More time to quiz 7 July suspects

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Police have been given a further seven days to question three men arrested last week over the 7 July suicide bombings in London.

They can now be held until 5 April before police have to charge or release them or seek a further extension.

Mohammed Shakil, 30, and Shipon Ullah, 23, were arrested at Manchester Airport, and Sadeer Saleem, 26, was arrested at an address in Leeds.

The men are suspected of commissioning, preparing or instigating terrorism.

Mr Shakil, from Leeds, and Mr Ullah were boarding a flight to Pakistan when they were detained last Thursday.

All three are being questioned at Paddington Green police station in London.

Under anti-terror laws, they can be held for a maximum of 28 days.

'Pre-planned operation'

Four suicide attacks killed 52 people on three London Underground trains and a bus in 2005.

Bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, Germaine Lindsay, 19, and Hasib Hussain, 18, all died in the blasts, and no-one has yet been charged over the attacks.

After Mr Shakil's arrest, Abdul Waheed, owner of Gee Gee Cars in Beeston Park, said the suspect had worked for his firm for the past four months.

But two weeks ago, he said Mr Shakil handed in his notice, saying he was going to Pakistan.

Scotland Yard said last week the men were arrested as part of a pre-planned, intelligence-led operation which also involved the West Yorkshire Police Counter Terrorism Unit.

As part of the operation, detectives searched five houses in the Beeston area of Leeds and two premises in east London.