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Strike may disrupt driving tests Strike may disrupt driving tests
(32 minutes later)
People taking their driving test are facing disruptions as examiners stage a 24-hour strike.People taking their driving test are facing disruptions as examiners stage a 24-hour strike.
Almost 2,000 officials at the Nottingham-based Driving Standards Agency (DSA) are opposing restructuring and changes in working practices.Almost 2,000 officials at the Nottingham-based Driving Standards Agency (DSA) are opposing restructuring and changes in working practices.
Candidates are being urged to turn up for their tests as planned, as the DSA said not all will be affected.Candidates are being urged to turn up for their tests as planned, as the DSA said not all will be affected.
DSA said its plans are aimed at making the best use of public money and improving road safety.DSA said its plans are aimed at making the best use of public money and improving road safety.
This is the second stoppage in recent months and the Public and Commercial Services Union has warned the industrial action will continue.This is the second stoppage in recent months and the Public and Commercial Services Union has warned the industrial action will continue.
The union is unhappy about plans to axe 80 jobs and close sites in Edinburgh, Birmingham and London.The union is unhappy about plans to axe 80 jobs and close sites in Edinburgh, Birmingham and London.
Service worriesService worries
General secretary Mark Serwotka said services were bound to suffer.General secretary Mark Serwotka said services were bound to suffer.
"As well as losing jobs, examiners who deliver a front-line service - and the government claim they're trying to improve front-line services - will now be expected to do more bureaucratic work, finance and HR work, instead of concentrating on driving tests."As well as losing jobs, examiners who deliver a front-line service - and the government claim they're trying to improve front-line services - will now be expected to do more bureaucratic work, finance and HR work, instead of concentrating on driving tests.
"And that will mean, ultimately, the service will get worse.""And that will mean, ultimately, the service will get worse."
A previous strike in July led to 42% of scheduled tests being cancelled, while a subsequent work-to-rule has also disrupted tests.A previous strike in July led to 42% of scheduled tests being cancelled, while a subsequent work-to-rule has also disrupted tests.
The DSA has denied jobs were earmarked to go because of the closure of customer service centres.The DSA has denied jobs were earmarked to go because of the closure of customer service centres.
If tests are cancelled through the dispute they are rebooked automatically and compensation can be claimed, the DSA said.If tests are cancelled through the dispute they are rebooked automatically and compensation can be claimed, the DSA said.

Were you due to take your driving test today but had it cancelled? Send us your experiences using the form below: