May Day getaway traffic 'lighter' Version 0 of 1. Predictions of the busiest May Day getaway ever have not been borne out as many motorists stayed off the roads. Trafficmaster said the road network was no more congested than an average Friday afternoon, despite warnings of major traffic congestion. A spokesman said the M25 and the M1 north of London were busy, but "it was not the sort of congestion you get at the beginning of other bank holidays". Meanwhile, rail stations were busy from the early afternoon. Delays affected passengers travelling with the Southeastern Railway company due to signalling problems near Dover. Home and abroad Some two million people were thought to be heading abroad for the weekend, with New York the favourite destination. Heathrow Airport was expecting 800,000 travellers to pass through. Those staying in the UK who had been hoping the warm, sunny weather might last may be disappointed. BBC Weather is expecting some sunshine but also lingering cloud in places and more wind. The AA breakdown service had anticipated handling 51,000 breakdowns but may now find they are rather less busy. |