Memorial unveiled for killed Hove grocer Tony Magdi

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Friends of a Sussex shopkeeper killed after being attacked by a cyclist have unveiled a memorial to him.

Tony Magdi, 52, was punched in the face after he opened a car door in the path of 36-year-old Paul Lambeth.

He suffered serious head injuries in the attack in Portland Road, Hove, and died in hospital three weeks later.

Friends have planted an olive tree outside Mr Magdi's grocer shop. Lambeth, of Stafford Road, Brighton, admitted manslaughter.

He was jailed for 18 months on 3 June.

'Symbolic gesture'

Paul Soden, a friend of Mr Magdi, said: "Tony was of Mediterranean climates, he came from Egypt, so we thought it was a symbolic gesture we could do to remember Tony.

"We'd love him still to be here but at least we can remember him."

Lambeth, who was among three cyclists who had to swerve to avoid the car door, hit Mr Magdi in the face with a single punch.

Mr Magdi died in Hurstwood Park Neurological Centre, Haywards Heath, on 28 November.

Lambeth and the other cyclists fled the scene after the attack. Lambeth only gave himself up after he had been identified as a suspect.