to sack News International chief Rebekah Brooks, a former editor of the News of the World. Labour leader Ed Miliband urged him to abandon the bid and also to sack News International (NI) chief Rebekah Brooks, an ex-News of the World editor.
Mr Murdoch briefly visited the paper's Wapping headquarters. The BBC understands News International found e-mails in 2007 that appeared to show police were paid for information.
As he arrived, he was seen reading the historic final edition of the paper. NI says chairman James Murdoch had no knowledge of the e-mails.
The 80-year-old newspaper tycoon flew into the country on Sunday morning and immediately went to News International's head office in east London for talks with key executives. The evidence of alleged criminal behaviour was not handed to the Metropolitan Police for investigation until 20 June, 2011, BBC business editor Robert Peston reported.
Mr Miliband said he would force a Commons vote to delay News Corporation's proposed takeover of the whole of BSkyB, until the investigation into the NoW was completed. Sources told our correspondent that the e-mails were in the possession of the firm of solicitors, Harbottle & Lewis, before being passed to detectives.
The last edition of the newpaper has been published, with a full-page apology for hacking mobile phones of hundreds of people, including murdered teenager Milly Dowler. He said the e-mails appear to show Andy Coulson, editor of the News of the World from 2003-2007, authorising payments to the police for help with stories.
And they also appear to show that phone hacking went wider than the activities of a single rogue reporter, which News of the World claimed at the time.
News International says James Murdoch, Rupert's son, had no knowledge of the e-mails that Harbottle & Lewis were asked to review.
Rupert Murdoch flew into the country on Sunday morning and immediately went to News International's head office in east London for talks with key executives.
The last edition of the News of the World was published on Sunday, with a full-page apology for hacking mobile phones of hundreds of people, including murdered teenager Milly Dowler.
On Thursday, James Murdoch announced the paper would be closing down in the wake of the latest revelations and in its final editorial the paper said: "Quite simply, we lost our way".
Mrs Brooks has been under pressure over staying in her role while journalists on the paper have lost their jobs.Mrs Brooks has been under pressure over staying in her role while journalists on the paper have lost their jobs.
Meanwhile, Mr Miliband said he would force a Commons vote to delay News Corporation's proposed takeover of the whole of BSkyB, until the investigation into the NoW was completed.
Mr Miliband denied he had "declared war on Rupert Murdoch" but also called on him to abandon the BSkyB bid.Mr Miliband denied he had "declared war on Rupert Murdoch" but also called on him to abandon the BSkyB bid.
Mr Murdoch's son, James, announced on Thursday the paper would be closing down in the wake of the latest revelations and in its final editorial the paper said: "Quite simply, we lost our way".
Campaigners, including actor Hugh Grant, have claimed the closure of the paper was a cynical move designed to protect the BSkyB takeover.Campaigners, including actor Hugh Grant, have claimed the closure of the paper was a cynical move designed to protect the BSkyB takeover.
Mr Miliband said the takeover should be referred to the Competition Commission rather than "relying on assurances from News International".Mr Miliband said the takeover should be referred to the Competition Commission rather than "relying on assurances from News International".
He said he did not want to force a vote in the Commons but David Cameron had left him no option. He said he did not want to force a vote in the Commons but Prime Minister David Cameron had left him no option.
'Disgusting revelations''Disgusting revelations'
"He has got to understand that when the public have seen the disgusting revelations that we have seen this week, the idea that this organisation, which engaged in these terrible practices, should be allowed to take over BSkyB, to get that 100% stake, without the criminal investigation having been completed and on the basis of assurances from that self-same organisation - frankly that just won't wash with the public," he told BBC1's Andrew Marr programme."He has got to understand that when the public have seen the disgusting revelations that we have seen this week, the idea that this organisation, which engaged in these terrible practices, should be allowed to take over BSkyB, to get that 100% stake, without the criminal investigation having been completed and on the basis of assurances from that self-same organisation - frankly that just won't wash with the public," he told BBC1's Andrew Marr programme.
Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said he was "concerned" by the BSkyB deal.
Mr Hammond told Sky News: "I understand people would be very concerned [if the BSkyB takeover went through while criminal investigations were ongoing] and I think many of us would be very concerned.
"But we have to operate within the law. If the motion is calling on the government to ignore its duties under the law, simply to ride roughshod over the law, then I'm afraid that would be calling on us to be in no better position than others are currently being accused of," he added.
The Labour leader also denied there were similarities between former NoW editor Andy Coulson, who went on to work for the Conservatives, and his own director of strategy Tom Baldwin.The Labour leader also denied there were similarities between former NoW editor Andy Coulson, who went on to work for the Conservatives, and his own director of strategy Tom Baldwin.
