Papers react to Tory air tax plan

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A series of puns are used to report the reaction to Conservative proposals for new green taxes on air travel.

The Times says the plans failed to take off, while the Daily Mail says they ran into turbulence.

Meanwhile, the Sun dismisses the plans as pie in the sky and the Daily Mirror says the idea crashed on take-off.

The Daily Telegraph, which calls the proposals an act of symbolism, says the Tories are meant to be hard-headed pragmatists and should do better.

Forgotten soldiers

There is anger in apparent shortcomings on care received by British troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Daily Express says the "betrayal" of our forgotten soldiers etches deep shame where there should be pride.

For the Mail, their "contemptuous" treatment shames the UK and is "disgracefully wrong".

It says they are owed a duty of care long after they have left active service - and that it does not matter what that costs the country.

Chirac legacy

President Chirac's announcement that he will not stand for a third term in the French election next month prompts assessments on his legacy.

The Telegraph says it is not easy to find nice things to say about him.

The Independent says he spent 25 energetic and determined years plotting against enemies and knifing friends to reach the pinnacle of power.

The Times says he excelled in foreign policy - but the Mail says he leaves a difficult economic and social legacy.

School menu

The Sun says it has found the place where the UK's poshest school dinners are served.

Oldbury College of Sport does not offer chips, and fizzy drinks and chocolate are banned as well.

The West Midlands school has a menu featuring prawn salad followed by lobster thermidor and a home-made peach muffin for pudding.

And best of all, the paper continues, is the price - a three-course meal and drink costs just £1.65.