MMR uptake 'still below target'

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The proportion of children receiving the MMR vaccine in Scotland is continuing to rise - but is still below recommended levels.

Figures showed an uptake of 92.1% among two-year-olds last year, an increase from 89.9% in 2005.

Experts say 95% of children should be immunised to protect the general public against measles, mumps and rubella.

Ministers hailed the "positive sign", but the Scottish Conservatives called for the NHS to offer single vaccines.

Parents who want their children to have individual injections must currently pay to have this done privately.

We will work with the NHS to ensure this trend continues and they move towards meeting our target of a 95% uptake Scottish Executive spokesman

Conservative health spokeswoman Dr Nanette Milne argued that the 95% target may not be achieved for some considerable time.

"Given the number of parents refusing to have their children vaccinated with MMR, and the worrying number choosing not to vaccinate their children at all, alternative action must be taken," she said.

"At present, only those who can afford to pay for the single vaccine have the choice - that is wrong.

"This choice must be extended to the parents of every child by placing the single vaccine on the NHS. It is not right that only the better off can afford to choose the treatment available to their children."

Positive sign

The MMR vaccine was introduced in 1988, but the numbers of children getting the jab dropped after a controversial study suggested it was linked to autism.

However, a Scottish Executive spokeswoman stressed: "The evidence is that MMR vaccine does not cause autism."

She said the increasing uptake of the triple jab was a positive sign.

"This is testament to the efforts of health professionals and parents in ensuring children are protected against the risks these diseases pose.

"We will work with the NHS to ensure this trend continues and they move towards meeting our target of a 95% uptake," she said.

Immunisation rate

No Scottish health board met the 95% target for two-year-olds over the year, with Dumfries and Galloway coming closest with a figure of 94.8%.

The uptake rate was lowest in Orkney, where 84.4% of children in the age group were immunised in 2006.

The target immunisation rate of 95% was met for all other diseases last year, according to the figures from the Information Services Division of the NHS in Scotland.

It also released information for the last three months of 2006, which showed a national uptake rate of 92.8%, up by 0.8% on the previous quarter.

Dumfries and Galloway met the 95% target during that three-month period.