Oil ship death inquiry postponed


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The inquiry into the capsize of the Bourbon Dolphin, off Shetland, with the loss of eight lives, has been postponed.

It had been due to begin in Alesund, Norway, on Friday.

However, this would have clashed with the funeral of the boat's skipper Oddne Arve Remøy, 44, and the memorial service for his son, David Remøy, 14.

The oil rig support vessel sank on Sunday, three days after it capsized. The inquiry will begin next Wednesday.

Raising boat

It is thought the boat will not be raised from the seabed, however, the Norwegian government has been asked if it could help cover the costs to make that possible.

The boat capsized about 85 miles west of the Shetland coast.

Three bodies were recovered and five others are missing, presumed dead. It is thought their bodies may still be inside the boat.

The crew members confirmed to have died are Mr Remøy, chief officer Bjarte Grimstad, 37, and 31-year-old second officer Kjetil Rune Våge.

The missing are David Remøy, who was on work experience, chief engineer Frank Nygård, 42, second engineer Ronny Emblem, 25, electrician Søren Kroer, 27, and 54-year-old bosun Tor Karl Sandø.