Harry club fracas claims denied


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Clarence House has denied reports that Prince Harry was involved in a fracas with a photographer as he left a London nightclub on Saturday morning.

Several newspapers carry pictures of Harry apparently stumbling to the ground and being helped to his feet.

The prince, an officer in the Blues and Royals, is alleged to have lashed out and sworn at a photographer.

Clarence House said he had fallen onto a photographer but there had been no "aggressive intent".

A spokesman said: "He was out with friends and on the way out of the nightclub he stumbled on the kerb and fell on the photographer.

"There was no aggressive intent, they were laughing at it at the time."

The statement followed the appearance in several newspapers of pictures of Harry, the third in line to the throne, leaving Boujis in central London at 3am on Saturday.

Photographer Nirach Tanner told the News of the World the prince, who is due to serve in Iraq later this year, had sworn at him and then tried to push him over.

"It was an assault. I've never known anything like it before," the newspaper quotes him as saying.