Mr Coulson resigned as the prime minister's spokesman in January saying ongoing hacking claims were distracting him from his job. He denies knowledge of phone hacking during his NoW editorship from 2003-07. Mr Coulson resigned as the prime minister's spokesman in January, saying ongoing hacking claims were distracting him from his job. He denies knowledge of phone hacking during his NoW editorship from 2003-07.
Earlier Andrew Marr asked Mr Miliband about allegations which had been made by Michael Ashcroft, a former deputy Conservative chairman and major donor, that Mr Baldwin, a former journalist at The Times, had recruited a private investigator to hack into Mr Ashcroft's bank account.Earlier Andrew Marr asked Mr Miliband about allegations which had been made by Michael Ashcroft, a former deputy Conservative chairman and major donor, that Mr Baldwin, a former journalist at The Times, had recruited a private investigator to hack into Mr Ashcroft's bank account.
Mr Miliband said the claims were not true, Mr Baldwin had denied it and it did not bear comparison with Mr Coulson's situation.Mr Miliband said the claims were not true, Mr Baldwin had denied it and it did not bear comparison with Mr Coulson's situation.
He added: "I have to say that this is pretty desperate stuff because the prime minister must answer the real questions at the heart of this affair - about his error of judgment in hiring Andy Coulson and the mounting evidence there now is about the warnings that were given to him before he brought Andy Coulson into the heart of the government machine."
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, a Liberal Democrat, did not rule out voting for the motion in the Commons but said he would have to study the wording.Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, a Liberal Democrat, did not rule out voting for the motion in the Commons but said he would have to study the wording.
He said: "There are two separate processes here - one is that Ofcom can at any time investigate whether the people running one of our broadcast organisations are fit and proper people - and that's not associated with the question of clearing the merger. Meanwhile, Scotland Yard Assistant Commissioner John Yates has expressed "extreme regret" for not reopening the phone hacking investigation two years ago.
"I believe we should have a personal assurance from Rupert Murdoch that these illegal practices were confined to the News of the World." 'Emotional' final day
Meanwhile Scotland Yard Assistant Commissioner John Yates has expressed "extreme regret" for not reopening the phone hacking investigation two years ago. In an href="" >interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he said he regretted the way he had handled it after reviewing the initial police investigation which led to the conviction of private investigator Glenn Mulcaire in 2007.
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he said he regretted the way he had handled it after reviewing the initial police investigation which led to the conviction of private investigator Glenn Mulcaire in 2007.
Mr Yates said he did not re-examine the 11,000 pages of material recovered from Mulcaire's home but spent eight hours considering the matter, and consulted the Crown Prosecution Service, but decided there was no likelihood of further convictions.Mr Yates said he did not re-examine the 11,000 pages of material recovered from Mulcaire's home but spent eight hours considering the matter, and consulted the Crown Prosecution Service, but decided there was no likelihood of further convictions.
Yates 'will not resign' He admitted the Metropolitan Police's reputation had been tarnished by the scandal, but said he had no intention of resigning.
He said the decision now seemed a "pretty crap one". During a short speech to more than 200 staff outside the paper's offices late on Saturday night editor, Colin Myler held up the 8,674th and final edition, saying: "This is not where we want to be and not where we deserve to be."
Mr Yates admitted the Metropolitan Police's reputation had been tarnished by the scandal but said he had no intention of resigning. The NoW doubled Sunday's print run to five million, with money from the sales being donated to four charities.
During a short speech to more than 200 staff outside the paper's offices in Wapping, east London, late on Saturday night editor Colin Myler held up the 8,674th and final edition of the Sunday newspaper, saying: "This is not where we want to be and not where we deserve to be." The National Federation of Retail Newsagents said sales figures from its members suggested an average increase in sales at midday of more than 30% compared with the total sales from last Sunday.
The NoW has doubled Sunday's print run to five million, with money from the sales being donated to four charities. The family of Milly Dowler, whose phone was allegedly hacked after her abduction in 2002, is to meet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on Monday to discuss the independent inquiries related to the phone hacking scandal, and will meet Mr Cameron later in the week.
The National Federation of Retail Newsagents said early figures, based on a sample of 10 of its members, suggested the paper had already sold 34% more by 1230BST than it did in the whole of last Sunday. In a letter to MPs released on Saturday, Mrs Brooks denied all knowledge of alleged hacking of Milly's phone or any other case while she was editor.
Alan Edwards, one of the NoW journalists who has now lost his job, told the BBC it had been a "terribly emotional" final day on the paper, working on a "momentous edition".
He said: "We wanted to leave with our heads held high. Whatever went on years ago was nothing to do with those of us who left yesterday."
The family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, whose phone was allegedly hacked after her abduction in 2002, is to meet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on Monday to discuss the independent inquiries related to the phone hacking scandal, and will meet Mr Cameron later in the week.
In a letter to MPs released on Saturday, Mrs Brooks denied all knowledge of alleged hacking of the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler or any other case while she was editor.