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Malaysia rally: Kuala Lumpur 'to be locked down' Malaysia: Hundreds detained over banned rally
(about 11 hours later)
Malaysian police have said they will block access to the capital Kuala Lumpur for 24 hours because of a planned pro-electoral reform rally. Malaysian police have detained more than 330 people as they tried to assemble for a banned protest in the capital Kuala Lumpur.
Major roads were due to be shut and public transportation suspended from midnight (1600 GMT). Opposition activists are trying to gather supporters for a rally calling for electoral reform.
A group calling itself the Bersih 2.0 coalition plans to hold the rally in a sports stadium on Saturday. The police said the rally was illegal and that they would do everything they could to maintain order.
Major roads were blocked off and public transportation suspended from midnight on Friday (1600 GMT).
"The public is reminded not to be involved in any demonstration," a federal police statement said.
"Stern action will be taken against those who disobey."
A group calling itself the Bersih 2.0 coalition had been planning to hold the rally in a sports stadium on Saturday.
Police have questioned more than 150 activists in recent weeks, and 91 have been barred from the city.Police have questioned more than 150 activists in recent weeks, and 91 have been barred from the city.
More than 30 activists remain in detention after being arrested almost two weeks ago.More than 30 activists remain in detention after being arrested almost two weeks ago.
The demonstrators initially organised a street rally, but agreed to hold their gathering in a sports stadium after objections from the authorities.The demonstrators initially organised a street rally, but agreed to hold their gathering in a sports stadium after objections from the authorities.
'Keep our focus'
But police say the rally is still illegal, despite its change of venue.But police say the rally is still illegal, despite its change of venue.
"Merdeka Stadium, which they chose, is too close to the city centre and can create massive traffic jams and disrupt businesses," federal police chief Ismail Omar was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times."Merdeka Stadium, which they chose, is too close to the city centre and can create massive traffic jams and disrupt businesses," federal police chief Ismail Omar was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times.
Security has been stepped up in Kuala Lumpur. Riot police with water cannons are warning that anyone seen participating in protests will be arrested.
Many are surprised with this amount of security. Malaysia prides itself on being a peaceful democracy with a Muslim majority, but there are citizens who are pushing for faster reform.
Analysts say how the police are going to handle the push for reform is seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has tried to position himself as a leader of change.
So far he's not taking any chances. He has dismissed allegations from opposition parties that the electoral system is plagued with fraud.
He blames opposition parties for trying to create chaos in order to generate political momentum.
Police have not given a permit for the rally, but the demonstrators have argued that they do not need permission.Police have not given a permit for the rally, but the demonstrators have argued that they do not need permission.
"We are heading for the stadium," a representative of Bersih, Andrew Khoo, told AFP news agency."We are heading for the stadium," a representative of Bersih, Andrew Khoo, told AFP news agency.
"We will keep our focus on the basic demands... to campaign for free and fair elections. We won't be distracted.""We will keep our focus on the basic demands... to campaign for free and fair elections. We won't be distracted."
Rally organisers say Malaysia's electoral system is plagued with fraud - they want longer campaign periods, automatic voter registration and equality of access to the largely government-linked mainstream media.Rally organisers say Malaysia's electoral system is plagued with fraud - they want longer campaign periods, automatic voter registration and equality of access to the largely government-linked mainstream media.
The authorities say the protesters are trying to promote communist ideology, thereby "waging war against the king".The authorities say the protesters are trying to promote communist ideology, thereby "waging war against the king".
Police have accused several of those they have arrested of carrying flyers and T-shirts with "inflammatory slogans".Police have accused several of those they have arrested of carrying flyers and T-shirts with "inflammatory slogans".
The police launched a crackdown after a similar demonstration in 2007.The police launched a crackdown after a similar demonstration in 2007.
Analysts say that protest helped the opposition win an unprecedented number of seats in the last general election.Analysts say that protest helped the opposition win an unprecedented number of seats in the last general election.