Iran film 'to tell sailors' tale'

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The Iranian military says it will soon release a film documenting the arrest, interrogation and statements by UK sailors held in Iran for two weeks.

It said it was a huge scandal for the UK military that some of the sailors had been allowed to sell their stories.

The military will release a CD and book about the arrest of the sailors - or, as it calls them, "British aggressors".

The statement came from the culture and propaganda office of the joint chief of staff of Iran's armed forces.

The suggestion is this film will prove Iran's contention that it treated the sailors well and they confessed to entering Iranian waters of their own volition.

The Iranian military has now supported the line of the foreign ministry, saying the British government forced the group to refute their earlier statements, making them read from a prepared text.

The Iranian military also says Britain has put on a childish show after the release of its naval personnel and instead of welcoming Iran's compassionate attitude, the UK again showed its aggressive nature and ignorance of international law.

It seems Iran and Britain are increasingly engaged in a media war over the sailors, trading accusations over their treatment nearly a week after they were set free.