Lost eagles spotted near airport


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Three eagles lost at separate bird handling demonstrations are thought to have made their way to the Vale of Glamorgan.

The Bateleur eagles escaped from their handlers at events in the Cotswolds, Exmoor and Sussex last August.

The distinctive birds are recognisable for their tailless body, red faces and legs and black and white underwing.

Their owners are keen to trace them and are focusing the search near Cardiff airport after sightings.

Barry Macdonald who run the Dyfi Valley Raptor Experience in mid Wales said he had been in contact with the owners of the birds.

"The eagles have been seen near Cardiff airport," he said.

"We know it is them because they are very colourful and it takes about six years to reach adult plumage.

"The birds that have been seen are at various stages of reaching adult plumage so we can identify them.

"It's quite unusual for three of the same species of eagle to escape and head to the same place.

"I don't know why they seem to have headed to the Cardiff airport area, maybe it was something to do with the wind patterns."

Mr Macdonald said the owners of the birds are hoping members of the public could report any sightings of them in order for them to be taken home.

Bateleur eagles originate from Africa and are members of the snake eagle family. They feed on carrion and small mammals in the wild.