'Unlucky' dog finds new home with explorer


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An animal dubbed "Somerset's unluckiest dog" has found another home after three unsuccessful attempts.

Taunton-based adventurer Katie-Jane L'Herpiniere is taking on two-year-old Derek after previous owners were unable to cope with his boisterousness.

The Staffordshire bull terrier cross collie has spent more than half his life in RSPCA care.

Mrs L'Herpiniere said she and her husband's lifestyle "suited him down to the ground".

"We weren't actually looking for a dog at all," she said.

"There aren't that many people who probably had the lifestyle where they could give him the exercise.

"We felt it was our duty to take him on.

"We live on a farm and we do hours of exercise every day. I think he'd be perfect."


Derek had been at the West Hatch Animal Centre, near Taunton, since March 2010, when his homeless owner handed him over to staff.

He has since had three new homes, including time spent with the Army, but has been returned each time.

Derek was first snapped up by new owners in May 2010, but was returned just 22 days later as his new owners we unable to cope with his "over-enthusiastic take on life".

Army officers liked what they saw and took Derek on as a potential new recruit.

But, while the dog trainers loved Derek's personality, they discovered that he disliked getting in and out of vehicles.

He was then returned to the RSPCA as unsuitable for their training.

He was rehomed again but the moment he arrived at his new residence, he jumped into the household pond and then dried himself off on the family sofa.

He was returned to the RSPCA just 22 hours after being adopted.