Bite attack man found not guilty Version 0 of 1. A man accused of attempting to murder a pensioner he repeatedly bit during an attack at his home has been found not guilty by reason of insanity. Hereford Crown Court heard Jan Ometak, 27, of Princess Avenue, Hereford, entered 75-year-old Douglas Morgan's home at Lyonshall, near Kington. Mr Ometak has been detained at a Birmingham clinic and will receive ongoing treatment. He was diagnosed as suffering from a schizo-affected disorder. 'Thumb tip bitten off' The court was told Mr Ometak, a Slovakian, came to the UK to work at a joinery firm about 18 months before the attack in July last year. His boss had contacted Mr Ometak's GP in Hereford but could not get him any treatment. Just 24 hours before the attack on Mr Morgan he had attended Hereford Hospital where he was advised to see a psychiatrist but discharged himself. Mr Morgan was recovering from a heart by-pass operation when Mr Ometak broke into his property in the early hours of the morning. The defendant first hit Mr Morgan with a broken lamp, when he tried to push him away Mr Ometak put his hand into his mouth and bit off the tip of his thumb. The jury was told Mr Ometak had no previous convictions. |