Newspaper review: Twitter whispers make front pages

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The socialite Jemima Khan is pictured on the front pages of the <a href="" >Times</a> and the <a href="" >Daily Express</a>.

It comes after a member of the social networking site Twitter wrongly accused her of taking out a super-injunction.

The <a href="" >Daily Telegraph</a> and the <a href="" >Daily Star</a> opt for photos of the man she denies having an affair with, Jeremy Clarkson.

The Telegraph says the only reason it can talk about the allegations is because the information is not covered by an injunction and is not true.

Claw money

The <a href="" >Financial Times</a> leads on the banks' decision to pay compensation to customers mis-sold loan insurance.

The personal finance editor of the <a href="" >Times</a>, Andrew Elson, doubts that the banks have learned their lesson.

He says they are already trying to sell identity theft cover even though they are legally obliged to refund customers' losses to fraud anyway.

<a href="" >Daily Mirror</a> business editor Clinton Manning believes free current accounts may end as banks claw the money back.

Cream teas

The <a href="" >Guardian leads on a government plan to offer extra places</a> for British students at English universities.

But high fees and no publicly funded support mean these places are only for the wealthy, the paper warns.

The <a href="" >Independent says proposals to rent out Westminster Hall</a> for functions including weddings are a sign MPs are looking at ways of raising some cash.

The paper says other plans include opening a souvenir shop, and offering cream teas on the Commons terrace.

Village green

The <a href="" >Daily Mail says Darlington Council has a new policy</a> which means its staff are not allowed to cut any grass which slopes by 25 degrees or more.

This is in case their ride-on mowers topple over, the Mail reports.

The paper says the once beautifully manicured green in the village of Middleton One Row has gone untouched.

A spokesman tells the <a href="" >Daily Telegraph</a> that the council is unable to buy the specialised equipment needed "in the current economic climate".